The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 377: who are you

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

This world is pure white.

There is no heaven, no earth, and no boundaries.

I stand here as if I were here, and I seem to be here out of thin air.

Quiet, deadly quiet.

Raised his right hand, but it was a strange look.

Is this my hand?

Where is it?

And who am I?

Just at this time, a lot of colors suddenly appeared in the sky, colorful and colorful.

The colors landed one after another, forming one plane world after another.

These colors gradually merged into one picture after another.

These pictures are familiar and strange.

The people in the picture are like themselves, but not like themselves.

Are you watching other people's lives?

Or... is this my life?

Slowly raised his hand, subconsciously want to go to those pictures, fingers through those pictures, sparkling.

Walking slowly, the forgotten pictures suddenly disappeared.

The previous picture is still increasing, the whole picture is connected together, it is a person's life.

Is this... my life?

Then I...I am...Who am I...

At the end of the picture, a name slowly appeared in front of my eyes: Yun Xi.

Turns out, my name is Yun Xi...

But why is there a voice in my heart telling me that this is not my only name?

So, what is your other name?

Why does my heart hurt when I want to recall that name?

Did you forget something?

Or, what have you lost...

When Gu Xixi fell into a deep coma and underwent surgery by all the scientists at the institute, the child was carried out.

"Congratulations, the young master is healthy and safe." The head nurse handed Yin Yuyan to Mrs. Yin.

Mrs. Yin's whole body was shaking with excitement at this time, and the trembling took over the child.

The newly born Yin Yuzhan is pretty beautiful.

When a normal child is born, it will be crumpled and ugly.

However, Yin Yuzhan had smooth and pink skin as well as dark, black hair as soon as she was born.

"Good. My great-grandson, this is my great-grandson!" Mrs. Yin said excitedly: "Si Chen, look, this is your son."

Yin Sichen just glanced at Yin Yuyan from a distance, but did not step forward.

He turned around and asked the nurse: "How long will it take for my grandma to wake up?"

The head nurse looked a little sad and replied in a low voice: "We don't know. Now, the treatment of Shao*** is all handed over to Yunjia's research institute. The young grandmother is unconscious...

Yin Sichen stumbled and grabbed Xiao Heng's arm all at once.

He's gone, has forgotten him...

Mrs. Yun came over slowly, reached out and hugged the child, and solemnly handed it to Yin Sichen: "This is my grandson and your son. This is the child my daughter exchanged for her life, I hope, You can treat him kindly. Our Yun family does not owe you the Yin family, Si Chen, for your sake of calling me a mother, for my mother, who has lost her daughter, let it go. "

"Mom, what do you mean?" Yin Sichen didn't go to pick up Yin Yuzhan. Under the narrow eyes, he could not hide the pain: "I will not divorce, I will never sign!"

"When you ruined the Yun family, there was no end between us." Mrs. Yun said firmly: "My daughter I will take away! No one can stop! Although you ruined the Yun family, but if If you really want to block it, I will fight for my life and the foundation of the Yun family for hundreds of years, and I will recapture my daughter! If you really want my daughter to hate you, you will block it!"

Mr. Yun also said: "Don't think that the Yun family has only more than four hundred years, but the Yun family has been spread for more than a thousand generations! At the beginning of the establishment of the Yun family, did you think that the Yun family was Bai Ding? My Yun family has no confidence? How can we establish a family without confidence? The origin of the true Yun family inheritance is from BC. After thousands of years of accumulation, do you think our Yun family is really afraid of you? We compromise, We retreated, only because 1 was our daughter still in your Yin family. I thought my concession can be exchanged for her daughter’s peace of mind. As a result, the Yin family treated my daughter like this? She was pregnant with your child, but you let She's on the verge of death! Yin Sichen, where did you come from!"

"Don't let Xixi hate you." Mrs. Yun continued: "Our two, the two are clear."

Yin Sichen instantly paled.

He galloped the battlefield in the mall, invincible.

But emotionally, he couldn't even protect his beloved woman.

He was frustrated.

Mrs. Yin walked over in a wheelchair and took the child from Mrs. Yun's hand, and said softly, "What I promised, I will do it. No matter whether Xixi and Sichen are divorced, I agree. She is my daughter-in-law. Since this is a shady decision, we will respect her decision. The divorce agreement, I will make the assistant ready to send to the Yun's house."

"Mom!" Yin Sichen spoke softly, but couldn't talk anymore.

Mrs. Yun, who had no opening from beginning to end, turned to leave with the help of the assistant.

