The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 320: Ran Xiwei enters the net

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Ran Xiwei heard Jiang Huiyin's convenience and laughed out of nowhere!

"I bullshit? Jiang Huiyin, do you dare to swear that you are not in love with Jiang Yihai?" Ran Xiwei's face suddenly raised an abnormal flush, allowing the cold wind to hit her, but she didn't feel anything at all. When he turned around, he looked at Jiang Huiyin like this: "Yeah, how can you let others know about this scandal? You love Jiang Yihai so much, you don't hesitate to warn Yun Yi to get him to get stubborn in order to get him. . But it’s useless to cover up, do you think anyone else is a fool?"

Jiang Huiyin took two steps back, scaredly defending: "We are just brothers and sisters..."

"Enough is enough, you can just cheat yourself for this kind of lie, don't get it in front of me." Ran Xiwei continued to say step by step: "However, I am curious if Jiang Yihai knows that he has been holding it The girl with the palm of your hand has been in love with him for more than ten years. What mood will he have?"

Jiang Huiyin finally panicked, reaching out to cover Ran Xiwei's mouth, but Ran Xiwei slapped Jiang Huiyin's hand and looked at Jiang Huiyin ironically and said, "Why? Dare not dare to be? Jiang Yihai is really good, Feng Shenjunlang The capital is strong. I heard that you accidentally broke into Jiang Yihai’s room when you were a child, and after seeing the back of his bath, you became crazy about him and learned to paint for it. ..."

"Enough!" Jiang Huiyin finally couldn't hear anymore: "Don't say it! What do you want!"

Jiang Huiyin was really panicked.

She had never imagined that she had desperately tried to hide the secret, and she was torn out so bloody.

Jiang Huiyin really regretted it.

Why should she follow me?

This expression of Ran Xiwei seems to be not quite right. If you let this lunatic go on, what happened between you and your brother, I'm afraid I really can't keep it...

Jiang Huiyin was trembling all over, and she almost knelt down to Ran Xiwei!

It doesn't matter if she is accused, but she cannot destroy Jiang Yihai!

That's the man in her heart that is as sacred as the divine mansion!

The flushing on Ran Xiwei's face became more and more obvious. She always felt the whole body was very hot, and she always felt that the brain was chaotic and started to become dull.

How could this be?

Is it a fever?

Jiang Huiyin also noticed that Ran Xiwei was abnormal. She was terrified at this time. She was afraid to say anything to Ran Xiwei again. Sa Ya turned and ran away.

Among the crowd, Yin Sichen looked in one direction. A woman with exquisite makeup nodded at Yin Sichen without trace.

If Gu Xixi looked at her along the line of sight, she would find that the woman who gave Yin Sichen her eyes was the female partner that Yin Siyao brought today!

After Yin Siyao went to trouble Ran Xiwei, the woman retreated silently, waiting for Yin Sichen's arrival.

Receiving the other party's signal, Yin Sichen nodded in satisfaction.

The woman looked at Yin Sichen's eyes, definitely not the woman's look at the man. Instead, the subordinates respect the superiors!

After receiving the signal from Yin Sichen, the woman quickly left the crowd and quietly left the villa.

Yin Sichen said to Qiao Qi: "My wife will trouble you to take care of it first. I will go to the bathroom."

Qiao Qi smiled happily: "It's an honor."

Yin Sichen left gracefully and walked slowly towards Ran Xiwei.

When Yin Sichen found Ran Xiwei, Ran Xiwei had become ill-conscious, and he knelt down on the ground, patting his head constantly.

At the moment when Yin Sichen came over, a black figure sprang out of the darkness and saluted Yin Sichen: "Master."

"This is a good thing. Take her to a secluded room, and I have something to ask her." Yin Sichen walked forward calmly, walking past Ran Xiwei.

"Yes." The man picked up Ran Xiwei, as if carrying a gangster, and strode the meteor behind Yin Sichen.

Open the room at will, and after entering, Yin Sichen sat down directly on the sofa.

He doesn't need any other unnecessary movements, and he has reached the extreme elegance and extreme dominance.

After the man threw Ran Xiwei on the ground, he disappeared quietly.

After a while, he came back soon, carrying a bucket of water and dumped it on Ran Xiwei's head without hesitation.

In the next second, Ran Xiwei was agitated and woke up suddenly.

But Ran Xiwei, who was awake, found something that made her more desperate.

Her body couldn't move.

As soon as Ran Xiwei looked up, she saw the handsome Yin Sichen, and sat on the sofa.

Ran Xiwei shivered, and subconsciously wanted to protect herself with the same old style.

Yin Sichen's thin lips spit out a cold sentence: "If you still want to cry, then dig out your eyes first."

