The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 408: Are you Si Chen's woman?

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Standing calm and calm, the smile on the corner of his mouth was extremely formal.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to know." Xi eyes looked at Clarence clearly: "I just need to do the things within my points. The dinner is about to start, Miss Clarence and others. Requirements? As long as the castle can do it, it will try its best to meet."

"I want Yin, is that okay?" Clarence looked at him provocatively. "Speak, what is your relationship with Yin? How did you know him? Are you his woman?"

Xixi smiled softly: "Sorry, no comment. As for the first question, I'm sorry, he is a person, not an item, I have no right to decide."

After Xi said this, he nodded politely to Clarence and turned away.

Looking at the shadowy back, Clarence, who had always been invincible, rolled his eyes in anger.

But a yellow woman, dare to be so arrogant in front of her!

She is a British nobility, nobility!

She is a real nobleman!

There was no hesitation and stagnation in Clarence's words.

No matter how stormy the bottom of her heart is, she can't show half the consternation and rudeness.

Because she is the hostess of today.

As a daughter of the Yun family, she cannot act to embarrass the Yun family.

When he was about to go to the kitchen, a small head suddenly appeared outside the window, and he screamed, "Hey, Chinese woman!"

What does the other party say in French?

Xixi stood still all at once, turned around, and suddenly laughed.

No one else was hiding outside the window. It was the daughter of the French nobleman who had just been drawn in the morning.

"Why are you here? If you are found, you will be ousted. As a French nobleman, but being driven out of the gate, it would be very rude." Xi Xi said in French immediately.

"I...I..." The little girl rolled her eyes and said, "I'm here to tell you, my name is Lifia, I'm four years old this year!"

Xixi nodded: "Okay, Liphia, are you here waiting for me?"

Li Feiya obviously didn't want to talk to Xi Xi, but the two little princes were too big for her, and she had to take the initiative to look for it.

"I just want to ask what is your relationship with the two little princes..." Li Feiya said aloud, and awkwardly shifted her face.

Xixi smiled and answered: "You mean Yu Yan and Gu Miao? They are my sons."

"You lie! You are so young, you are clearly under fifteen, how could they be your son?" Lifia grumbled.

Xixi smiled suddenly.

This time it was really a happy smile, not a formal smile.

Was it a success to be told by a hostile little girl that she was cheating at age?

"Thank you for the compliment." Xi Xi said with a smile: "However, I am twenty-six years old this year, and I am about to celebrate my twenty-seventh birthday. Isn't it strange that I have such a big son?"

I don't know if I want to stimulate this arrogant little noble deliberately, or subconsciously I really regarded Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao as my sons, and Xi Xi answered the question naturally.

She didn't want the two children to have no mother.

I'm sure Xixi is really the mother of two little princes, Lifia is very discouraged.

She offended the little prince's mother unawares...

Someone was approaching outside at this time, and immediately said: "If you don't leave quickly, you will be found! As a nobleman, if you are driven out of the manor, it may be very shameful."

Lifia stabbed and turned away.

Xi Xi couldn't help but smile on his face.

Xixi turned to greet the housekeeper, preparing for the final process.

As soon as I got back to the lobby, I hadn't had time to go back to Yin Sichen, and I heard a very nice voice from outside: "Unsolicited, Yin, won't you be angry?"

As soon as he turned around, he saw a thin and long man slowly appearing at the door.

This man has amazing red eyes and surprisingly **** facial features.

When Yin Shichen saw the other party for the first time, his subconscious squint slightly, then stood up and walked toward the other party with a smile: "Count Phil, of course, I don’t mind, but you can’t invite VIPs . It’s just that Earl Phil hasn’t been in the country. What brings you here?”

"In your Chinese words, naturally it's Dongfeng." Phil replied with a smile, his eyes flicked over the others, nodded, but finally fell on Xi Xi.

"Hello, Count Phil, I am Yun." Xi Xi reached out and greeted Phil.

Phil reached out his hand and held his fingers, and the very gentleman gave a kiss of the British aristocrat: "It is a great honor to see you, my angel."

Phil's lips were flamboyant red, and when this kisser's gift fell, it became clear that Earl Phil's lips did not seem to have any temperature.

It's such a flamboyant and excessive man.

