The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 409: Earl Phil

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Cheeky's face was black.

Why is this Earl Phil so unreliable?

Yin Sichen on the side immediately said, "Count Phil is not married, I think I remember correctly?"

"If the marriage partner is this angel, I don't think I would mind going into the marriage cage." Earl Phil said arrogantly and seriously: "This is the cutest angel I have ever seen."

The inner heart of the os: Ha ha ha... You two go to the side to play dumb puzzles, OK? Why does a group of you seem to understand, but I am alone in the clouds and can not understand what you are talking about?

Yin Sichen glanced at Earl Phil coldly, and said indifferently: "Count Phil is really a joke. Some people can move, some people can't move."

"But what if she voluntarily?" Earl Phil smiled slyly. "Yin, aside from family and status, how to fight fairly?"

Yin Sichen's domineering body suddenly blossomed: "I will let you know what it means to lose."

"Wait and see." Earl Phil suddenly laughed, turned and looked at Xixi, said: "Does Miss Xixi like Britain?"

"Ah?" I was still in a daze state. I didn't understand what the two men were doing. It was stunned. I didn't know how to answer this question.

This is not an international friendly meeting. It doesn’t matter if you say you don’t like Britain?

"It doesn't matter. If you don't like Britain, go to France, Russia, Germany, or even China." Earl Phil smiled happily: "As long as you like, I like it."

Even if Xixi is dull, he can hear a different meaning from this sentence at this time.

Before Xi Xi waited to speak, Clarence on the side suddenly said, "Count Philip is going to work harder! Miss Xi Xi is not easy to chase."

Earl Phil smiled politely at Clarence: "Thanks to Miss Clarence for reminding me, I will do my best."

As a hostess, Xixi smiled softly when she heard this sentence: "Thank you Earl Phil for your appreciation, but I'm sorry, I have no plans to marry someone yet. Besides, I have children."

"Oh, it's okay. It's because you have children, so I think we are quite worthy. Because, your children are also my children." Earl Phil smiled more happy.

He frowned, not knowing what Count Phil meant.

After Earl Phil put the emblem in his palm, he kissed the back of his palm again and said, "The gift is delivered, and I should say goodbye! Yin, I won't give up easily. You , Bye."

Earl Phil performed an aristocratic courtesy towards everyone, Shi Shiran turned around and took his servant away quietly.

He looked at the emblem in his hand and looked at Yin Sichen a little overwhelmed.

Yin Sichen's eyes fell on the clan emblem in Xixi's palm. He sighed softly, but said to Xixi: "Since he let you keep it for the time being, you just accept it. This is really not for you. "

Xixi clenched the ethnic emblem in his palm and quickly adjusted his emotions, saying, "The butler has prepared dinner and is ready to eat."

Yin Sichen nodded, but reached out and took the initiative to hold the fingers, took her hand and walked towards the restaurant.

I don’t know if it’s my own illusion. I always feel that Yin Sichen is holding his finger this time, with a hint of domineering and... undoubtedly.

The dinner was going fast, everyone was eating quietly, and no one was having any unpleasantness at the dinner.

All the seats here are the pillars that support Britain.

In front of them, it's a real laughter.

After finishing the dinner, everyone enjoyed the fruits after the meal together, and after a few days of chatting, they all said goodbye.

The purpose of these people today is to explore Yin Sichen's tone.

A small gathering of only a dozen people is the most refined gathering.

Everyone got the content they wanted, so they didn't stay much and left.

When the last guest was sent away, Xi Xi was just relieved and was about to go back to the room to change his dress. Yin Sichen suddenly said, "Tonight the moon is pretty good. Will you have a drink together?"

Xixi knew that Yin Sichen had something to say to herself, and nodded immediately and said, "Okay, let me change my clothes."

Yin Sichen nodded with a smile.

Looking at the disappearing back, Yin Sichen's eyes narrowed, and he stretched out a hand, and Xiao a came quietly: "President."

"Go tell Gu Miao, be careful of the Phil family." Yin Sichen paused, then said: "If Gu Miao wants to go back, then he likes it."

"Yes, President." Xiao a quickly called Gu Miao, and invariably conveyed Yin Sichen's words to Gu Miao.

Gu Miao, who was playing video games with Yin Yuzhan in London, refused to think about it after hearing the news. "I want to stay with my mother."

