The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 321: You are the devil

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Ran Xiwei shivered even more: ""

"Ran Xiwei, how brave you are! You still want to touch the Yin family's power in Europe. Should I boast about your bravery, or joke you stupid?" Yin Sichen said with a sigh: "You think you got enough Can you get involved in Europe? It’s really fun!"

Ran Xiwei stared at Yin Sichen fiercely, and her voice became more hoarse. At this time, her voice was no longer sweet and crisp. Instead, she had a kind of gong-like voice, just like a teenager in the voice-changing period, extremely harsh. .

"Now that you know everything, just kill whatever you want!" Ran Xiwei said, gritting her teeth.

Although she said so, her eyes kept floating towards the door.

What seems to be waiting.

Yin Sichen suddenly smiled lowly.

"How can I kill you and slap you? Come here, change Ran Xiwei's clothes, and there are entertainments waiting for her outside." Yin Sichen finished this sentence and immediately stood up, stood up, and prepared Turn around and leave.

Ran Xiwei couldn't understand why Yin Sichen did it. She shouted Yin Sichen in time: "What's the point of telling me this today? I'm your first love! This is unquestionable. You are wearing When I was pursuing my clothes, I still said what I said. Yin Sichen, you dare to say, have you never loved me? You really have to deal with me?"

Yin Sichen really stood still, but he didn't look back.

Deep eyes, but no emotion at this time.

"You're right. You are indeed my first girl who has good feelings. But it is only limited to good feelings, because my sexual orientation is still normal, and I am not interested in men." Yin Sichen's voice changed To be faint: "I came to see you today to completely remove this memory from my life. What I said to you that day, the clothes I used to wear that day, from this evening, will It completely disappeared in my memory."

"Then why do you have to do more?" Ran Xiwei growled at Yin Sichen: "You haven't actually forgotten whether I am? You still have mine in your heart!"

Ran Xiwei didn't see the irony in Yin Sichen's eyes, and said to himself: "So you think so? I just want you to see. It's much more beautiful to wear this style of dress than you."


Ran Xiwei was finally spit with blood when Yin Sichen said.

"Yin Sichen, you are ruthless! Then you have no other questions to ask me?" Ran Xiwei yelled at Yin Sichen crazy: "You don't want to know why I can't wait to intervene in the European black market? ?"

"Because your organs are starting to fail, you urgently need to replace them, right?" Yin Sichen said indifferently: "When you return to China, the first goal is me. As long as you control me, let me fall in love with you again, You can openly go to Europe to replace organs. As a result, you failed, and Yin Siyao returned to Yin's home, so you focused on Yin Siyao. As a result, Yin Siyao could not enter the board of directors. For more stocks, find a way to eat 5% of stocks in Gu Xi’s hands. It’s a pity that things didn’t work, and Xi’s stocks were safe. You went nowhere and started hitting your ideas to Shang Ke and Qiao Qi Although they only have a small amount of stock in their hands, they add up to one percent."

"Shang Ke was busy pursuing Mu Ruona at the same time, and he was also dying for you, so you couldn't succeed. So he placed the target on Qiao Qi's body, and Qiao Qi came from Die Yi's hand. Phone. And then, you think this is too slow, it is better to start directly at the board of directors, the speed will be faster. So you stared at director Zhu and other directors. Some people are fooled and some people flee. You find that you have been unable to With 30% of the shares of the Yin's consortium, you can only retreat and take the second place, hooking up with the old man who brought you to the banquet today."

"Because this old man knows a very powerful organ transplant doctor, and you have also found a stable supply in Thailand, as long as you have enough money, you can perform the operation. Right?" Yin Sichen's words were plain. Wave, but like a trial, completely ran Ran Xiwei into hell.

"It turns out that you really know everything..." Ran Xiwei's eyes were ashamed. She didn't expect all her actions and motives to be clearly seen in the other party's eyes: "Why didn't you tear me down at first?"

"Because I want to see how far you can play." Yin Sichen chuckled: "The fight against those who think they are right is when the other party thinks they are about to succeed. This is fun!"

Ran Xiwei no longer knew what to say.

"However, you are indeed very courageous. You don't have much money in your hand, and you dare to buy other people's stocks. It's really courageous! Even if you don't have someone to intervene, wouldn't you spend a penny? "After Yin Sichen said this sentence, she stopped staying: "Give her a good time, it's lively outside! Today's theme is to let Jiang Shao return to this circle. Her business is just by the way."

As soon as the voice fell, Yin Sichen had left the room.

