The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 378: Never let go

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

She has been completely removed from the ward.

According to various indicators, Gu Xixi has completely recovered his health.

Successful memory implantation.

When Gu Xixi woke up for the second time, he saw the house full of people as soon as he opened his eyes.

Gu Xixi first looked blankly, and finally fixed it on Mrs. Yun.

"Mom." Gu Xixi said softly.

"Hey." Mrs. Yun's tears fell all of a sudden, and the child recognized her as soon as she woke up, how to make her not surprised? "Good boy, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Gu Xixi shook his head and turned to look at Mr. Yun: "Dad."

Mr. Yun nodded hard: "Hey."

Gu Xixi's eyes fell on Mrs. Yun's body, and there was a struggling flash in her eyes, but she still called out, "Grandma."

Mrs. Yun nodded.

Gu Xixi was at a loss as she glanced over Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Yin.

She can't remember them anymore.

His eyes moved down again and fell on Yin Sichen.

The handsome man with a tall figure and full of sorrow... who is it?

Why would he look at himself with such eyes?

Yin Sichen leaned against the wall without saying a word, and there was a gloom around him.

His eyes were covered by a layer of water mist, and he had heard the sentence of fate.

She really forgot herself.

Really... don't remember...

"Hello, I am the cloud." I don't know why, when I saw this man for the first time, there was an inexplicable sense of closeness in my heart. The following consciousness said: "Who are you?"

Yin Sichen's chest burst into tears, and swept the whole body.

The painful Yin Sichen's fingers tightened suddenly, his nose was sore, and he almost burst into tears on the spot.

"Hello, my name is Yin Sichen. I will call you Xixi in the future, okay?" Yin Sichen said with a tearful smile, and said softly, "In fact, the name Xixi is more suitable for you."

Gu Xixi tilted her head for a moment, as if, in the depths of memory, in an unknown corner, it seemed that someone was madly calling her name Xixi...

who's that person?

Gu Xixi did not answer Yin Sichen's question. His eyes passed smoothly and fell on Mo Zixin.

When she saw Mo Zixin, who was upright and elegant, her eyes lit up instantly and she smiled delicately: "Brother Mo..."

Mo Zixin's body suddenly shocked!

Mo Zixin remembered clearly that Yunhao called him that way.

Mo Zixin's eyes quickly glanced at Mrs. Yun, who nodded silently.

When Gu Xixi implanted the memory, he used Yun's memory as a template.

Therefore, Gu Xixi is equivalent to the rebirth of Yun He and Gu Xixi's body.

"Xi Xi, you can still remember me, I'm very happy." Mo Zixin glanced at Yin Sichen without trace, and slowly squatted down, held out Gu Xixi's hand: "Let's go home, OK? ?"

Gu Xixi nodded, with clear eyes and trust.

At this time, two people rushed in outside the door.

No one else was Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan.

The two stood in front of Gu Xixi, and Mu Ruona asked anxiously, "Xi Xi, do you remember who I am?"

Gu Xixi looked at Mu Ruona blankly, and she didn't react for a long time.

Mo Zixuan also joined up: "Then, do you remember me?"

Gu Xixi nodded and said, "Sister Xuan, of course I know you!"

Sister Xuan...

Mo Zixuan's expression suddenly changed, blurting out: "Are you a sister?"

No, how is it possible? How could she be a sister?

Gu Xixi's eyes suddenly became dazed: "Why do you call me sister? I'm Yunxi."

Boom... Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan were both bombed there, but for a long time they couldn't get back to God.

Mr. Yun suddenly said: "Okay, Xixi just woke up, her memory is still unstable, please don't disturb the rest. Let's go back first."

The people in the room left with their own hearts.

After these people had left, Gu Xixi lay on the ** for a while, slowly lifted the quilt, dropped off, and stood in front of the window looking at the scenery outside.

The spring breeze was blowing outside, facing upward.

Gu Xixi reached out and stroked his chest, always feeling something was wrong.

There seems to be a slight deviation in my memory.

Those people just now, why do some remember, some don’t?

And the man with the sadness in his eyes... Why does his heart hurt when he sees his sadness?

Why do you feel heartache for a strange man?

The door creaked open and Gu Xixi responded.

That man... that... man...

Yin Sichen walked slowly towards Gu Xixi and stood in front of Gu Xixi.

He wanted to hug her, he wanted to... take a good look at her, but he couldn't.

Looking at the vigilance and estrangement in her eyes, Yin Sichen felt that her heart was breaking and breaking a little bit.

"You remember, Gu Xi. No matter if you really forgot me or whether you are in the world, I will find you again." Yin Sichen looked at the woman in front of her teeth: "The person who gave you the medicine, I’ve found it. Even if the black hand hasn’t appeared behind the scenes, it’s okay, I’ll keep her and let you personally take revenge."

