The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 453: Hidden Machine Front

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

According to the truth, at this age, the old Mo family should have retired and nurtured themselves.

However, the Mo family is not only in charge of the head of a military region, but also shoulders a mysterious mission, so at this age, it still contributes to the country.

It can be said that the country cannot do without the Mo family. The Mo family will not easily resign from this position.

When they reach this level, they will not leave their posts until the moment they swallow.

Unless there are other particularly significant changes, this career will last a lifetime.

The words of Yin Sichen made Mo Zixin and Mo Zixuan look slightly different.

Yin Sichen is implying that Mo Zixin, if he is not interested, he doesn't mind using his international influence to force the Mo family to abdicate to take up their lives.

Mo Zixin said so much, but he could not resist the counterattack of Yin Sichen.

Just when the atmosphere was slightly deadlocked between the two people, Mrs. Yin reached out and patted the hands of the two grandchildren, beckoning them to say hello.

"Uncle Zixuan, Aunt Zi Xuan." Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao said at the same time: "Dad said that he had been to city k in province y and said it was a very beautiful city. Can we also go to city k to play?"

With the interruption of Yin Yuyan and Gu Miao, the two men quickly ended the secret battle between them.

Mo Zixin squatted down and looked at the two children with blue eyes. The voice was always gentle: "Of course. Uncle will always welcome you to go to province y at any time. When you reach province y, you will never need to talk to your home. Uncle is polite."

Mo Zixuan also squatted down and hugged the two children: "Good boy, my aunt likes you too! Gu Miao, your child is the most sensible. You have to take care of your younger brother, and your mother will be relieved when you are outside, you know?"

Gu Miaozhong nodded.

"Yu enthalpy, don't always be in trouble. Your mother is most worried about you outside, for fear that you will suffer losses and injuries." Mo Zixuan reached out a little bit of Yin Yuzhan's naughty little nose: "Don't always bully Gu Miao, you bully Gu Miao, Your mother will be distressed. You know that Gu Miao inherited your mother’s surname, and he is also your mother’s sweetheart."

Yin Yuzhan made a grimace at Mo Zixuan: "Got it! Aunt is so long-winded, and my uncle will be miserable in the future!"

"Hey, this kid!" Mo Zixuan was suddenly angry: "This is a clever, but it's with your father!"

Yin Sichen smiled awkwardly.

He can compete with Mo Zixin in secret, but he is not good at thinking about a girl too much.

What's more, he had long known that Xi Xi's relationship with Mo Zixuan was excellent. If Mo Zixuan was offended, Xi Xi would be angry.

So Mo Zixuan stabbed him, he did not dare to talk.

No way, afraid of his wife!

Yin Yuyan suddenly held Mo Zixuan's arm and said with a smile: "Aunt is so beautiful, it must be willing to be bullied every day even if my uncle is bullied!"

Mo Zixuan was amused by this little demon, and reached out his hand for a bit, Yin Yuzhan's forehead: "I don't know how many little girls will be scourged in the future! Such a sweet mouth, there is no one."

At this time, a frivolous voice sounded from behind, accompanied by a slight applause: "Yu Yan really understands my heart! Even if I have been bullied to death in this life, I am willing!"

Everyone turned their heads at the same time and they saw Jing Rong coming out of the courtyard.

Jing Rong came directly from abroad, and had already moved into the Yin Family Mansion yesterday, so today is not a bird, so I can stroll around.

Mo Zixuan was originally in a good mood, and the moment he saw Jing Rong, he instantly fell to the bottom of the valley.

This ghost is not gone.

Mo Zixuan was reluctant to take Li Jingrong, and turned to Mrs. Yin Jiang Xue: "Madam, today I must say I don't have to trouble you!"

Mrs. Yin smiled and patted Mo Zixuan's back of her hand and said, "It's all my own, what trouble is not troublesome! Come, send Miss Mo and President Mo to rest!"

Mo Zixin and Mo Zixuan retreated, and when he walked to Jing Rong, Mo Zixuan snorted and left.

Jing Rong looked at Mo Zixin awkwardly: "Brother..."

Mo Zixin smiled meaningfully: "Come on!"

Jing Rong looked at his future uncle and couldn't help explaining: "I'm not sorry Zi Xuan..."

"These words, you should explain it to her." Mo Zixin reached out and patted Jing Rong's shoulder: "Zi Xuan is an idea. I, as a brother, can't be her master."

"Well..." Jing Rong nodded helplessly and said, "Brother, I will prove everything with action."

Mo Zixin casually glanced at Yin Sichen's direction, and then whispered: "I heard that you cooperated with Yin Sichen?"

Jing Rong's eyes flashed a stream of light instantly, and then said: "Brother means..."

"Jing's water depth, be careful." Mo Zixin didn't go on: "We are all men, chasing the woman you like, it's understandable. I understand."

After finishing this sentence, Mo Zixin turned and left.

Jing Rong stood on the spot, looking at Mo Zixin's back, but thoughtfully.

