The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 407: Brilliant

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

"Because Yin once said that this car was the car you drove when you met your favorite woman. So you will give this car to your wife, won't you?" Clarence looked at Yin Sichen His eyes became more intense.

She feels that she can finally wait until this moment today!

As long as Yin Sichen gave this Aston Martin one-77 to her, then she is Yin Sichen's wife!

Standing beside me, when I heard Clarence's words, the whole person was as if being hit by a shell, and the whole person was frozen in place.

It turns out that this Aston Martin has such a meaning!

It was actually the car that Yin Sichen drove when he first met his ex-wife!

But why did he give this car to himself?

Isn't he going to get married?

Isn't this car intended for his current wife?

Why did you turn around and give it to yourself?

Where did this go wrong?

And the dazed dumb **** looked in Clarence's eyes, but it became Xixi knowing that Yin Sichen wanted to send Aston Martin one-77 to Clarence, so he couldn't stand the blow and froze.

I have to say, what a beautiful misunderstanding.

Yin Sichen gave a profound look, then stretched out his hand and shook his fingers.

Xixi just recovered, looked up at Yin Sichen, but suddenly slammed into each other's deep, sea-like eyes.

Xixi really don't understand.

Yin Sichen was intentional, he deliberately gave Aston Martin one-77 to himself!

Why should he give it to himself?

Distract others' attention? To protect his true wife?

No, Yin Sichen is not that weak.

He wants to protect a woman, so no one can hurt her except this woman in the world!

So, what is everything for?

Yin Sichen said to Clarence: "I'm so sorry, Miss Clarence, I have given this car away."

Yin Sichen's words, it really succeeded in making Clarence's face suddenly change!

"What did you say? Has it been given away? Who? Who did you give it to?" Clarence was anxious when he heard that the car was gone, and he couldn't care about her noble upbringing, and directly grabbed Yin Sichen's arm and said : "Impossible! How is it possible? Did you find your wife? Did you find her again? No, this is not true! She left you three years ago, how could she let you find her? Yin, don’t go back Come to her, please! She is not worthy to stand by your side!"

Yin Sichen smiled calmly: "Miss Clarence, the other VIPs are waiting for you. Please!"

Clarence shook his head incoherently and said, "How is it possible? Yin, don't you send me an invitation letter just to give this car to me? How can I give it to someone! Who is she? Tell me, no matter how much money is spent , I must buy it from her!"

Standing on the side, his face suddenly changed!

This is the first time she has heard about Yin Sichen's ex-wife from others. When she heard Clarence said that Yin Sichen's ex-wife took the initiative to leave Yin Sichen, there was a strange feeling of pain and powerlessness in her heart.

it's wired.

Since I met Yin Sichen, why are there more and more strange emotions?

Those emotions seem to have been lurking in their own consciousness.

I don’t know when it will be overwhelmed, and it suddenly broke out!

So jealous of the woman he loves so much.

He has cherished the cars he drove for the first time.

But now that this car is given to himself, what is his obsession, his love, and his waiting?

"No one dared to buy the car I sent out." Yin Sichen seemed to be listening to an interesting joke: "Your Majesty the Queen summoned me. I wonder if Miss Clarence needs me to tell Her Majesty the Queen?"

Clarence shivered fiercely, his face pale and uncertain, and after a long time he recovered his voice: "No... No. Yin, I just made a joke with you, you think you are serious."

"So, we should pass." Yin Sichen took two women and walked calmly to the hall.

At this time, the orchestra in the lobby was playing soft music, and the others were sitting in groups and chatting.

Seeing Yin Sichen brought two women over, the expression on each person's face was exceptionally wonderful.

It can make the ex-wife and the admirer to be at peace... This skill is absolutely amazing.

Of course, the two women don't know each other's thoughts, otherwise it will be really wonderful.

As the hostess of today, Xi Xi is also the female companion of Yin Sichen. Naturally, she has to take the responsibility of actively communicating with guests.

This is the first time the British nobles have seen Yin Sichen's wife. Yes, they recognize Xi Xichen's wife, not his ex-wife.

They thought that Yin Sichen's wife was just an ordinary Chinese woman, but after some conversation, these nobles' views on Xi Xi changed instantly.

The Yun family's daughter is truly extraordinary.

Not only is he proficient in the languages ​​of more than a dozen countries, he is also proficient in astronomy, geography, history, religion, literature and art, etc., which are areas that only aristocrats will dabble in.