Gu Miao's words were conveyed to Yin Sichen, and the corner of Yin Sichen's mouth only showed a smile that he wanted to get.

Sure enough, he is his good son!

Did not let him down!

Hanging up the phone, Gu Miao sat there for a while.

There was a hint of coldness and resistance in the red eyes.

"What's wrong?" Yin Yuhan keenly noticed that Gu Miao's emotions were not right.

"Yuan, do you still remember the man who passed by when we first got off the plane?" Gu Miahui said, "He is the earl of Phil. If there is no wrong guess, I and the Phil family should be There are relationships."

"You mean your eyes?" Yin Yuzhan responded quickly, completely without the tenderness of a three-year-old child, and the small face was full of seriousness: "You said he would go to his mother and force you to go back What about?"

Gu Miao shook his head blankly: "I don't know. I... don't want to leave my mother."

Yin Yuzhan took Gu Miao's hand nervously, and her eyes suddenly turned red: "I won't let anyone take you away from the Yin family!"

Gu Miao nodded vigorously.

"I don't know what happened to Daddy!" Yin Yuyan said with great concern: "We will be back in a few days, but what should we do to allow my mother to come back with us?"

Gu Miao's red eyes flashed and her fists were clenched. Although her voice was immature, she was firm: "No matter what method is used, mother must be returned home!"

"It seems that we need to plan well with Daddy!" Yin Yuyan nodded and said: "There are too many unstable factors outside!"

Gu Miao glanced at Yin Yuyan and suddenly said, "Actually, my identity can be used well. I believe my mother will return to China for me!"

Yin Yuzhan looked at him for a moment, "Your identity?"

Gu Miao nodded vigorously, then turned around to pull out the notebook placed on the coffee table, opened the webpage with his fingers, and said to Yin Yuyan: "This is the information on the Phil family. The Duke Phil has three sons. The eldest son is sick and has been unable to stand up for a long time. The second son is obsessed with **** and has no partner so far. The three young masters are also Earl Phil. He is an unmarried family, but he went to Myanmar and Vietnam five years ago. I ......It is most likely that he left at that time...Child. Yu Yan, you said, if Earl Phil had to take me back, and my mother would not let me go back to protect me, would you choose to go back? How about hiding in China? After all, several European countries are too close together, and only China is the safest. Because China is also the mother’s territory."

Yin Yuzhan lit up: "This is a good idea!"

"But, how should Count Phil go according to our plan?" Gu Miao frowned, thinking hard.

Although he and Yin Yuyan are clever, they are only children after all.

This kind of problem is really not what they can consider.

However, fortunately, their daddy did not let them down.

Yin Sichen is finally going to shoot.

Xixi changed her clothes, and her casual clothes appeared at the location of Yin Sichen.

On a small balcony, there was a rattan table with two rattan chairs.

A pot of freshly brewed Assam tea has been placed on the table.

"Milk? Or sugar?" Slender fingers flicked across the teapot, looking blushing.

"Milk." He replied crampedly.

"Sit." Yin Sichen motioned to sit opposite him, and poured a cup of tea for him.

"Thank you." Sitting there uncomfortably, there was a little bit of recollection of what happened tonight.

What happened tonight is indeed a bit much.

"Don't you want to ask me any questions? No matter what questions you ask me tonight, I will answer you." Yin Sichen smiled and released his unique beauty appeal without hesitation.

He stared blankly at Yin Sichen.

She really has many questions to ask Yin Sichen.

But there are many questions, but when it comes to my mouth, I can't ask them.

In the end, Xixi still chose a security question and asked, "What does the emblem that Earl Phil kept me keep mean?"

Yin Sichen seems to have guessed that he will ask this question without evading it, and immediately explained it gently: "The Phil family is a special existence in Britain and Europe. This family has a longer life span than the United States. The history is much longer. Before the outbreak of the American Revolution, the Phil family was already a British aristocracy. He controlled the ore lifeline of the British Empire and also obtained a lot of silver for the British Empire from all over the world."

"The Phil family is prominent, but it has not been hit and excluded by other families. That is because the Phil family has a strange phenomenon, that is, the heirs are not rich. Successive generations have been a single pass, even to the old Duke That generation almost broke the root. The old duke married several women in one breath for the Phil family, and finally got pregnant with seven sons, but only three survived. That is the current family of the Phil family Young Master, Second Master and Earl Phil you have seen."

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