The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 284: Configure antidote

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi looked into the director's eyes with anticipation.

All hope is on him.

The director of the institute thought for a moment and said, "As long as the composition of this medicament can be analyzed, the corresponding antidote can be formulated. However, this medicine has been in the human body for more than 20 years, and it is estimated that it also occurs in the human body. Changes..."

Gu Xixi immediately took out a stack of laboratory reports from his bag and handed it to the director of the institute: "This is now the analysis of human medical records, and the body's functions are beginning to fail rapidly."

The director of the institute frowned immediately and said, "How come it is so fast? According to common sense, it should not start to fail so quickly."

"The patient just had an abortion operation." Gu Xixi added.

The director of the institute immediately frowned: "It turns out that's why it's no wonder. When the body's progesterone and estrogen grow first, it will cause medicinal properties. I know what to do. Please wait a while, I Go to the laboratory to get some medicine."

Hearing that the director of the institute still had hope, Gu Xixi's heart finally returned to the distance.

Mrs. Yun brought a cup of warm milk to Gu Xixi and said, "Don't worry, everything is fine. Yunjia's pharmacology will never make any mistakes."

Gu Xixi calmed down a little bit and reached for the milk: "Mom, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Mrs. Yun ** loved stroking Gu Xixi's head: "silly boy, you are my child, you are also a mother, in the eyes of mother, you will always be a child."

Gu Xixi reached out and stroked his belly, agreeing with this sentence.

After a few hours, the director of the institute came with two reagents.

Following him, there were two other animals for experimentation, a rabbit and a monkey.

The director of the institute put the reagents on the shelf, then took two syringes and pushed the medicine in the syringes into the bodies of rabbits and monkeys.

"I now simulate the time and symptoms of the onset of the drug effect, and then use them for experiments. After all, after the drug was produced at that time, it has been used without a clinical trial. The risk is definitely there." The director of the institute explained: "Now we can only use animals to simulate the drug effect temporarily. If Miss II sees something wrong, please inform me to stop the experiment in time."

After saying this, the director of the institute pushed the cage and the shelf into the laboratory inside.

Gu Xixi watched the progress of the experiment on the big screen outside.

To be honest, she was really nervous.

If the pharmacy research fails... she really doesn't know how to face Jian Xiao.

The director of the institute took the assistant to fix the two animals on the **, and began to push the medicine.

Gu Xixi's computer soon showed the physiological signs of the two animals. Gu Xixi obviously saw that the internal organs of the two animals were rapidly aging.

Mr. Yun was next to Jian Xiao's signs of decline. When the decline level of the two animals was equal to that of Jian Xiao's, he made a gesture.

The researcher immediately took the reagents and slowly advanced the two animals with a syringe.

Gu Xixi immediately discovered that the internal organs of the two animals stopped showing signs of decline instantly, and the vitality began to return.

What a powerful potion!

It can be accurate to this level!

Gu Xixi opened his eyes today and thoroughly understood how terrible the pharmacology mastered by the Yun Family was.

After one minute and one second passed, the two animals slowly returned to calm, and their vital signs gradually returned to normal levels.

"Successful!" Gu Xixi jumped on the spot in surprise: "Great! It was finally successful!"

In the laboratory, the director of the institute and his assistant researcher also celebrated with high-five.

Mr. Yun immediately asked the director of the institute to prepare a separate medicine for Jian Xiao.

After carefully placing it in the refrigerator, Gu Xixi did not stay here more and would leave soon.

When the three people reached the ground, Gu Xixi found that the small island was actually carrying out civil engineering.

what happened?

When I came here two days ago, the area was still bare. Why was there a sudden civil engineering project?

Gu Xixi turned his head to look at Mr. Yun, who was also dazed.

As a family member of the Yun family, he did not know that his island was under construction?

This is not common sense!

Gu Xixi frowned, was it Mrs. Yun's order?

Not waiting for Gu Xixi to be puzzled for too long, someone immediately greeted him and said to Gu Xixi, Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun: "Mr., Mrs., Miss, and Old Lady are waiting for you in front."

Three people look at me, and I look at you, all showing a puzzled look.

Since it was Mrs. Yun who had arrived here, they had no reason not to pass.

Gu Xixi followed Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun into a tent, behind which were numerous planes unloading numerous building materials.

As soon as he entered the tent, Gu Xixi saw Mrs. Yun standing on the side, directing the servant to set the furniture.

Is this... to stay here permanently?

