The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 454: Meet Mrs. Yin

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan pulled away to hide.

Mu Ruona told Xi Xi to say, "Don't take care of him when Qiao Qi's guy is not doing right."

Mo Zixuan also agreed: "He is a standard playboy. No woman in the world can take him. You, don't walk too close to him as soon as possible."

Listening to two people, you are talking about Qiao Qi's history of flowers, and said helplessly: "What are you worried about? I don't like his type."

Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan said in unison: "Aren’t we worried that you will be cheated by him to help him do bad things? You are not looking at him, but his mouth is too good to say, he can live He can be said to be dead, but he can also be said to be alive. When he asks you for any help, you will be embarrassed to refuse. Do you know?

Oh, are they worried about this?

Ah, really don't say it.

If you are your good friend, ask yourself for help, and you are really not the kind of person who says refusal easily.

"So, keep an appropriate distance with him!" Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan summed up in unison.

No matter what he said, he nodded again and again.

The three women stood together, which was a beautiful landscape in itself.

Not to mention the identities of the three people...well, they are all mysterious.

Mo Zixuan, as the Miss Mo family, actually did not have many opportunities to make an official appearance.

In addition, her long and delicate appearance, and the appearance of a weak wind and willow, make it easier for people to ignore her ability and family background.

And Mu Ruona... well, her natural flamboyant face is really not what she wants.

But by nature, what can she do?

Wasn't the g-cup breast grown out deliberately?

What can she do with her parents who are suffering from body and skin problems?

She is always misunderstood that it is a big or small Xiaomi or a good friend, and she is also used to it.

As for...

Well, in the past three years, no one has seen her very much.

Even the intentional person thought she was familiar, but she didn't even bring her together with Gu three years ago.

Besides, when Gu Xixi made his appearance three years ago, they all looked upright.

Now, compared to three years ago, I have lost a lot. I have a slender and petite body, a small face, a changed hairstyle, and a different temperament.

Therefore, the famous ladies and gentlemen present did not recognize these three people.

If they know the identities of these three people, it is estimated that they smashed their heads to get a good impression?

The purpose of Xixi and Mu Ruona coming today is to open up their social circle, so naturally it cannot be limited to the small world of three people, but it must be brave to be together with other ladies and ladies.

Before waiting for Xi Xi to say hello, someone has already found it.

"Miss Yun Er is disturbed, the old lady invites you!" A housekeeper walked in front of Xi and said after only a few courtesies.

"Old lady looking for me?" He was stunned and then put down the cocktail glass in his hand, saying, "Since that is the case, please lead the way."

Xixi didn't know why the old lady would find herself before the birthday banquet officially started, but she was looking for herself, there must be something to tell herself?

Xixi didn't want anything else, so she followed the housekeeper.

In the corner of the dark place, there are several gloomy eyes that gradually leave with the shadowy back.

They come here for different purposes.

But there is a common wish, it is good to see nowhere!

If it is not because of insufficient status, they will definitely follow the past and make Gu Xixi look good!

Xixi followed the female housekeeper and quickly left the banquet scene. After passing through several courtyards along the winding corridor, she arrived at her destination.

Many guests come today, so several yards have been set up as banquet venues.

Each venue has a wall-sized LED display.

This posture is almost catching up with the feeling of the Spring Festival Gala.

One main venue is not enough, you have to get a few branch venues.

No way, who is calling too many guests today?

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Mrs. Yin in exquisite Tang suit with Fulu shading sitting in front of a short table, and a young girl beside him was kneeling on the futon to give Mrs. Yin slowly Pouring tea.

"Old lady, you come to me." Xi said hello as soon as she entered the door.

Mrs. Yin pointed at the seat in front of her and said to Xi: "Sit down and talk."

Without hesitation, Xi Xi sat down in front of Mrs. Yin.

The young girl immediately poured a cup of tea.

Mrs. Yin waved her hand and the girl left immediately.

"I called you alone, I wanted to ask you a few words." Mrs. Yin said that there was a pause here. It seemed that there was something inexplicable that glanced at it, and sighed before saying: "You Since this child has returned to China, why not go home?"

Xixi immediately lowered her head and dared not raise her head to meet the old lady’s gaze, and said softly: “Old lady, I don’t remember the previous things. I don’t know if I should continue my life in the past. The current life, actually Not bad, is it?"