Ran Xiwei's body was cold, and she could not control her trembling.

He is the devil.

He is Satan.

He is not human!

Soon someone came in from the outside, changed Ran Xiwei's clothes, and re-applied her makeup.

Ran Xiwei didn't even have the strength to resist, because the medicine in her body was still there.

Ran Xiwei, like a rag doll, was brought back to the banquet hall.

At this moment, a woman suddenly rushed in from outside the door and rushed in front of Ran Xiwei, raising her hand to give Ran Xiwei a slap!

Everyone present was stunned.

What happened?

Gu Xixi also froze, glanced at Yin Sichen who was walking towards herself, and looked at the questioning eyes.

Yin Sichen deliberately made an expression that I knew nothing about.

Gu Xixi couldn't help but rolled his eyes, it was strange for him not to know.

Is there anything he doesn't know in this world?

Mu Ruona said, "Hey, isn't this Die Yi? Are she and Ran Xiwei not good friends? How could she?"

Gu Xixi only saw this clearly. The man who slapped Ran Xiwei when he rushed up was none other than Die Yi!

Although Dieyi is pregnant now, her belly is still very flat, and no traces can be seen.

However, Die Yi at this time, already excited can not own.

Because of poisoning, Ran Xiwei's entire body is woody, and his body flexibility is extremely poor, so he can only stand there and let Butterfly Yi slap in the face.

Gu Xixi, who looked at it, felt a pain for her.

This... what's going on?

With Gu Xixi's blank face, Mu Ruona shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't know anything.

At this time Qiao Qi finally appeared and whispered: "Don't make trouble here, Dieyi."

Dieyi glanced at Qiao Qi quickly, and the emotion was very complicated.

There is anger, frustration, struggle, and suffering.

Qiao Qi looked at Dieyi with a blank expression. He didn't have the coercion like Yin Sichen, but it didn't mean he was a good talker.

Although he was the wrong person this time.

Dieyi really gritted her teeth, stretched her hand and pulled Ran Xiwei's clothes and turned away.

Qiao Qi immediately followed.

Gu Xixi was curious and wanted to go over and see what happened.

Mu Ruona pulled Gu Xi directly and followed.

Yin Sichen immediately replaced Qiao Qi, took over the responsibility of the host, and greeted other guests to continue to chat and drink and talk about things, as if this little thing, there was no need to mind.

All the people present were old fritters.

Seeing Yin Sichen like this, the others did not dare to ask even if they were extremely curious.

Jiang Yihai walked over to look at the few people who left, and couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

Yin Sichen smiled calmly and calmly: "The cousin will not care about these things. Today's theme has not officially started, this is just a little appetizer. Waiting for everyone to wait for a while, it is the official part."

Jiang Yihai looked at Yin Sichen, and after a while he replied, "Come on her..."

"She's okay. She just came to join in the excitement today." Yin Sichen replied directly.

Jiang Yihai took a deep breath and never spoke again.

This is really just an appetizer.

It is not yet time for the official start. This little farce is not enough to shake the essence of this banquet.

Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona followed with curiosity.

Once in one of the halls, Dieyi couldn't help it anymore. She raised her hand and continued to slap Ran Xiwei. While pumping, she said, "Ran Xiwei, how did you repay my kindness to you? I'll let you see Seeing my husband, you even saw **Going up! Ran Xiwei, you give me an explanation!"

Gu Xixi was dumbfounded with Mu Ruona and turned to look at Qiao Qi.

Qiao Qi, who was the creator, was an expression of my innocence...

Gu Xixi said, "You and Ran Xiwei...really..."


This is too fantasy!

Didn't Ran Xiwei claim to love Yin Sichen the most, and later began to fall in love with Yin Siyao?

Then I fell in love with Qiao Qi, Director Zhu and other men, and then fell in love with the chief of a gold jewelry?

Mu Ruona also thought that the plot was really wonderful, and asked, "Qiao Qi, although we all know that you are a playboy, but when you got married this time, you weren’t claiming that you had played enough, not playing. Yet?"

Qiao Qi didn't care, and said, "Yeah, I'm not playing anymore! I'm working!"

You didn't fall for work!

Worked up to work?

Gu Xixi rolled her eyes at the same time as Mu Ruona.

The two women over there are still fighting, ah no, it is the unilateral abuse of Die Xi Ran Xiwei.

Gu Xixi feels strange. Isn't Ran Xiwei like to dress up poorly and pitifully? Why not use this trick today?

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