Gu Xixi took a step back, and the alertness in his eyes became more and more obvious: "Why are you saying this to me? What do you call me? I don't call Gu Xixi."

"No, your name is Gu Xixi." Yin Sichen corrected it word by word: "You remember what I said today. No one can break us up, no one can!"

Gu Xixi looked at Yin Sichen in amazement and then said angrily: "You are so strange! I came to me and said such inexplicable words! You go!"

Gu Xixi wanted to leave but found that his way was blocked by the other party. Gu Xixi could only reach out and push away the other party's body.

At the moment when the finger touched the opponent's chest, a strange sense of familiarity instantly swept Gu Xi's whole body!

Gu Xixi froze at once.

This familiarity... why is there a feeling of deja vu?

At this moment, Gu Xixi suddenly felt a sharp pain in her brain, like a pinprick. Her body cramped, and she fell to the ground with a scream!

Yin Sichen didn't expect that Gu Xixi would suddenly fall and hug Gu Xixi!

Immediately afterwards, a group of people rushed into the door, and Gu Xixi was quickly sent to the rescue room, all the instruments were turned on!

Mo Zixin also rushed in and saw that Gu Xixi was pushed back into the rescue room again. When he turned around, he saw Yin Sichen standing stunned, and suddenly understood what was happening.

Mo Zixin didn't hesitate anymore, he came up with a punch at Yin Sichen!

Yin Sichen didn't hide, but took the punch.

"You bastard! Just woke up and you dare to stimulate her! Do you know if she is stimulated if her memory is unstable, she will be schizophrenic, will she really become a lunatic?" Mo Zixin pointed at Yin Si Chen, no longer calm, roaring wildly: "Yin Sichen, if Xi Xi has three lengths and two shorts, I will never let you go!"

Yin Sichen's heart was heavy!

His eyes flicked, Gu Xi was like a small boat, bumped under the violent wind and rain, he would be subverted at any time.

"Come on, I won't give up." Raising his hand to wipe away the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, Yin Sichen looked at him with resignation and swore to himself.

In the rescue room, the director of the institute said eagerly: "Instability in memory can cause personality rupture and we must return immediately."

Mr. Yun did not hesitate, he immediately ordered to continue, everyone set off and left the mainland!

Gu Xi in a coma returned to that white world again.

"Who am I? Am I clouding, or am I Guxi?" Raising his hand gently, trying to touch the world again.

But this time there is no color, no picture, just an empty world.

"Does my memory really belong to me?" Gu Xixi asked himself to himself: "Why, I always think that my memory should not be like this?"

"Did I forget something? Is that the most important thing for me?" Gu Xixi groaned a little: "It seems that I should get back those lost memories!"

At this time, many instruments in the rescue room issued a sharp chirping sound, and the instruments that detect brain waves were even more crazy.

A researcher immediately said: "No, the patient's brain waves are abnormal, and it seems to be trying to awaken the sleeping memory. In her current state, once that part of the memory is awakened, it will really wash all the memory areas and become real. moron!"

The director of the institute made a decisive decision: "Immediately block the memory and perform hypnosis!"

"Director! Do you really want to do this? The memory template we implanted will disappear once hypnosis is released!" the researcher couldn't help but remind the director.

"I can't take care of that much now. In the future, it's up to her blessings to be made! Now if she doesn't force the blockade, she will become an idiot! Our hard work will be in vain!" The director frowned. : "The hypnotist is ready to start hypnotizing!"

Tick, tick, tick...

everything is over.

The headlines of the n city this day completely awakened the people of the entire city from their sleepy eyes.

The head president of the Yin's consortium divorced!

The Yin's consortium officially announced the transfer of all the power of the Yin's consortium to Yin Shichen, the third-generation heir of the Yin family. Yin Sichen is appointed as Chairman and President of the company.

The Yin's consortium announced that the fourth generation heir was Yin Yuzhan, a one month old baby.

These pieces of news have scorched everyone into tenderness.

No one knows exactly what happened, only knowing that it will change.

Gu Xixi was in a coma, and he was transferred to the plane with the machine, and with the help of the Mohists, he flew directly to the small island of Indonesia.

Only there, Gu Xi's memory and body can be further consolidated and stabilized.

Yin Sichen locked herself in the room and spent three days and three nights eating, drinking and sleeping.

No one dared to disturb.

Three days later, the moment Yin Sichen opened the door.

The gentle president died, and the once cruel emperor returned.

Many people heard the news of Yin Sichen's divorce, and hit their ideas on Yin Sichen, trying to squeeze a woman around Yin Sichen.

It is a pity that whoever dies will die soon!

Yin Sichen seems to have become a workaholic. In addition to work or work every day, he basically does not go home.

The villa where Gu Xixi lived with was completely sealed by him and no one dared to mention it.

It was Gu Xixi's house. No woman in this world is eligible to live in it.

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