The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 455: Jiang Huiyin touches Jiang Yi again

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Hearing this sentence, I couldn't get away if I wanted to walk, and a body flashed into the corner of a fortune tree to hide his body.

Fortunately, this tree of fortune is really majestic, and covering a person's body is not a problem at all.

Seeing through the branches and leaves, she saw the woman clearly for a moment.

Wasn’t this woman the one she met at Seongnam Manor the other day?

What's her name?

Ah yes, Jiang Ying, she said she was Jiang Ying!

So who is the person talking to her?

What she just talked to the other party has determined that she is full of malicious intentions to herself.

Xixi suddenly remembered that Jiang Ying still wanted to ask her to bring her in, and could not help Ji Lingling fought a chill.

Fortunately, I didn't bring her, otherwise I really don't know what it would be like.

The two people in this conversation seem to hate their teeth!

At this moment, Xixi has not responded. She has already assumed that she is Guxi.

She finally stopped resisting the name, and was used to the fact that she had another name.

After a while, Yin Xuemo also came out of the dark.

Yin Xuemo stared eerily at Jiang Huiyin's back, gritted her teeth and said, "Even if you look like Gu Xi, you are not her! What is arrogant with me?"

After finishing this sentence, Yin Xuemo also turned and walked on high heels of ten centimeters and left.

After the two had left, Xixi came out from behind the fortune tree. After thinking about it, she returned the same way and returned to Mu Ruona.

At this time, Mu Ruona had been very happy to talk to the husbands of several ladies circles. When she saw Xi come, she greeted her and said to several ladies: "Dani is my company. The two were carried together, and I will ask some ladies to take care of them in the future."

When a few ladies saw the moment, their whole body froze!

These noble ladies have seen Gu Xi before!

Although things seem to have changed a lot now, there are some things that will not change.

When the few ladies saw it, it was a **** expression.

Fortunately, these people are very adaptable, and immediately asked: "Come on? Gu Xi?"

Mu Ruona didn't explain, but took a walk and introduced to several ladies: "I solemnly introduce this, this is my good friend and partner, Miss Yun's second Yunxi."

A few expressions of sudden enlightenment flashed in the eyes of those ladies!

This is Gu Xixi!

Gu Xixi was a matter of Miss Yunjia II at that time. Although it was not widely publicized, people in the real top circle still knew!

Three years ago, Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen suddenly separated from Yan Ai and Li Yan, and once surprised many people's eyes.

Everyone is wondering what happened that year.

Judging from the current situation, Gu Xixi was able to appear here and the emperor was here, and the servants and servants of the Yin family will still respect Gu Xixi when they pass here.

Judging from the above two points, the Yin family must have done the wrong thing that year!

Moreover, in the past three years, Yin Sichen has been keeping himself clean and has never had any gossip. This clearly shows that he is admitting his mistakes, and begging the rhythm of Miss Yun's compound!

Gu Xixi changed her name to Yunxi, and she could not change the fact that she used to be Yin Jiashao!

More than 90% of the people present were dependent on the Yin family to survive.

Now that I know my identity, why dare to neglect it?

Yin Sichen's position is so obvious, who dare to look at the future mistress of the Yin consortium?

The minds of these noble ladies did not respond slowly. They immediately understood what they were, and stretched out their hands to hold Xi Xi's hands. The more serious the expression, the more serious, and the more enthusiastic, the more enthusiastic: I’m also interested in cosmetics. When Danny opens in the future, you must remember to send us an invitation letter! If you have a new product, you must remember to tell us!"

Xixi received such a warm welcome as soon as she came over, and suddenly felt a little bit confused.

Mu Ruona smiled on the side is both treacherous and proud.

She knew that as long as the banquet was brought here today, it would definitely do more with less.

Even if you don’t say a word, it’s enough to stop there!

"It must be." Mu Ruona said quickly: "If you forget others, don't dare to forget ladies!"

Xixi is still feeling confused.

"Sorry, I'm out of company." Mu Ruona pulled her and began to say hello to the next wave of people.

Soon, the ladies and the ladies of the whole venue knew about Danny.

I also know that Miss Yunxi, one of the directors of Danny, is actually Gu Xixi three years ago!

It was at this time that the assistant next to Yin Sichen specially brought a cup of health soup to Xixi, instructing her to drink and nourish her stomach. After drinking in the province for a while, no restraint hurt her stomach.

This small move instantly made people in the whole venue shine!

What else do you not understand?

It’s already clear, OK?

Can you hold the thighs of the Yin consortium, this is the second Yun Family Miss!

So, in an instant, Xi Xi became the hottest focus of the audience.

Almost all the famous ladies and rich ladies are chatting with Xixi to find a way to deepen their impressions.

Xixi is still confused, what is the situation?