And his talkative and erudition also won the praise of the nobles present.

When an automobile tycoon chats about religion with Xixi, he talks about the materials he has studied, and shows respect for this religion, and suddenly wins the favor of this tycoon.

"My wife's talent is really amazing!" The tycoon couldn't help but praised it and said: "I used to hear that there is a cloud family in China, reading the world of books, I used to think it was a joke, but today I talked to my wife Afterwards, I found that the rumors were less than one percent of my wife's! The wife is so knowledgeable, but is Yun's best descendant?"

With a smile, she shook her head and said, "I am the most inconspicuous among the many descendants of the Yun family. Not to mention, my sister born to my compatriots, her talent is still above me, she is eighteen years old That year, it was already a group of books, which can be called a contemporary great Confucian. It’s a pity that my sister is so beautiful, but she will let go of her in her early twenties. My sister, although she can’t compare with her sister, is only capable of asking for it. The face of the family. The father and mother who taught me to grow up are the real chest, especially my father. His erudition in this world, I think I can rank in the top ten."

Tycoons nodded in agreement.

The daughters are already so knowledgeable, not to mention the father who taught them to grow up?

This Yun family is truly extraordinary.

Clarence, who has always been the focus of the crowd, is today for the first time forgotten by others, which makes her very unhappy!

Those men all talked about the Chinese woman and ignored her completely, which made her extremely uncomfortable!

She thought about the topic several times, but she couldn't get into their topic at all.

Either discuss philosophy or religion, or discuss the development of civilization.

Finally, it is difficult to talk about economic development. The discussion is still in the financial circle. They have too many terms. Clarence can't understand it. How can I interject?

On the other hand, no matter what the other party's topic is, she can express her views appropriately, so that several British nobles have repeatedly refreshed her impressions.

By the time they had dinner, those few people simply couldn't put it down, and wanted to take her home to be the wife of their son!

As a hostess, Xixi cannot naturally stay with them to chat.

When he turned around and ordered the stewards to prepare dinner, the tycoon looked at Yin Sichen with regret and said, "Yin, do you really want to remarry? If you don't want to remarry, my third son is not married yet."

The others immediately sneered and said, "Your old boy is too unreasonable, and he has dug here in the corners! But, does the Yun family still have a daughter? My son is also single!"

Yin Sichen smiled very modestly: "It's really embarrassing, I and Xixi will never be separated in this life. We have all our sons. How could it be cheaper for others?"

Those people lit up: "I still have granddaughter..."

Clarence saw that he couldn't fit into the small circle completely, and his face was distorted suddenly.

Another noble lady who came to the banquet saw Clarence's complexion and said with a smile over her mouth: "Clarence, you are not still coveting Yin? Ha ha ha ha, although Yin is Chinese, but he It's not something that ordinary people can imagine."

"You're in charge." Clarence knew each other. It was the daughter of an oil tycoon who was studying in the UK and was invited by Yin Sichen.

After all, Yin Sichen's oil industry in the Middle East has a very close relationship with these oil tycoons.

"I don't care, I just read jokes." The oil tycoon's daughter wore a white evening dress and smiled very happily: "I didn't like Chinese women very much, but today I changed my mind. So learned and talented Gentle and generous Chinese women, let alone those in the circle like them, I like them all. Sometimes, if you lose, you lose, there is nothing to be unsatisfactory. People laugh."

Clarence glared fiercely at each other, and at one glance he walked towards the corridor.

Clarence was not convinced, put down the glass in his hand, turned and hurriedly chased in the direction of leaving.

She will swear sovereignty!

She is going to defeat this oriental woman!

Yin belongs to her!

Any oriental woman would never want to **** him!

Xixi was about to arrange for the butler to finish the final preparations, and after a few steps, he heard Clarence's voice behind him: "Please wait a moment."

Xixi stopped all of a sudden, slowly turned around, looked at Clarence gracefully and gently and said, "What do you think Miss Clarence advises?"

Clarence's eyes fell on Xi Xi's face, and she suddenly became jealous of the bland smile and temperament on Xi Xi's face.

The unique advantage of oriental women is that they are not particularly easy to get older.

Although Xixi is twenty-six years old, its delicate facial features and delicate skin look similar to those of Western women at the age of 13 or 14.

Clarence is obviously about the size of Xixi, but from the outside, he looks 20 years older than Xixi!

"Don't you want to know, why Yin invited me to come here?" Clarence said, mockingly, unable to bear the jealousy in his heart.

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