The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 376: a child is born

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mrs. Yun's words hit Yin Sichen fiercely.

Yin Sichen was about to object, but Mrs. Yin said, "Si Chen, don't talk. Listen to your mother-in-law's words."

Mrs. Yun continued: "I don't care what the contract you signed before, Xixi was originally the daughter of our Yun family, and she was a mistake with you. Since there is now a chance to correct the mistake, then we Use today to completely correct this mistake! After giving birth to this child, we will take Xixi to go high and fly, and will no longer set foot in the country! I also hope that the Yin family can do it and never disturb our life! You If you ruin the first half of your life, let her pass the rest of her life! My family, for the sake of us all as mothers, for the sake of all of us feel the same, sign it!"

Gu Xi in the rescue room listened quietly.

At this moment, her tears flowed.

She didn't even want to lose these memories.

Because these drugs will forcibly destroy all her memory centers.

Marriage without memory is unfair to Yin Sichen.

So, divorce it.

Gu Xixi looked at Yin Sichen outside, and the two looked at each other.

Yin Sichen's eyes were flushed, and he dared to tears out of the eyes, but the tears were too naughty, and he could not control it, slowly along the corners of his eyes**.

The two looked at each other across the window.

Perhaps this one is the last one.

"Okay, I agree." Madam Yin said difficultly: "The moment the child was born, the two divorced!"

Yin Sichen bit his lip, looking at Gu Xi dimly in tears.

Gu Xixi said softly, "Take care of Gu Miao, remember to tell him that he is a mother."

Yin Sichen nodded vigorously.

"Let Gu Miao grow up with our son, he will be a good brother." Gu Xixi continued his weak opening: "Choosing and picking, or Gu Miao is more suitable for our son. Let others accompany, I'm worried!"

Yin Sichen nodded vigorously: "I promise you."

"Find a good stepmother for the child. Don't let other women beat my son." Gu Xixi continued.

Yin Sichen shook his head frantically: "No one else dares to beat our son!"

Gu Xixi smiled softly: "Don't talk silly. I cleaned my memory, I am an idiot. I will not be jealous and jealous."

Yin Sichen gently closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her vision was blurred.

Who says men don’t cry?

"As a child's mother, do I have the right to give my son a name?" Gu Xixi looked at Yin's family weakly.

Mrs. Yin nodded heavily.

Gu Xixi smiled gently, this smile is so far-fetched.

"Gu Miao has water in his name, then my son is called Yin Yuzhan. Yuzhan, Yuzhan..." Gu Xixi gently opened his eyes, and his eyes were soft and gentle like water: "Son, do you like this name?"

"Okay, he's called Yin Yuyan." Yin Sichen focused on her head.

"Mom..." Gu Xixi looked at Mrs. Yun: "Don't worry about Si Chen, he's right, I'm wrong."

If it was not because I was too greedy and fell in love with Yin Sichen, the result might not be so embarrassing.

If it were not for my dissatisfaction, perhaps there would be no separation of life and death this time.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I'm embarrassing to you." Gu Xixi said softly: "From then on I will become an idiot. I can't be as good as my sister, so that my father and mother can be glorified. I can't replace my sister to do filial piety. Now, I can't... inherit the Yun Family! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! Please forgive my waywardness? The vitality gained by killing my child, I'm just a walking dead. I don't want this kind of life, I'd rather live as an idiot, and don't want my son to be brutally killed by my loved ones without even having the right to look at this world!"

Mr. Yun was also in tears, nodding heavily.

"Grandma...Mom... I'm sorry, I'm not the daughter-in-law of the Yin family... I'm sorry, I'm gone..." Gu Xixi looked at Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Jiang Xue, and smiled hard: "The stock under my name, Transferred to the name of Yu Yan, this is the last thing my mother left to the child."

Mrs. Yin said quickly: "Come on, don't say that. If you want to give it, then you will come back and give it upright!"

Gu Xixi shook his head gently: "Thank you mom, but it's not necessary anymore. I don't have a future... This is the way I chose, I don't regret it."

Gu Xixi looked back to Yin Sichen: "Thank you for listening to me this time. Next life, I will listen to you, okay?"

Yin Sichen nodded heavily: "Come on, even if you don't remember anything, you will still be my wife!"

What if she doesn’t remember anything?

His wife will only be Gu Xixi, only Gu Xixi! !

Gu Xixi shook his head: "Don't... I don't want to be like that. Si Chen, give me one last respect. I don't want to stay by your side like an idiot, I'd rather live in your memory and let you always remember my present Look. Thank you for your respect and care, and thank you for loving me so much. I’m fortunate than my sister, and much happier than my sister. I have nothing to regret! Ah no, I’m so sorry, can’t watch I grew up with enthalpy..."

