The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 148: Si Chen was with me last night

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi stretched his hand over his chest, where it was so depressed and so boring.

Yeah, everything is amorous.

Why are you so stupid?

Knowing clearly that his heart was not on him, he still stuck his head in it?

Knowing clearly that feelings can't be forced, why should he hope that he might like himself?

It is clear that he is good for himself only for children, why should he fantasize that he will love the house and love himself?

Haha... Gu Xixi, you are so stupid!

Is it because of Lin Xiaoya's things that make you proud?

You think Yin Sichen punishes Lin Xiaoya for you. Do you think that in Yin Shichen's heart, you are more important than Lin Xiaoya?

Hehe, you are wrong.

The child in your stomach is more important than Lin Xiaoya.

Yin Sichen doesn't love Lin Xiaoya at all, so he can sacrifice Lin Xiaoya without hesitation.

Similarly, he does not love you! ! He will also sacrifice you for Ran Xiwei!

Haha... It turns out that this is the truth!

Gu Xi, Gu Xi, wake up.

Take back your heart and never meet again.

Gu Xixi closed her eyes gently.

Two lines of tears slowly came down.

"Come on, are you okay?" Mu Ruona regretted what she just said.

These words may not be acceptable to ordinary people.

What's more, Gu Xixi is still pregnant! !

Gu Xixi gently shook his head, his lips slightly opened, but found that he even lost the courage to speak in an instant.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, will you rest early, okay?" Mu Ruona quickly sorted out the quilt, helped Gu Xixi lie down, shouted with Gu Xixi's cold hand: " Why are your hands so cold?"

Gu Xixi did not answer this question.

She remembers her hands so cold last time, at her wedding.

The moment when Zhao Zegang dropped himself, he was also cold.

I didn't expect this reincarnation to be so fast.

But only two months later, he has already lost again.

No, never get it, why lose it?

Everything is nothing but the illusion of self-deception.

Early the next morning, Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona got up.

Both of them had thick dark circles under their eyes, and neither of them slept well last night.

Gu Xixi is to give himself an explanation and completely remove Yin Sichen from his heart.

Mu Ruona is full of apology, regrets that she should not tell Gu Xi all the truth because she is angry.

Gu Xixi asked assistant Xiao Wang to put a layer of foundation on herself. Today is Qiao Qi's wedding. She doesn't want to make herself too embarrassed.

Xiao Wang was shocked when he saw Gu Xixi.

She didn't expect Gu Xixi to be haggard like this!

What happened last night?

When the grandma found her looking for a cell phone, her face was not normal, but it was normal.

Why did you go out and play around for a while?

Gu Xixi did not explain to Xiao Wang, but asked Xiao Wang to paint himself a light makeup, covering his gaze.

Mu Ruona tried to speak several times, but she dared not speak.

She knew clearly last night how long Gu Xixi cried silently in the bed.

"Okay, I don't need such complicated jewelry. Just wear earrings." Gu Xixi saw Xiao Wang kept trying on jewelry for himself, and was a little impatient.

It is said that women are pleasing to themselves.

If there is no one who pleases himself, where is the need for makeup?

What's the point of being beautiful or ugly?

Xiao Wang was stunned. These jewellery were all ordered by the president to be selected by my grandma! But how can the grandma...

Gu Xixi's order, Xiao Wang did not dare to resist, but still chose a pair of low-key atmospheric earrings for Gu Xixi to put on.

Gu Xixi didn't even see the effect of putting on the earrings.

If it weren’t for wearing the jewelry that would seem to disrespect the wedding, she didn’t want to wear anything.

The maid came in with a pile of two hangers and asked Gu Xixi to choose today's dress.

Gu Xixi just glanced at random, and took out a light pink gauze skirt and handed it to Xiao Wang.

"Grandma, is this too ordinary?" Xiao Wang hesitated a little. Why is Grandma so absent-minded today?

"Ordinary? I think it's fine. Anyway, I just came to the wedding, not to be a bridesmaid." Gu Xixi replied casually, "This is it."

Mu Ruona next to her has also finished her makeup, and has chosen a red deep v dress.

This dress made Mu Ruona almost become a goblin.

But standing with Gu Xixi did not suppress Gu Xixi's temperament.

Gu Xixi had refreshing long hair and braided a few braids behind his head, delicate and fresh.

A light pink gauze skirt, with a gauze ** wristband on the wrist, not only covered her just-blessed belly, but also made her look like a fairy.

Mu Ruona looked at Gu Xixi and shook God for a while.

This... this is too similar?

Why, Gu Xixi, who was hurt by love, now looks almost exactly like Yunhao?

At this time, someone outside knocked on the door to invite Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona to eat at the restaurant.

Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona left hand in hand.

From the place where two people live, to the restaurant, you have to walk for a while.

To save time, Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona decided to go through the garden and take a small path to the restaurant.

Yin Sichen just took a shower and was ready to go out a while.

The window of Yin Sichen's room is facing this small garden.

When I looked up, I saw Gu Xixi walking in a light pink dress.

A gust of wind blew long hair and the wind curled up the long skirt.

Gu Xixi reached out and brushed away the short forehead hair that was covered by the wind and obscured his sight. The gauze ** wristband on his wrist fluttered in the wind and fluttered with the long skirt.

There was no longer the emotion of yesterday on her face, her eyes were cold and her face light.

At that moment, she was like a fairy.

Never eat human fireworks again.

Yin Sichen was wiping her fingers with a pause.

His eyes stuck to Gu Xixi's body.

He never knew that his little mole could be so beautiful...

It turned out that his little mole also had such a charming side...

It turned out that his little mole didn't lose to other beautiful women...

There is another person who is also dumbfounded.

Mo Zixin stood in front, staring blankly at the woman walking towards her in front of her eyes.

In an instant, he thought it was Yun Zhai back!

Yes, the familiar face, the cold eyes...

The eyes are always the same, cold and quiet.

If it wasn’t for her to stand beside Mu Ruona, he would think it was Yunhao!

Gu Xixi looked up and saw Mo Zixin.

Gu Xixi smiled softly at Mo Zixin.

At this moment, Mo Zixin's heart fell heavily and hit a spark.

Mo Zixin clearly heard his heart beat like a drum.

He knew clearly that he was finished.

Whatever Gu Xixi's relationship with the Yun family, he was over.

He was tempted.

Mu Ruona put Mo Zixin's eyes in the bottom of her eyes, and sighed in the bottom of her heart, unclear what it was like.

Come on, what is your life!

Why does the person you love not love you, but the person who loves you is...

Gu Xixi is the most confused person.

She didn't know how Mo Zixin felt about her at this time.

She just thought that Mo Zixin accompanied her and Mu Ruona to play cards, eat together, and eat together, and finally sent her back.

When I saw the other party, I naturally wanted to say hello. I didn't expect that the other party would lose a heart because of this smile.

Mo Zixin quickly adjusted his emotions and quickly greeted the past: "How was the rest last night?"

"It's okay." Gu Xi's eyes were cold and he still answered with a smile.

Gu Xi at this time is no longer the Gu Xi of yesterday.

She has sealed all her feelings for one night.

Seeing Gu Xixi and Yunchao overlapping more and more in front of him, Mo Zixin suddenly worried.

After a while, the Yun family will come...

When the Yun family saw Gu Xixi...

Three people quickly arrived at the restaurant.

Because of the large number of people, breakfast still adopts the buffet mode.

Pick your favorite food and find a quiet place to eat.

After the meal was over, it was time to collectively ride to the church to observe the ceremony.

Gu Xixi actually has no appetite today, but for the baby, even if he has no appetite, he should eat a little.

Mu Ruona was dragged away by Shang Ke as soon as she entered the restaurant.

As a best man, Mo Zixin was called away without having much time to eat.

It doesn't matter if Gu Xixi is alone.

Gu Xixi just sat on the seat with food, and before he started to eat, he saw a figure sitting in front of him.

Gu Xixi raised his head and saw Ran Xiwei looking at him with an apologetic look.

"Miss Ran?" Gu Xixi asked with narrowed eyes.

"Gu Xixi, I'm here to apologize to you!" Ran Xiwei said.

apologize? Is there any apology?

Gu Xixi smiled indifferently.

"I'm serious! Gu Xixi, I'm sorry for you!" Ran Xiwei suddenly said wronged: "Sorry, Si Chen was with me last night, it was my fault. I was tired of Si Chen, please don't Is Sheng Sichen angry? He still cares about the children in your stomach!"

Grievance? Have you not been wronged? What is wrong with her?

She had waited so long last night, and she hadn't found someone to confess grievances yet, she felt good! He ran to himself and said he was wronged.

"Oh." Gu Xixi nodded quietly, not intending to respond to others.

"Aren't you willing to forgive me? Gu Xixi, ah no, Miss Gu, I really don't mean to break up your husband and wife. I only found the secretary last night because I was suddenly uncomfortable and I had no one to find. Chen accompanied me to the hospital. Please don’t misunderstand the relationship between Si Chen and me? If you misunderstand us, we will be very troubled! I don’t want Si Chen to be unhappy because of this matter, and I don’t even want Si Chen to I'm embarrassed."

Gu Xixi looked up at Ran Xiwei.

What's wrong with this woman?

I have already said that I don't care anymore, what nonsense she said?

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