The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 285: The Yun Family was destroyed

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

It didn't take long for Yun Xiaoqing to come in with a wind and dust servant.

"Aunt..." Gu Xixi looked at her anxiously: "Is something going on outside?"

Yun Xiaoqing nodded affectionately and solemnly, took the water handed over from the maid and drank it. Then she said: "Yun's stock has been in a three-day limit. It is estimated that bankruptcy will be declared tomorrow. The other party's means are very powerful. The speed is also fast, we don't have any room for maneuver at all. This time I came over and brought the last batch of things from the Yun family. Apart from the ancestral ancestor, the Yun family mansion may not be able to keep it."

Gu Xixi froze in place.

How can it be so fast?

Even if the Yun family is not the richest man in the K city, nor is it a common small household, how can it fail so fast?

Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun apparently didn't expect such a thing to happen. Mr. Yun sat pale and couldn't recover for a long time.

Mrs. Yun encountered such a thing, but responded quickly: "Xiao Qing, this... what happened? Someone retaliated against our Yun family? Even if it was revenge, how could it be so fast..."

Yun Xiaoqing said solemnly, "I've been inquiring about that company, but I couldn't even find any news! The other party bit the lifeblood of the Yun family as soon as it appeared, and the price of jewelry was very low. I also robbed many of my supplies at a high price. The other party made it clear that he was coming to the Yun family. Fortunately, the mother had already made preparations, otherwise, the Yun family really has nothing left now."

The uneasy feeling in Gu Xixi's heart became more and more obvious.

How can such a resolute approach be like Yin Sichen's style?

But how could he do this thing?

Is he in Africa now?

Even if he can operate this thing remotely, he has no reason to defeat Yunjia.

After all, this is his father-in-law's family?

At this time, Mr. Yun suddenly recovered, and the Yun family would suffer a retaliatory blow, so suddenly. But why did his mother prepare building materials and tools early and transfer Yunjia's property in advance?

Mr. Yun immediately looked at Mrs. Yun.

Mrs. Yun glanced at her son, and of course she understood what her son's eyes meant.

Mrs. Yun nodded silently and said, "I did start preparing very early. Have you forgotten the prophecy? The Yun family will die in the 11th and 11th One hundred and eleven generations have risen. Now, it is just the step of destruction."

Listening to Mrs. Yun's calm answer, Gu Xixi felt ridiculous.

"What do grandmothers mean? Did I die of Yun Family?" Gu Xixi didn't like the grandmother really.

He was sent away as soon as he was born, and then forced to return to the Yun family with the life and death of Jian Xiao.

Who would be happy to play like a fool?

Mrs. Yun did not answer this question, and continued to ask Yun Xiaoqing: "Did the other party continue to chase down?"

Yun Xiaoqing nodded and said: "The other party said that if the Yun family can't fill the holes in this account, the Yun family should come up with books that are equal to these accounts. It seems that the other party is really staring at our Yun family. Collection of books."

Except for Mrs. Yun, all the people present showed a surprised expression.

It can make a businessman with a copper smell smell crazy against the Yunjia, but in the end just for a pile of ancient books. How do you feel such a violation when listening to such a thing?

What the other party is looking at is Yun's ancient book?

Mrs. Yun said at this time: "Okay, now you are all here. I officially announced today that the Yun family has completely moved to this island. We have to live here for a few years before we have the opportunity to return to the country. Wait We slept enough time, when we returned to the country again, when the Yun family re-emerged. During this time, everyone was wronged on this island. Every day, there will be a boat to transport supplies from nearby cities, everyone can If you don’t go out, try not to go out.”

Gu Xixi stood up suddenly and said, "No, I want to go back."

I only have three months left, and I must cherish every minute I say.

Mrs. Yun didn’t stop Gu Xixi, just glanced at Gu Xixi lightly, and said, “I have no opinion if you go back. You only need to remember your identity and responsibilities. Master Mo is also outside. He touched."

Gu Xixi's body stiffened slightly.

Yun Xiaoqing continued: "I can come back smoothly this time, but also thanks to the help of Master Mo. If he didn't shoot, I'm afraid that even this last property can't be kept."

Mrs. Yun nodded and said, "The relationship between the Yun family and the Mo family is naturally unbroken. The young master of the Mo family is sincere."

Gu Xixi heard more and more horrified.

She wants to go back and see what happened.

"I'll go back with you." Mrs. Yun also stood up and said firmly: "Mom can't worry about you."

Gu Xixi glanced at Mrs. Yun with gratitude.

Mr. Yun nodded and said, "Ma'am, you can just go and see it. I don't understand, what kind of offense did our Yun family actually want to kill us like this!"

