The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 322: The party just started

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Ran Xiwei thought!

She is now dull!

She could only look at Qiao Qi with a pleading look, hoping that Qiao Qi would look at the fact that she gave Qiao Qi the first time.

Sure enough, Qiao Qi received Ran Xiwei's glance for help, and immediately said: "Die Yi, okay. You are also tired from beating, be careful of the children in your stomach."

Die Yi really stopped immediately.

Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona were dumbfounded again.

Dieyi, so obedient!

Dieyi is really tired, and hitting people is also an effort!

Dieyi pointed to Ran Xiwei and kept accusing: "You, this wolf-hearted thing, I treat you as my friend, and you slept my husband!"

Gu Xixi reached out and touched his nose. Why is this line so familiar?

Although Ran Xiwei's body is dull, his mouth still speaks.

It's just this sound, how do you feel a sense of disobedience?

"Die Yi, how did you get pregnant? Do you think I don't know?" Ran Xiwei's face beaten by Die Yi has become swollen into a pig's head, and with this broken gong throat, it's also suitable.

"What are you talking about?" Dieyi's face changed slightly.

"In order to marry Qiao Qi, you calculated Qiao Qi by any means. Do you think I don't know, or do you think Qiao Qi doesn't know?" Ran Xiwei lifted all the cards today, no need to pretend to be a face, Straight and coldly said: "Yes, I just slept Qiao Qi. Because Qiao Qi is rich, because Qiao Qi is willing to spend money. I only slept with him once, he gave me a million dollars. It is dollars, not RMB. ! The other man gave me a million yuan, but he gave me a million dollars!"

Qiao Qi immediately touched his nose.

Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona immediately looked at Qiao Qi with the expression that you were so willing to spend money to pick up girls.

"I need money, I need a lot of money. I can be so generous, I can't find a second man except Qiao Qi. Moreover, was it also the Qiao Qi phone you gave me at the time?" Ran Xiwei retorted, though , But the obvious lack of confidence: "In fact, you know what you know, you can't control Qiao Qi! Qiao Qi is originally a playboy, his confidante is all over the world, you can hit me, you can also scold Me. I don’t care. I don’t have much excuse for the matter now!"

Dieyi suddenly burst into tears.

Gu Xixi said to Qiao Qi: "Hey, don't you plan to coax your wife?"

The expression on Qiao Qi's face was a little indifferent, saying: "Ran Xiwei is right. The reason why I and Dieyi are married is actually only one of our cooperation."


Gu Xixi told Mu Ruona that they could not accept it!

What the **** is going on?

However, Gu Xixi also saw it.

Dieyi was actually afraid of Qiao Qi, no matter what the reason was. As long as Qiao Qi has one look, Dieyi will be in a state of silence.

Dieyi will throw at Ran Xiwei, but dare not accuse Qiao Qi.

Gee, the inside story is estimated to be awesome!

The gossip factor in Gu Xixi's body finally broke out and he couldn't help but ask, "Why? What cooperation?"

Qiao Qi didn't answer Gu Xixi's question, but raised his eyebrows and looked at Dieyi: "Since you decided to make trouble on this occasion today. Then our cooperation should also be terminated."

Dieyi panicked when he heard Qiao Qi's words.

Turned around and ran to hug Qiao Qi, looking at Qiao Qi with a pleading expression: "No, I don't want to leave you!"

Gu Xixi suddenly felt that his brain was not enough.

Is there a problem with this butterfly clothing's brain?

Mu Ruona seemed to want to understand something, staring at Qiao Qi intently, and said, "Are you cooperating with Dieyi, is it a surrogate?"

Qiao Qi finally smiled, glanced at Mu Ruona with approval, and said, "Mu is really smart."


Gu Xixi reached out and stroked his stomach.

I used to seem to be...

Mu Ruona quickly glanced at Gu Xi and said, "Don't think too much. Butterfly clothing is not the same as you. Butterfly clothing is a test tube baby. If I am not wrong, Butterfly clothing should be used. Means, let this child fall into her belly. Qiao Qi has no choice but to marry Dieyi."

Qiao Qi nodded his head, confirming Mu Ruona's conjecture.

Die Yi's face was already pale.

Qiao Qi said: "Yeah, I did find a surrogate, but I didn't expect Dieyi to be mixed in, replacing the person who was actually surrogate and transplanting the fertilized egg into her body. Since an error has occurred, I can only make mistakes. In order to give this child a fair and upright identity, I can only marry her."

Gu Xixi opened his mouth wide, did he really come to the party today, instead of watching the ethical suspense movie?

But when they got married, they behaved so intimately...

Oh my god, their acting skills are also against the sky?

Mu Ruona remembered it.

