The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 286: Yin Family and Yun Family Enemy

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Even if... I don't recognize Yun Family, but this is not enough to prove that I can allow others to hurt my biological parents!

Mo Zixin seems to have expected Gu Xixi to be this reaction, and said slowly: "Although the other party is operated by a puppet company, don't forget the origin of the Mojia. The Mojia's network is not what you want. It’s so superficial. I want to investigate the details of a company. Although it’s a little troublesome, it’s not impossible. Although the company has nothing to do with the Yin consortium on the surface, it can still analyze the context from the flow of funds. ."

Gu Xixi looked at Mo Zixin in amazement: "But why did he do this..."

Mrs. Yun's face was already full of anger.

The Yun family is her home, but in three days, it was acquired by someone and led to bankruptcy, and the person who started it was her son-in-law!

How does this make Mrs. Yun not angry?

Mo Zixin's mouth twitched gently: "This... I don't know. But Yin Sichen has always been like this. Everything is done by his own temperament, and he never thinks about others. Feeling..."

Mo Zixin's sentence is undoubtedly a complement.

The expression on Mrs. Yun's face is already outraged!

"Come on, I used to think that as long as you like it, it doesn't matter who you marry your husband. Now it seems that your husband is really enough! Even the father-in-law's family has been cleaned up. "Mrs. Yun said angrily: "Come on, what do you think of it now?"

Gu Xixi's face sank: "I'll go back and ask clearly."

"Xi Xi." Mrs. Yun suddenly looked up at Gu Xi Xi, her face calm, but her eyes were unusually firm: "I know that, as a mother who has not raised you since I was a child, there seems to be no position or reason to intervene in you. Life. But, Xixi, after all, you are the blood of the Yun family, and you are the child I gave birth. The Yun family is the foundation of my life, and it is the trust of all my life. In the courtyard of the Yun family, I have good memories of decades. And all of this has been completely destroyed. I know that it is difficult for me to ask you to make a decision now. But, child, mother can beg you for mother’s sake, good Think about your future seriously, will you?"

Gu Xixi's heart shook gently: "Mom..."

These days, Mrs. Yun is kind to herself, why is Gu Xixi not clear?

When she did not return to the Yun family, she was already taking care of herself, lest she might feel a little uncomfortable.

Now that she is her daughter, she is even more eager to take her heart out and treat her well.

Compare your heart.

Although he insisted that he did not recognize the Yun family, he had already recognized his own biological parents in the bottom of his heart.

Otherwise, how could you let them accompany them to the institute?

The parents and relatives that I have found are hard to come by, and I haven't had time to cover up the heat. Why should I suddenly face such a thing?

Gu Xixi's mood was terrible.

"I know." Gu Xixi said lightly: "Sorry, I have no appetite. I'll go back to the room and rest!"

Gu Xixi finished this sentence, grabbed the bag and turned away.

Gu Xixi didn't give anyone the opportunity to catch up. He took a taxi directly to the InterContinental Hotel, received the room card and entered the room, and directly dialed Yin Shichen's phone.

She has to ask if he did it!

Yin Sichen's phone rang for a long time, no one answered.

Gu Xixi knows that Yin Sichen's phone is in Xiao A's hands, and Xiao A knows that it is his phone, no matter how busy he is, he will give Yin Sichen.

And now that no one answers the phone, it can only prove-he does not want to answer!

Gu Xixi's eyes slowly floated into a haze.

Si Chen, did you really do this thing?


Are you ready, are you going to cut me off completely?

Thinking of this possibility, Gu Xixi's heart hurt inexplicably.

how is this possible?

He never expressed this meaning in front of him, how could he know...

Is there something else that I don't know about?

At this moment in the African luxury hotel, Yin Sichen silently watched the screen of the phone bright and dark, dark and bright, but did not answer the call.

Little a stood aside and didn't dare to say anything.

My grandma made so many calls and the president didn’t answer any of them. Is it really okay?

The phone was finally quiet, but Yin Sichen's complexion grew darker.

"Don't you say that your hands and feet are handled very cleanly? How can you doubt my head?" Yin Sichen's somber face was about to drip.

Xiao a sagged his head, not daring to say a word.

Yin Sichen's eyes flickered, grabbed the phone and got up suddenly, strode toward the outside, and threw the phone fiercely out of the window.

"Tell the young grandma that I will stay in Africa for a long time. Let her take good care of herself." Yin Sichen said coldly to Xiao a.

"If Grandma asked about the Yun family, what should the subordinates answer?" Xiao a asked timidly.

"Just... I don't know." Yin Sichen gritted her teeth and said, "No matter what she asks, she doesn't know."

"Yes..." Xiao a answered immediately.