Yin Sichen's temperament is a charm, this kind of charm is more with a cold, domineering coldness.

The charm of Earl Phil is a kind of feminine coldness.

A completely different state.

He looked at Earl Phil's eyes, and wondering why, suddenly thought of Gu Miao.

Because Gu Miao's eyes are exactly the same as each other's.

The Earl Phil in front of him seemed to be very young, probably only about 278 years old.

But his face was pale, but his lips were as rosy as his eyes, giving a vampire a sense of sight.

Xixi pondered inwardly that he had to give Gu Miao a good blood supply when he went back, but could not let his son grow like this.

"Count Phil, aren't you rarely in the UK? How come you are here today?" A girl who seemed to be very interested in the count, came over to say hello.

"Um, yeah." Earl Phil's red eyes filled his eyes with deep meaning before turning to pay a gentleman's salute to the girl who was approaching, and answered: "I heard that Yin came to the UK, even if It is to get rid of all difficulties and to return to China. What's more, Yin also brought such a lovely angel with me, and I can't miss it anymore, did I?"

Earl Phil's English pronunciation is very old, not now popular English, but ancient English.

Xixi listened carefully for a long time before he understood what he meant.

Phil turned his head suddenly, his red eyes flashed, and said to him in standard Chinese: "I brought a small gift for the angel. I don't know if my angel can accept this small gift. ?"

He was stunned and turned to look at Yin Sichen.

Yin Sichen's eyes were fixed, and he said calmly: "Since it is a gift from Earl Phil, of course it is disrespectful."

Yin Sichen also speaks Chinese.

Earl Phil clapped his hands lightly, and immediately behind him someone respectfully supported a plate.

The plate was covered with red silk cloth, and people could not guess what was inside.

Looking at Earl Phil in a puzzled manner, he wanted to give himself a gift?

He came to himself?


Earl Phil reached out elegantly and uncovered the silk, revealing the contents of the tray.

After seeing the people around, they took a breath of air.

"Ah, my God! Isn't this the Phil family's emblem? Earl Phil is going to give his family's emblem to Miss Xixi? Is he proposing to Miss Xixi?" A noble girl couldn't help it Exclaimed in a low voice.

Yin Sichen narrowed his eyes when he saw this emblem.

Even if you are ignorant, you can guess from the reactions of people around you that this gift is unusual.

She did not dare to accept any messy gifts, but could only look at Yin Sichen.

You give a hint! What does this emblem mean?

Do I accept it or not?

This time, Yin Sichen did not let Xixi down, and immediately said: "Count Phil did this. Does the Duke know?"

Earl Phil smiled softly: "Father naturally ... knows. The reason why I sent this emblem is naturally my. I think that this emblem is most appropriate in Miss Xi's hands, Isn't it?"

Yin Sichen's expression slightly changed: "It seems Lord Earl is anxious."

"It's also a matter of concern about the future inheritance of the Phil family." Earl Phil said with a smile: "I also know that this is not the time, so I can only ask Miss Xixi to replace this emblem."

With a dazed expression, what kind of puzzle is Yin Sichen and Earl Phil playing?

Yin Sichen's eyes dropped: "Phil, he's my person now."

"But he will be back sooner or later." Phil replied calmly.

"What if I don't let people go?" Yin Sichen's eyes were slightly cold: "He's still young."

Phil turned his head to look at him and said, "I was going to take him home immediately, but I changed my mind now. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I would grow up with him outside."

Xi Xi is already confused.

I don't understand what they are saying.

Who is he who they said?

"Whether to go back or not, let him make his own decision." Yin Sichen stared at Earl Phil: "No one can force him to accept any choice. This is my promise to him and my wife."

"Really? Then wait and see." Earl Phil turned his head and looked at him with a smile: "Are you saying that? Miss Xixi?"

He looked blankly at Earl Phil and Yin Sichen again, not knowing what to answer at all.

Seeing that Yin Sichen didn't nod, Xi Xi said immediately: "Sorry, I can't accept such an important gift. Earl Phil, you still..."

Earl Phil smiled and looked at Xixi very seriously and said: "Miss Xixi misunderstood, this gift is for your temporary custody."

"Ah?..." Xi Xi was confused again.

"Of course, if you don't mind marrying me, this emblem also belongs to you." Earl Phil looked at him playfully.

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