At this time, an instrument suddenly burst into tweets.

A doctor took a look, and looked at the others, and said, "There are still five minutes! After five minutes, the labor will be started! In order to shorten the time of labor, tyrannical drugs will be used. After the drug is used, the mother will have severe bleeding symptoms. If the mother is unconscious The earlier, the faster the banned drug breaks through the blockade and the more complete the memory loss."

Gu Xixi heard that there were only five minutes left, and immediately looked greedily at the people outside.

She really wanted to engrave everyone in her mind, and wanted to remember their faces...

But... but... she can't...

Yin Sichen kept calling Gu Xixi's name: "Xi Xi, Xi Xi! Please, don't forget me! Don't forget!"

Gu Xixi nodded tearfully: "I try my best!"

The doctor pulled the curtains and blocked the sight of the two.

Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen looked at each other's faces so slowly that they gradually disappeared into their own eyes.

A door is two worlds.

When we met again, we already forgot who the other party was.

Scientists and doctors gave Gu Xixi medicine to induce labor and began to forcefully give birth.

Everyone is not idle, constantly monitoring various instruments, and closely monitoring the changes of every organ in Gu Xi's body.

Gu Xixi lay on the **, but within a few minutes after the injection was pushed into the body, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Gu Xixi yelled in pain in the ward. These medicaments accelerated the speed of production and shortened the gap of pain.

Normal maternal labor pains gradually become more frequent.

And Gu Xixi had pain from the beginning to the end, she didn't even have a minute of rest for a minute!

Gu Xixi's voice reached the outside, Yin Sichen leaned against the wall, listening to Gu Xixi's mumbling sound because of the pain of the production, and finally smoked out, but he couldn't even point it Got on.

He crumple the cigarette in his hand, scattered, and abandoned.

Taking a deep breath, Yin Sichen crushed the whole box of cigarettes in his hand and threw it out.

He is a man, he has no time for sadness.

He won't let go!

Even if Gu Xixi really forgot everything, he must find a way to get Gu Xixi back to his side!

Outside the delivery room, everyone's expression is so anxious.

In the delivery room, everyone is non-stop.

Gu Xixi felt that his vitality was losing rapidly.

No, I can't die yet.

I must give birth to the child before I die!

Yu enthalpy, my son!

Mom is finally going to see you!

Yu Yan, bless your mother, okay?

Royal enthalpy, royal enthalpy, royal enthalpy...

Gu Xixi finally endured the limit, snorted, felt the threshold of pain rushed to the peak, and suddenly felt light in the belly!

"Born! Finally born!" The doctor and nurse quickly cleaned Gu Xixi's body and children.

"The liver system begins to fail!"

"The lungs are starting to fail!"

"The digestive system begins to fail!"


The voices of several doctors sounded almost simultaneously.

Gu Xixi suddenly felt cold.

The sight is blurred.

Are you dying?

It's a pity that I haven't glanced at the enthalpy...

My son, sorry...

The director of the institute immediately issued an order: "Preparing the secret medicine, divided into four parts, and pushing forward at the same time!"

"Director, if the four parts advance at the same time, it will accelerate her coma." A scientist couldn't help saying.

"She's too weak! If you don't advance at the same time, I am afraid that Yunjia's secret medicine will not save her! The speed of blood loss in her body has exceeded the speed of the input. I counted three two one, advance together "" The voice of the director remembered in Gu Xi's ear.

Gu Xixi tilted her head and saw the nurse walking quickly, holding the newly wrapped child.

But Gu Xixi didn't even have the strength to lift his finger.

She can only glance at her son from a distance. That'

"Yu Yan... Si Chen..." Gu Xixi's call, along with the four doses of medicine hitting the body at the same time, gradually became a sob.

Gu Xixi only felt that his brain suddenly became chaotic.

A lot of memories seemed to be smashed to pieces in an instant.

Whose memory is this?

Why is it so familiar and so strange?

Who is Yu Yan? Who is Gu Miao? Yin Sichen...Who is it?

I... who am I...

Gu Xixi finally couldn't bear the sleepiness anymore and slowly closed his eyes.

At the moment of closing his eyes, Gu Xixi clearly called out a name: "Yin Sichen..."

The sound of a mechanical stereotype of a scientist who has not spoken slowly sounded: "Now begin to implant the set memory template."

Gu Xixi was groggy and found himself in a very strange space.

Where there is nothing, there is only one person.

But who am I? Where am I going?

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