Gu Xixi and Mrs. Yun didn't make too much stay, and quickly left the island by plane, wandering back to K City.

Gu Xixi looked at the plane and felt a sense of crisis.

Whether it is the Internet or traditional newspapers, there is an overwhelming spread of one thing: the Yun family is bankrupt.

This news is so horrible that people in the province of Y have not been able to believe this fact.

After the villagers of Yuanshan Village heard the news, the village head and the six patriarchs went directly to K City, and they arrived with Gu Xixi one after another.

After successfully arriving at Gu Xixi, everyone soon met.

People in Yuanshan Village heard that Gu Xixi was really Miss Yun's family, and after having recognized her ancestors, she was naturally happy for Gu Xixi.

But this joy did not last long, everyone was shocked by the bad news of the cloud family bankruptcy.

When Gu Xixi and Mrs. Yun stood in front of the once prosperous gate of the Yun family and looked at the sealed seals, both of them felt that they were dreaming.

How could this be?

I haven't been out for three days. How come it changed after I came back?

A Cadillac stopped not far away, and Mo Zixin, who was as rich as a jade, came down from the car.

The moment Mo Zixin saw Gu Xixi, his eyes softened for a moment.

"Auntie, Xixi." Mo Zixin quickly came over, glanced at the seal of the gate along Gu Xixi's eyes, and then said: "You can rest assured that I will not let anyone buy this yard. The Mo family's military and political connections, please rest assured that I will pay for this yard. I blame my negligence, and I have been busy with the company's affairs recently, and I have not taken care of the Yun family. When I took my hand, the Yun family's stock already……"

"It's none of your business." Mrs. Yun said with a sigh: "Maybe this is the fate."

Gu Xixi looked at Mo Zixin calmly and said without moving his eyes: "Do you know who moves your hand? It shouldn't be difficult to find the people behind the scene with your ability?"

Although he doesn't like Yun Family very much, he is the one who has recognized his ancestors after all.

Even if I don't have a sense of belonging to the Yun family, the other party is too ruthless. He even drove the Yun family out of the country completely, leaving his parents without a place to stand!

This speed, this efficiency! If it wasn’t long ago that Yun Jia was staring, who believed?

Mo Zixin didn't deny this problem, he nodded slightly, and said, "I have a villa in K City. It's better to go to my villa for a few days than my aunt and Xi Xi."

Gu Xixi shook his head: "No need to bother, I just stayed in the hotel with my mother."

The bankrupt is Yun Family, not himself.

The money in my hands is enough for me to stay in the hotel with my mother.

Seeing that Gu Xixi refused, Mo Zixin immediately said to his assistant: "Go to the Intercontinental Hotel and book two rooms."

Not waiting for Gu Xixi to refuse, Mo Zixin said lightly: "Or let me arrange the hotel. After all, in K City, no one would dare not give me a face. If it is the aunt, it may be troublesome."

Mrs. Yun nodded.

The Yun family is now in a state of bankruptcy. She went to live in such a luxurious hotel, and it is indeed easy to be attacked.

Gu Xixi thought about it and had no choice but to agree.

"It's getting late, must the two be hungry? I have prepared dinner, and by the way, I have something to report to the two." Mo Zixin has always been known for his stability, and everything is methodical: "In addition, The village head and patriarch of Yuanshan Village, I have also sent people to appease and send them back. Since the Yun family is no longer there, let the Mo family guard the Yuanshan village in the future."

Gu Xixi listened to Mo Zixin's words, and even if he rejected Mo Zixin again, he couldn't say a word at all.

It's really because the other party did so well and perfect.

Gu Xixi glanced at Mrs. Yun, got in Mo Zixin's car together, and turned towards the city.

Mo Zixin picked a very secluded place and ordered a table of exquisite dishes.

Unfortunately, no matter whether it is Gu Xixi or Mrs. Yun, there is no appetite.

They are anxious to know what happened.

Mo Zixin sat opposite, slender fingers placed on the table, and said in a heavy tone: "The reason why the Yun family will be hit so quickly is because the opponent is too strong. Especially those industries abroad, Almost all were uprooted overnight."

Gu Xixi's uneasy feeling grew stronger and stronger.

I always feel that this matter is not so simple...

Sure enough, Mo Zixin went on, and slowly revealed the answer: "That's because, the person who started the Yun family was none other than the current husband, Yin Shichen, the president of the Yin Family Foundation! "

When Gu Xixi heard the name at first, he suddenly stood up from his seat, his face suddenly turned pale, his body swayed, his hands stood on the table, and he glanced at Mo Zixin angrily: "Impossible! How could Yin Sichen do it?"

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