She was just called by Mrs. Yin to say a few words in the past, so that this group of people looked at themselves with a high glance?

Is it so exaggerated?

When everyone was surrounded, Jiang Huiyin finally waited for this opportunity!

She slowly left the venue and turned to find Jiang Yihai.

Although she hasn’t been here for three years, the map of Yin’s mansion is all in her head.

What Jiang Yihai will be at each other, she also inquired clearly!

Today, she must win Jiang Yihai!

She wants to force the Jiang family to deny her existence!

She wants to be Jiang Yihai's woman!

She is going to marry Jiang Yihai! Become his wife!

Jiang Huiyin quickly ran towards his destination.

At this time, Jiang Yihai was helping to greet the distinguished guests from another venue.

"Sorry, I'm out of company." Jiang Yihai put down the glass in his hand and prepared to go to the bathroom to tidy up.

Just arrived at the door of the bathroom, Jiang Yihai had not waited to enter. A figure rushed out of it, and he ran into his arms.

"Ah, sorry..." Jiang Yihai subconsciously apologized.

"It doesn't matter." Jiang Huiyin replied with his head down, and then estimated to show his profile to Jiang Yihai.

Jiang Yihai had unconsciously pulled away a little distance when he hit, and this distance just made him see the side face of the woman who hit him!


As soon as Jiang Yihai saw this profile, his heart jumped!

His word!

Jiang Yihai subconsciously hugged the other person into his arms: "Well, are you back?"

Jiang Huiyin was held in his arms by Jiang Yihai. Although listening to him calling someone's name distorted her expression for a while, Jiang Huiyin quickly suppressed it!

"Jiang Shao, you admit the wrong person!" Jiang Huiyin struggled hard, pushing the other side away.

Jiang Yihai instantly recovered, and quickly apologized, "Sorry, I thought it was..."

Jiang Huiyin slowly raised his head, pretending to know Jiang Yihai for the first time and said: "Jiang Shao, it does not matter. I am often misunderstood because of this face, and I am used to it!"

Jiang Yihai had calmed down at this time. He thought that he had always been mistaken before, so he did not doubt Jiang Huiyin's words.

"My name is... Yin Yin." Jiang Huiyin deliberately did not mention his last name.

"Yin Yin?" Jiang Yihai's expression suddenly became weird.

Yin Yin is the nickname of Jiang Huiyin.

A woman with Jiufen resembling Yun Yi and Gu Xixi has the same name as Jiang Huiyin's nickname.

Jiang Yihai instantly felt all kinds of violations.

Whether it is Yun Yi or Gu Xixi, in the heart of Jiang Yihai is a synonym for good.

The name Yin Yin is synonymous with...humiliation and anger.

This made Jiang Yihai momentarily unable to accept.

Jiang Yihai's expression faded suddenly: "Miss Yin Yin, please be more careful, if there is nothing wrong, leave first."

After saying this, Jiang Yihai turned around and left, not even wanting to go to the bathroom.

Jiang Huiyin looked at Jiang Yihai's back, the face that resembled Gu Xixi's face was twisted in an instant.

The whole is the whole, and the whole face is distorted when angry.

There is no such natural feeling at all, but it looks very scared.

Jiang Yihai's heart was very uncomfortable.

He subconsciously disgusted the woman's face.

Because she blasphemed the goddess and Gu Xi in his heart.

This encounter was undoubtedly a failure, but it also completely inspired Jiang Huiyin's anger and twisted **.

Last time Jiang Yihai's medicine was unsuccessful, then the next time!

In the other corner, Yin Xuemo chased and blocked, and finally let her stop Xiao Heng.

After three years of absence, Xiao Heng's momentum grew stronger.

It became more masculine.

Yin Xuemo stopped Xiao Heng's road all at once. "Why do you always avoid me?"

Xiao Heng looked down impatiently at this unknowing woman, who was so arrogant until she died. Who is used to it?

Yin Xuemo saw that Xiao Heng did not answer this question and asked another question: "Do you have someone you like?"

When Xiao Heng heard this question, he was inexplicably stunned and his eyes softened inexplicably.

But he didn't know his eyes, and completely stimulated Yin Xuemo!

Yin Xuemo screamed: "No! You can't like other women! Absolutely not! I have been waiting for you for three years, how can you like other women! Who? I killed her!"

Xiao Heng looked at Yin Xuemo ironically, and turned away without saying a word.

Yin Xuemo rushed to Xiao Heng again and opened her arms to stop Xiao Heng: "Don't make it clear, I won't let you go."

Xiao Heng just reached out and shook Yin Xuemo away, and impatiently dropped a word: "Go away."

Yin Xuemo was stimulated instantly: "Xiao Heng, how dare you do this to me! Believe it or not I will kill the woman! I will definitely do it!"

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