At this moment, the smart watch on Xiao A's arm suddenly rang, and Xiao A immediately saw a message.

After reading a, Xiao a froze.

After three full seconds, he raised his head and said to Yin Sichen: "President! There is news from the hospital that the youngest adoptive mother, Mrs. Jane, has been injected with a mysterious medicine and her body has completely recovered!"

"What are you talking about!" Yin Sichen suddenly turned around, narrow eyes narrowly pressed: "Where is the medicine?"

Xiao a immediately dialed the telephone of the domestic dean: "What's wrong with Mrs. Jane's medicine?"

The dean held a telephone and trembling explanation: "Someone came to the hospital today and came up with a reagent, saying that it was sent by the grandmother and sent to Mrs. Jane for treatment. The other party will not let our doctors contact him. The wife was injected into the body. The other party waited for Mrs. Jane’s vital signs to stabilize, and then left quickly! The young grandma also called to confirm that this medicine was indeed sent by the young grandma!"

Xiao a reiterated the dean's words to Yin Sichen completely.

The next second, Yin Sichen's complexion was almost ugly!

Could it be said that Gu Xixi has already compromised with the Yun family in order to smile simply?

Damn it, **** it!

Which step is wrong?

The Yun family is gone, where did she get the potion!

"Return home immediately!" Yin Sichen no longer dared to delay. This time it was not that he was hiding from Gu Xixi, but that he was going to ask Gu Xixi for a clear time!

It seems that while he was working on the cloud home, his little wife also kept away from what he did!

The anger in Yin Sichen's heart came up.

Gu Xixi made several consecutive phone calls to Yin Sichen and failed to get through. The last time, he directly prompted to shut down.

Shut down?

Gu Xixi raised an eyebrow instantly.

At this time, a video of Jian Xiao being restored to health by injection of medicine was also sent to Gu Xi's mobile phone.

Gu Xixi's heart was relieved to see Jian smile peacefully.

Myron was not enough to entrust her life, it seemed that she had to find a way to arrange for Jane to laugh.

Gu Xixi thought about it, but for a moment he couldn't think of how to place it.

At this time, the door knocked outside.

Gu Xixi asked cautiously: "Who?"

"It's me." Mo Zixin's voice sounded outside: "Even if you're not hungry, you should eat a bite for the child's sake. I asked the chef at home to make a dinner for you again, not much. , How much do you eat."

Listening to Mo Zixin's almost pleading voice, Gu Xixi slowly lowered the flame.

In this matter, the Mo family not only made no mistakes, but also reached out at a critical moment.

Since I was already the daughter of the Yun family, I naturally had to appreciate it.

Gu Xixi slowly opened the door. Mo Zixin did not bring an assistant and walked in with an incubator on his own.

As soon as I entered the door, I opened the incubator and placed a dozen of side dishes on the table.

"Have some food while it's hot." Mo Zixin smiled mildly: "Now it's the time when children need nutrition most, don't you have trouble with your own body. Since things have happened, it's just that anger doesn't help, let me follow You find a solution together. Okay?"

Gu Xixi's eyes quivered slightly and nodded silently.

Mo Zixin saw Gu Xixi finally willing to eat, a flash of happiness flashed in the blue eyes.

Mo Zixin's men speeded up their actions, and soon set up a table full of them, handing a pair of chopsticks to Gu Xixi's hands.

Gu Xixi slowly sat across from Mo Zixin and watched Mo Zixin use chopsticks to serve food to himself. Then he asked afterwards, "You... didn't you eat?"

Mo Zixin's blue eyes flashed a smile, and answered gently: "Well, I haven't eaten yet."

Gu Xixi suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The other party kindly invited himself to eat, but suddenly he lost his temper and fled, and even the tired party did not eat...

"I just sent some dinners to my aunt just now, and I won't be hungry." Mo Zixin's smile is always so soft and perfect, and he handed Gu Xixi a vegetable: "Try this, you like to eat ."

Gu Xixi's eyes fell on the food in front of her, yeah, they all like to eat...

However, he lost his appetite.

Yin Sichen can't live or die, many problems are like falling into the clouds, unclear, how can he have an appetite?

"Actually, you still care about Yunjia very much, don't you?" Mo Zixin said gently: "Actually, you are not as resistant to Yunjia as you think, are you?"

Gu Xixi said nothing, silently looking at the table in front of him.

"I just love my parents." Gu Xixi said lightly: "The Yun family is the Yun family, and the parents are the parents. I didn't expect that I only went out for three days, and the parents didn't even have a foothold. No matter In addition, after all, they really love me, how can I not care about their feelings?"

"Did you regret returning to the Yun family?" Mo Zixin stared at Gu Xixi: "Did you regret... did you choose?"

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