Ran Xiwei never thought that one day Yin Sichen would say such terrible words to her, Ran Xiwei suddenly fell into place.

Yin Sichen's long fingers kept playing with a lighter. Since Gu Xixi became pregnant with two people, his lighter was only used for playing, but he never lit a cigarette.

"I never seem to actively ask you a question about the reason for your disappearance six years ago." Yin Sichen's voice, although faint, was with a trace of undeniable majesty and pressure.

Ran Xiwei couldn't help but tremble, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Is it?" Yin Sichen smiled softly, unable to hide the irony under the narrow eyes.

Ran Xiwei gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"A few days ago I happened to meet a famous doctor, said to be good at organ transplantation. His name is Jeff Lincoln." Yin Sichen said slowly.

When he heard the name, Ran Xiwei shivered.

She suddenly looked up and looked at Yin Sichen in disbelief.

"How do you know..." Ran Xiwei looked at Yin Sichen's murderous eyes and could not help blurting out: "You already know?"

Yin Sichen smiled softly.

"Wait, how can I be here? How can I..." Ran Xiwei seemed to have recovered, and said in horror: "I was with Jiang Huiyin just now. She... was she out of me?" "

Yin Sichen did not explain.

Ran Xiwei is not worthy of knowing.

He would not even tell Ran Xiwei that the female companion that Yin Sichen took with him today was actually one of his assistants, but was only responsible for some hidden tasks in the dark.

Yin Siyao returned to Yin's house. How could he not be prepared at all?

How could he not know the small movements of Yin Siyao?

How could he not take advantage of the arrogant character of Yin Siyao?

Therefore, Yin Siyao's female companion quietly spread the medicine on Yin Siyao's fingernails, and then spoke a few words.

Sure enough, Yin Siyao couldn't stand the challenge, and took the initiative to find Ran Xiwei, then gave Ran Xiwei a slap.

The slap in the face was accurate and ruthless, and scratched Ran Xiwei's face.

The medicine hidden in Yin Siyao's nails also quickly penetrated Ran Xiwei's body through Ran Xiwei's injury.

How could Yin Sichen let Ran Xiwei know all this?

Even when he stepped into this villa, he was stuck in time.

He came here only after he had calculated the drug effect.

"Speaking of it, I still have to thank you very much. If it is not for your help, maybe I can't withdraw so many shares so quickly." Yin Sichen seemed to be in a good mood.

Ran Xiwei heard this sentence, but it was like falling into the ice cave!

"Those stocks..." Ran Xiwei shuddered suddenly, his complexion faded instantly: "Are you all a ghost?"

Yin Sichen smiled more arrogantly: "What do you say?"

"How is it possible? How is it? The few people I started..." Ran Xiwei suddenly remembered something, and there was endless fear in his eyes: "The people around me are all yours..."

"Okay, let's talk about it. Why do you want to get involved in the trading rights of the black market in Europe?" Yin Sichen leaned back and unbuttoned the neckline, revealing an attractive and smooth skin.

Although Ran Xiwei knew that it was not when she was attracted by the beauty of the other party, she couldn't help but glance at it.

"Don't want to say? Then let me talk?" Yin Sichen looked at Ran Xiwei with a smile: "No wonder when I pursued you back then, you always pushed back and forth, veiled. But at that time you were young, I I will also respect you enough, so I didn’t find out that you were an intersex person!"

Ran Xiwei's body shook violently.

She closed her eyes gently.

After all, this secret was exposed.

And it was Yin Sichen who personally exposed it.

"You did not say goodbye, just to do this operation?" Yin Sichen thought for a while, and said: "I now know why you didn't speak easily during that time. If you didn't guess wrong, you... ...Should the voice change?"

Ran Xiwei's body shook again.

"No wonder Ran's family will suddenly end the domestic industry, and hurried to go abroad. No wonder, you will let me not find you." Yin Sichen looked at Ran Xiwei with a smile.

At this time, Ran Xiwei was soaked in water, and his clothes were soaked and tightly attached to his body, showing his proud body.

When Yin Sichen remembered that in Yuanshan Village, Ran Xiwei had taken the initiative to stand naked in front of him.

At that time he noticed a little something was wrong.

Ran Xiwei's figure is too perfect.

There is no flaw in perfection.

This is not normal.

Ran Xiwei knew that all his secrets were no longer secrets.

She closed her eyes hard and said hoarsely, "Since you all know, why don't you just kill me? With your means and style, I can't live for three days at all, right?"

Yin Sichen nodded: "You know my style and means. Indeed, anyone who dares to fight the Yin family's idea, basically can't live for three days. I keep your life, naturally there is. It makes sense. No, you didn’t let me down. You helped me solve the trouble I wanted to solve smoothly."

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