As soon as the brothers and sisters of the Mo family entered, Shang Ke hurried over.

"Aunt Xue." The relationship between Shang Ke and Yin's family is close.

Shang Ke put the gift in Mrs. Yin's hand and immediately asked Yin Sichen: "If she is here?"

Before Yin Sichen spoke, Madam Yin said helplessly with a smile: "Look at you, calm down!"

Shang Ke said helplessly: "Aunt Xue, Ruo Na has been hiding from me. I want to see her as hard as he can."

Mrs. Yin said angrily: "Who told you to be a jerk?"

Shang Ke gave a grievous glance to Mrs. Yin.

He admits that he was the one who did it, and he wasn't the only one who did it...

Who called Ran Xiwei to act?

If he knew at the time that helping Ran Xiwei would have such terrible consequences, he would say nothing...

But is it too late to say anything now?

"Okay, go in. Everyone is inside." Yin Sichen couldn't bear it.

A few of his brothers, with the exception of Qiao Qi, none of them had a smooth relationship.

Just thinking of Qiao Qi, I heard Qiao Qi's playful voice ringing from a distance: "Yeah, Sister Xue, why are you ten years younger?"

Qiao Qi is actually forty years old this year, but he is still a playboy.

Jiang Xue is more than a decade older than him, but his face is as good as Qiao Qi's.

When Mrs. Yin saw Qiao Qi, she couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You dare to take advantage of me as a slippery head?"

Qiao Qi handed the gift to the assistant on the side, crouched down and stared at Mrs. Yin: "Sister Xue cursed me for my good sake, I am willing to listen to Sister Xue curse!"

Yin Sichen lifted his foot and kicked Qiao Qi: "Give me some seriousness today."

Qiao Qi laughed, straightened up and said: "I'm not too late? I just came off the plane and killed."

"It's not too late, Qiao Qi, let's go in!" Where does Shang Ke take care of Qiao Qi, his heart has already flown inside, and he can't help but rush into Qiao Qi.

Qiao Qi was wowed and was brought in.

Mrs. Yin said softly: "This guy, Qiao Qi, is forty years old and still has no business. Why didn't I see him come with his wife?"

Yin Sichen twitched her lips and said, "What a lady, I have been separated for a long time. When Qiao Qi married Butterfly Yi, he was forced to marry Qiao Qi because of his pregnancy. But then it happened again. Many things, even a little emotions, are gone."

There was a trace of surprise in Mrs. Yin's eyebrows: "It's such a thing? Qiao Qi isn't someone who will be threatened."

"So, Qiao Qi is taking it into account." Yin Sichen's eyes smiled a little: "He is so slippery, how many people can count him?"

Mrs. Yin smiled and said, "This is true."

Jing Rong is a fake playboy, but Qiao Qi is a real playboy.

After a few seconds, there was another guest.

As the master, he had to interrupt the subject and continue to welcome him.

Looking at the scenery in front of the Yin Family Mansion, I was secretly surprised.

Without him, the scenery here made her feel like she had lived here.

Could it be that I have lived here before?

Isn’t Yin Sichen seldom living at home?

Have you ever... lived here?

"Come on?" A frivolous voice rang from behind.

As soon as she turned around, she saw an extremely fancy man, looking at herself with surprise: "Are you really back?"

Xixi always thinks that the other party is familiar, but he can't remember who the other party is from.

Mu Ruona on the side explained to her in a low voice: "Qiao Qi, Chen Qiao Qi, the predators playing in the film and television circle. They have a very good relationship with Yin Sichen and Shang Ke. Similar to our relationship with Zi Xuan."

Xixi reacted instantly and reached out to shake hands with Qiao Qiyi: "Hello, Qiao Qi."

The expression on Qiao Qi's face suddenly became weird: "You didn't talk to me like this before! Did you forget me?"

Then Qiao Qi made a movement and expression of Xizi's heart: "I'm so sad! You didn't forget Si Chen, but you forgot me!"

Xixi and Mu Ruona couldn't help but hold her mouth a little bit.

Waiting for Xi Xi to speak to Mu Ruona, Mo Zixuan's voice came over: "Sorry, Xi Zi only remembers us, not you. Although you are jealous and jealous, this is the truth!"

Qiao Qi looked back at Mo Zixuan and immediately surrendered: "Okay, I admit defeat! But, Xixi, do you really not remember the previous thing?"

Xi Xi nodded with a smile: "Sorry."

Qiao Qi shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's okay not to remember. Come, let's get to know it again. My name is Qiao Qi, I am forty years old and I'm unmarried so far..."

Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan rolled their eyes at the same time, turned and walked away.

"Hey, hey, I haven't finished the rest!" Qiao Qi said intentionally.

Looking at Xi Xi's back, Qiao Qi, who has been cynical, gradually became calmer. He looked at Xi Xi's back thoughtfully and said to himself, "The Yun Family's prophecy really wants Realized? The Yun family died because of you, but also because of you. Gu Xixi, what kind of surprise would you bring me?"

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