When Gu Xixi first met Ran Xiwei, Die Yi once spoke for Ran Xiwei. At that time, Qiao Qi just swept Die Yi with a warning eye, and Die Yi immediately sighed.

"Anyway, I only want a child, and I don’t mind who gives birth to me. Dieyi is in good condition, and I don’t mind making mistakes, and I am willing to behave like a qualified husband after others. Even I am willing to give She loves everything and gives everything she wants. But this thing has a premise! That is, I can’t interfere with my private affairs.” Qiao Qi’s voice became cold and could not be colder: “Before she took me The moment the phone number tells Ran Xiwei, the cooperation between us is over."

After hearing these words, Dieyi suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Since she married Qiao Qi, she also went on a honeymoon trip with Qiao Qi.

Seeing that Qiao Qi was so attentive to her, she immediately lost her head, and really thought she was Qiao Qi's wife.

Sorrowful, he forgot Qiao Qi's taboo.

Dieyi has never regretted it!

If she didn’t have her husband, would she be able to stay with Qiao Qi?

Gu Xixi never thought that the truth of the facts was like this!

Qiao Qi continued: "You are pregnant now, I won't care about what happened today. But again and again, and next time, I can change to a surrogate."

Dieyi shook her head desperately: "No, no more! I will never do something that disappoints you!"

Gu Xixi said, "The impact is too great, I have to slow it down. Ruona, let's go, let's go out. It's almost lively, let them three have a good aftermath."

Mu Ruona snorted and looked at Qiao Qi and said, "I'll say it! How can a woman that makes you feel so stupid? Well, let's go out! You talk slowly."

At the banquet outside, Shang Ke pinched his glass and asked, "What do you think Qiao Qi will do with them?"

Yin Sichen smiled lazily and replied: "Die Yi will continue to stay, but will be sent to a place where she is quiet enough until she gives birth to this child. Ran Xiwei... she doesn't need to manage at all, there will be someone Trouble her."

Shang Ke couldn't help but asked again: "When did you suspect? I didn't find it!"

Yin Sichen sighed softly.

When Qiao Qi got married, he didn't find it.

During that time, it was when he had a relationship with Gu Xixi. He didn't pay much attention to Qiao Qi and Die Yi at all.

What's more, brothers' feelings and excessive participation of others are also inappropriate.

Qiao Qi is not a child, he knows his own things.

So Yin Sichen was suspicious after Qiao Qi came to the n city.

I just got married and left my wife and ran and mingled with my brother. This is undoubtedly hell!

But Shang Ke did not find out, it was more normal.

He has been worrying about the matter between Yin Sichen and Ran Xiwei. Where else can he control Qiao Qi?

"Qiao Qi will handle it well." Yin Sichen saw Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona coming out from inside, and saw Gu Xixi's wonderful expression, the curvature of the corner of the mouth was just right.

Tonight's party has not started, there are so many exciting scenes.

I don't know how it will be hilarious next?

Gu Xixi said to Mu Ruona while walking: "It's strange, I always feel that something is wrong with Ran Xiwei."

"I think so too. How did her voice become like this?" Mu Ruona frowned and said: "Forget it, after today, Ran Xiwei's reputation is completely ruined. Let's control her!"

Gu Xixi nodded.

At this time, the last guest was ushered in today outside the door.

The director of this film crew, sister Zhao.

"I'm so sorry, I'm late!" Director Zhao apologized to everyone as soon as he entered the door: "Just ended the last shot, and let everyone wait for a long time."

Since it is a fundraising dinner, the director does not come, how to start?

Yin Sichen replaced Qiao Qi and finally announced the official start of the party tonight.

Director Zhao took the stage to give a speech, calling on everyone to invest in this TV series.

Jiang Yihai took the lead in investing tens of millions. With Jiang Yihai's lead, others invested or sponsored, and the atmosphere was instantly lively.

Yin Sichen's wrist is really strong enough, he wants Jiang Yihai to return to this circle, Jiang Yihai instantly became the most shining presence tonight.

Gu Xixi stood among the crowd and watched Jiang Yihai greet those people in a retreat, saying quietly, "Sister, do you see it? He is fine now."

Gu Xixi, as a producer, followed Director Zhao and many others, and began to entertain, and finally abandoned the complicated relationship between Qiao Qi, Die Yi and Ran Xiwei.

When Gu Xixi was about to leave, he realized that Dieyi and Ran Xiwei hadn't known when they left.

I don’t know why, Gu Xixi always has a hunch, Ran Xiwei is afraid that it will be over after tonight.

After attending this party, Gu Xixi rested at home for three days.

Not Gu Xixi was tired, but the snow outside was too big.

It took three days and three nights.

The snow on the road is over a foot thick.

Gu Xixi lay in front of the window, looked at the snow outside and said, "Xiao Wang, how many days are there for the New Year?"

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