At this moment, she no longer needs to say anything.

Because everything is moving slowly in accordance with the rules of fate.

Yin Sichen finally reached out and took over Yin Yuzhan.

This is his son.

Come on, I promise you.

I will definitely raise our children.

Come on, you promised me.

Don't give your heart to others until I find you again.

I don't want to be in my next life, I want you in my life!

Even if you forget me, even if you forget everyone.

I want you to fall in love with me again!

At this time, Yin Yuyan suddenly opened his eyes, and his clear blue eyes looked at Yin Sichen.

The nature of father and son instantly inspired Yin Sichen's tenderness and fighting spirit.

"Yu enthalpy, grow up quickly and bring your mother back to us, okay?" Yin Sichen gently said: "Our family of three will definitely be reunited!"

Gu Xixi lay on the ** for a month.

He came out of the operating room and then entered the intensive care unit.

It is a month to live from the ward.

If she didn't breathe, she didn't think she was alive.

Yin Sichen will come to the hospital every day and take a look at it through the glass, looking forward to the moment when she can wake up, but afraid of waking up.

Love does not recognize each other, how painful it is.

The Yunjia secret medicine is really powerful.

The originally exhausted ** was restored to its normal function under the strong repair of Yunjia's secret medicine.

And Gu Xixi's blood all over the body was replaced for several cycles, and tens of thousands of units of blood washed all the diseased cells in the body.

It wasn't until the whole body's signs completely returned to normal value that it was transferred to the ordinary ward for monitoring.

Yin Sichen stood at the window and looked at Gu Xixi. The director said that Xixi should wake up today.

When she wakes up, will she really forget herself?

Yin Sichen dare not think about it.

At this moment, Yin Sichen suddenly understood the psychology of the prisoners awaiting sentencing.

I already have enough mental preparation for my future, but I still have a hint of fantasy.

When the sentence was formally pronounced, the sky was grey and life was bleak.

However, the sentenced prisoner can continue to complain.

And he can only accept.

Come on, come on...

The person lying on the ** seemed to hear a call, his eyelashes quivered slightly, and his fingers jumped.

The eyelashes twitched faster and faster, and breathing suddenly became rapid.


The instrument that has been monitoring Gu Xixi's vital signs has been alarming suddenly.

The next second, more than a dozen people rushed in from the outside, and everyone was surrounded by Gu Xixi, starting to check the physiological indicators step by step.




Each person is responsible for an inspection and report one after the inspection.

All indicators are normal.

That means... Gu Xixi is about to wake up!

Yin Sichen couldn't get in and could only stand outside and wait.

The Yin family and the Yun family were waiting outside like Yin Sichen.

After waiting for a month, I finally have to wait until this day.

Everyone has no idea.

No one knows what happens when Gu Xixi opens his eyes.

It is a blessing? Is it a disaster?

All the instruments are operating normally, and everyone is waiting for this moment.

Gu Xixi's eyelashes finally stopped shaking, his eyelids slowly opened, and his eyes looked at the world clearly!

"Pupillary reaction is normal."

"The brain waves respond normally."

"The neurons respond normally."

"All functions of the body are normal."

"The blood flow is normal, the pulse is normal, and the blood pressure is normal."


The sounds of one after another report followed Gu Xi's awakening process.

After everyone checked, the director of the institute finally came to say hello to Gu Xixi.

"Do you remember who I am? Do you remember who you are?" the director of the institute asked in a stable and calm voice.

Gu Xixi looked at the director of the institute blankly, blinking his head and blinking, his eyes clear as a newly born child.

The researchers who are monitoring the brain waves keep recording the frequency of the brain waves emitted by Gu Xixi when he thinks about it.

"Who are you? Who am I?" Gu Xixi spoke softly, in a mandarin Mandarin.

"Then do you know how old you are?" The director of the institute asked in English. He knew Gu Xixi was CET-8, so he switched languages.

Gu Xixi's eyes were still clear, but he answered in English: "How old are I?"

The language function area is intact!

"Who do you remember?" The director of the institute continued to ask the next question: "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Uncomfortable..." Gu Xixi's eyes flicked slightly, and he pointed to the position of his heart: "Here... uncomfortable."

Inexplicably, the heart bluntly hurt.

Soon, the director of the institute asked a few more questions, and kept writing.

Immediately asked Gu Xixi a few questions in the academic field, so strange, she turned out to be all!

After Gu Xixi woke up for the first time, he quickly fell into a deep sleep again.

The next time I woke up, it was already three days later.

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