Mrs. Yin's mouth raised a smile: "Can't believe my grandson? Do you think he is not sincere to you?"

Xixi secretly screamed a great old lady!

She thought so clearly what she thought and what she worried about!

"But it's not surprising that you can think like this." Mrs. Yin continued: "Explain that you are a person with a brain, not a person who ignores when the brain is hot. When I first saw you, I was I feel that you are different from other girls, so you can force you to marry Si Chen. Sure enough, you did not let me down. It is our Yin family who are sorry for you. It is normal for you to have concerns."

He bit his lip without answering.

"When I saw you for the first time, I was just surprised that there would be such a big coincidence in this world. Only later did I realize that this is not a coincidence, this is a fate. Even if you marry in Gu Xixi's capacity Yin family, but you are still the identity of Miss Yunjia, this is beyond doubt. It is precisely because of this that our Yin family can't do anything to stop you from leaving. Right or wrong, I don't No, just let yourself judge.” Mrs. Yin continued: “It’s just that you remember, whether you admit or not, you are the one who belongs to the Yin genealogy, you are the mother of Yu Yan , You are the young grandma of the Yin family. Here, you can come at any time."

"Really... is it okay?" Xixi suddenly looked up and looked at Mrs. Yin with expectation: "I can really see the children...and...and others?"

The last few words were added hard.

The old lady didn't take it seriously, nodded and said, "I'm afraid you are thinking too hard, so I called you alone to make it clear to you."

Xixi looked at Mrs. Yin with gratitude: "Thank you, Mrs. Yin."

"My son has already recognized you, and I am a grandmother, why should I stop it? Moreover, this family is no longer my master." Mrs. Yin sighed: "I am eighty years old and old It’s not useful. My old bones can watch the great-grandson grow up, there is no regrets. If you can still see you give Yin Jia a man and a half, it’s really a blessing for Yin Jia.”

Hearing this, his face turned red for no reason.

She confessed that she was indeed...not very resistant to Yin Sichen.

But if you don’t resist, it doesn’t mean you will remarry him and have a baby?

Moreover, she had a check, and her body was so bad that she was not so easy to get pregnant.

I didn't know why I was short, but now I know that the blood and blood caused by the hemorrhage during the birth of the baby are both lost.

This is not a good supplement.

"Okay, I have nothing to do here. I just want to tell you a few words." Mrs. Yin said, holding up her teacup: "Huoer recognized you, and I also recognize you here."

Xi Xi saw that Mrs. Yin picked up the tea cup and immediately took a sip of tea: "Then I will retreat first."

Mrs. Yin nodded, watching Xi Xi leave the room.

Leaving the room, thinking about Mrs. Yin's words, she was a little confused and walked into a strange yard unconsciously.

When Xixi recovered and turned to go back along the road, two small dialogue voices suddenly attracted Xixi's attention.

"Who are you? You have a facelift like this?" A woman with a sharp voice, despite lowering her voice, clearly conveyed her voice.

"Who do I have to do with you?" Another woman said with a sneer: "Yin Xuemo, you are just a dog of the Yin family. You really think you are the Miss Yin family. It's sad! You! I like that man, but don’t people look at you?"

"How do you know... who the **** are you?" Yin Xuemo's voice became sharper.

Xixi suddenly posted on the wall.

She is not a person who likes to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, but the other party's next sentence suddenly pulled her footsteps to leave.

"You appear here today, do you want to watch Gu Xixi's joke? Or do you want to ruin Gu Xixi again?" The other party smiled coldly: "Gu Xixi is back alive, are you surprised?"

Yin Xuemo looked at each other even more viciously.

I know she hates Gu Xixi a lot of people, but there has never been a person who looks like Gu Xixi nine points!

This man deliberately turned his face into Gu Xi, who is it for?

At Yin Sichen?

If this is the case, she would be happy.

She just doesn't care about it. If a woman who resembles her looks like nine points and steals Yin Sichen...hehehe, she will be very happy.

However, why is the other party full of hostility towards himself?

You may not be interested in Yin Sichen!

Yin Xuemo whispered: "I don't care who you are, you don't seem to like Gu Xi? Do you want to come with me to make her ugly?"

The other party sneered: "You just have to do stupid things, just do it yourself, don't pull on me. I used to be stupid to say that I'm still young, but now I'm so stupid that I am just born to be a stupid. Goodbye!"

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