The weather here is not much better. Even if it's a vacation, don't you have to take a vacation on the institute?

The family of three was confused at this time.

Mrs. Yun raised her head and saw the three of them. Her eyes fell on a small box in Gu Xixi's hand. She said suddenly, "Has it succeeded?"

Gu Xixi frowned, and answered her question: "Yes, it's done. Grandma, what does that mean?"

"That's what you see." Mrs. Yun sighed: "From today, Yun family's things will be shipped here one by one. In addition to the ancestral hall and the house, important things have been packed and sorted out. "

"Mom, what the **** is going on? Why should I pack all Yun Family's things here?" Mr. Yun still puzzled: "Why should we move here when we live well in the city? We There are a lot of industries over the house..."

"It's gone." Mrs. Yun interrupted him at once and said, "Xiao Qing is dealing with follow-up questions."

"Aunt?" Gu Xixi couldn't help it: "What is the aunt handling? What happened? Grandma, do you want to hide it?"

"I didn't intend to conceal anything. When your aunt comes back, you will know everything." Mrs. Yun said with a panic on her face: "The construction here will take half a month to be built for everyone. Residential house. These building components are all finished products, which are transported by a special plane, as long as they are built like a building block. Very fast, we will soon have a new house to live in."

Gu Xixi felt more and more confused.

Gu Xixi ignored them and turned and walked away: "I must go back to City K and send Jane Xiao..."

Gu Xixi hadn't walked a few steps, and was suddenly stopped by Mrs. Yun's assistant.

Gu Xixi stood still and said without looking back: "Grandmother, I am anyway the heir of the Yun family? Isn't it? I'm not free to move anymore?"

Mrs. Yun smiled faintly and said, "Someone will deliver the reagents specifically. I have more important things to tell you. It is because you are already the heir of the Yun family, so you should listen to this matter even more."

Mrs. Yun’s assistant saluted Gu Xixi: "Miss Second, I'm sorry! I can deliver it to you."

Gu Xixi looked at each other in surprise.

Mrs. Yun said lightly: "This is our deal. I will not lift a stone and hit my feet. Jian Xiao gets rid of danger as soon as he is treated. You won't want to use her life as a bet? Don't worry. , After the potion will hit her, my assistant will come back to report."

Gu Xixi thought for a while, now that he is holding a big belly, he can't take a long rest before taking a break.

Since Mrs. Yun spoke in person, there should be no other accidents?

Gu Xixi hesitated and handed the box to the other party: "I want to watch the live video."

"Yes, Miss II." Mrs. Yun's assistant reached for the box and turned to leave.

Gu Xixi slowly turned around and returned to the tent to see what Mrs. Yun would say.

Gu Xixi re-entered the tent, and someone immediately moved a padded chair to sit down for Gu Xixi.

When Gu Xixi sat down, a pillow was placed behind Gu Xixi's waist to make her sit more comfortable.

Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun also sat down.

The tea cup in Mrs. Yun’s hand slowly put down and said gently: “Wait for a while, Xiaoqing will come back. Everything will be said after she comes back.”

Gu Xixi's eyes flickered, not understanding what Mrs. Yun meant.

Why do I have to wait for my aunt to come back?

Aunt didn't know what she was busy with these few days. She couldn't come back outside when she returned to the Yun family for such a big thing.

Does the question brought back by Aunt this time is something to be told to you in a while?

Fortunately, Jian Xiao's problem has been completely resolved, and she finally lived up to her nurturing grace.

How exaggerated can other things be?

Gu Xixi thought so, and his mood gradually calmed down.

The country of Indonesia itself is in the tropics, so the temperature on this small island is high all the year round.

Fortunately, there is a heat dissipation device in the tent, otherwise it will really not stay.

Haven't you seen the research institute underground?

Although there is vegetation on the ground, it is still more comfortable underground than the bright sun.

Just as Gu Xixi was thinking about it, there was a sound of an airplane engine outside.

Mrs. Yun looked all over and said, "It's finally here! It seems that the handling outside is not smooth!"

Gu Xixi's heart didn't know why, and a flash of uneasy thoughts flashed at once.

Could it be that something really happened outside?

But what can happen?

Gu Xixi doesn't know the outside world until now, it's really turned upside down!

A mysterious company suddenly emerged and carried out various crazy suppressions on Yunjia, causing Yunjia's stock to fall and fall again!

Yun Xiaoqing deals specifically with this matter.

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