The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 147: Admit your own heart

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi sighed softly, he really should not have any hope.

Why don't you keep a long memory?

There are so many people with him around him, where else need to accompany him?

Gu Xixi, sober.

Gu Xixi said to Mu Ruona: "Let's go back, I'm a little tired."

Mu Ruona's eyes fell on Gu Xixi's face. Although Gu Xixi had always been forced to calm down, the pain in her eyes still made Mu Ruona feel distressed for a while.

"Okay, let's go back." Mu Ruona whispered and helped Gu Xi stand up from the bench.

The street light dragged the shadows of the two people longer and colder.

Gu Xixi felt a bit numb because of sitting for a long time.

Without two steps, Gu Xi's legs will fall towards the ground as soon as his legs are soft!

At this time, Gu Xi grabbed with one hand. Gu Xi was pulled in time without letting her fall to the ground.

"Let me come." Mo Zixin's voice sounded from above his head.

Mu Ruona thought for a while and handed Gu Xixi to Mo Zixin.

She was wearing high heels, which was not very convenient.

She almost didn't hold Gu just now...

Gu Xixi didn't look up, just said a few words: "Thank you..."

Seeing Gu Xixi really numb his legs, he seemed unable to walk.

Mo Zixin hesitated and whispered, "Miss Gu, take the liberty!"

After finishing this sentence, Mo Zixin's right hand passed through Gu Xixi's waist and reached out to hold Gu Xixi up and hug the princess.

Gu Xixi was in a panic, she had not thought that Mo Zixin would even hug her princess...

In a panic, Gu Xixi could only hide his face in Mo Zixin's chest.

Mo Zixin has a very nice smell, quiet and elegant.

This is a completely different taste from Yin Sichen.

Yin Sichen will make people feel a strong stimulation of male hormones.

And Mo Zixin will only make people feel at ease.

Mu Ruona did not oppose Mo Zixin's behavior.

Gu Xixi is really quite fragile now.

Mo Zixin strode over with Gu Xixi, and an assistant opened the door.

Mo Zixin took Gu Xixi into the car. As soon as he entered, a middle-aged maid waited in it for a long time.

"You have been sitting for too long, and give you a look at the blood vessels of the lower limbs." Mo Zixin explained briefly.

Seeing this scene, Mu Ruona raised her corner of her eyes and looked at Mo Zixin.

Gu Xixi did feel the soreness of his legs, which was awful.

Therefore, Gu Xixi did not resist the maid's massage.

And not far away, a Lamborghini Gallardo parked.

Yin Sichen in the car locked the car with his eyesight.

He had just drove over, and he saw Mo Zixin hugged Gu Xixi and got on the car.

And Gu Xixi didn't even resist!

She actually... didn't resist...

Yin Sichen clenched his hands into fists, his eyes like ice.

He finally waited for Ran Xiwei to fall asleep, and came to find Gu Xi even without a sip of water.

He was worried all night!

He was worried about Gu Xi, he was worried about someone for the first time!

He can leave Ran Xiwei, who was his first love, and come to find Gu Xixi!

But why!

Why didn't she refuse Mo Zixin!

Gu Xixi, you can!

Yin Sichen wanted to rush over and grab a review, but he endured it. He can't do that.

His eyes fell on the ring on his finger, which was the ring Gu Guxi put on him by himself.

This is something Mo Zixin can never reach, can't he?

Very good, dare to covet my woman.

Then come here!

Lamborghini Gallardo turned around and left quickly.

Mu Ruona and Mo Zixin both found Lamborghini Gallardo on the roadside.

Yin Sichen has many cars, but his car numbers are all exclusive.

Therefore, even if Yin Sichen didn't say anything, Da Lala notified the other party about what he had been there.

This is Yin Sichen!

He wants to be so overbearing!

He just wanted to tell the other party that I have been here!

I know everything about you!

He is so high-profile, so arrogant!

Who told him to have capital?

Gu Xixi didn't know that Yin Sichen had been here. After the maid had recovered her lower limb consciousness, she said to Mo Zixin: "Thank you, I'm much better. Could you please send us a car to go back? It's not too early , The wedding is going to take place early in the morning tomorrow! After all, we are here as guests, and we can’t let the host wait for guests."

"I will send you back." Mo Zixin smiled lightly.

The driver had started the car and returned to George's villa.

After Mo Zixin sent the two down, he left after polite farewell.

Back in the room, Gu Xixi said to Mu Ruona sadly: "I'm sorry, I have delayed you a lot of time tonight."

Mu Ruona shook her head and said directly to Gu Xixi: "Xi Xi, we are friends now, right? I ask you a question, and you have to answer me honestly."

Gu Xixi nodded.

"Are you in love with Yin Sichen?" Mu Ruona went straight to the subject.

Gu Xixi was startled, but nodded gently.

This is the first time she has faced her feelings and her heart in front of others.

Although I have done my own mental construction over and over again, although this afternoon, I still have to make a clear cut with Yin Sichen.

But when I received his call tonight, the dead heart was resurrected instantly!

At that moment, Gu Xixi knew he was finished.

I'm really finished.

I fell in love with him!

I actually fell in love with a husband of contract marriage!

He knew that he didn't love himself at all, he knew that he was unforgettable about his old feelings, he knew that there was always a place in his heart that could not be touched.

However, he is still emotional.

Mu Ruona sat on the sofa all at once, but said helplessly: "I knew it would be like this..."

"However, you can rest assured. I won't let myself continue." Gu Xixi then said, "Rona, do you have something to tell me?"

Mu Ruona nodded solemnly.

"Do you know who Yin Sichen is with tonight?" Mu Ruona sighed and said softly: "I just picked up the boss's phone and said that Ran Xiwei was ill. She went to the hospital and always accompanied Mu Ruona in the hospital. My boss drank a little, I heard that Ran Xiwei was sick, but just went around and came back. Yin Sichen will be there all night tonight hospital."

A dull hammer hit Gu Xixi's chest hard.

Gu Xixi had guessed that his face was ugly even without looking in the mirror.

Mu Ruona's distress at the bottom of her eyes was stuck in Gu Xi's heart like a needle.

"Really?" Gu Xixi pulled the corner of his stiff mouth and turned to look at the scenery outside the window.

At this moment, Gu Xixi suddenly wanted to leave here.

Everything here has nothing to do with her.

Yin Sichen, since the person you care about has returned, should I abdicate to let the virtuous?

Thank you for using what happened tonight to let me measure my true status.

Thank you also for your tolerance.

I will deeply bury this feeling and will never let you be bothered.

After that, the bridge returned to the bridge, and the road returned to the road.

"Come on, if you want to leave Yin Sichen, I have a suggestion do you want to listen?" Mu Ruona continued: "It's just that this idea is a bit...loss, and it needs the cooperation of the other party."

"You said." Gu Xixi said calmly.

"Take advantage of Mo Zixin." Mu Ruona bit her lip and said, "He is a smart man and will know how to cooperate with you."

Gu Xixi turned to look at Mu Ruona, her face blank.

"If you refuse to give up, tomorrow is an opportunity." Mu Ruona continued: "Tomorrow's wedding, Dieyi will throw bouquets. If I am not wrong, Dieyi's bouquets are to be Throw it to Yin Sichen and Ran Xiwei. If... if my guess is true, then Yin Sichen and Ran Xiwei are afraid that they really need to recombine. By then, you..."

Gu Xixi nodded gently, although her face was pale, but her basic reason still existed.

Gu Xixi understood Mu Ruona's meaning.

If Dieyi's bouquet was thrown to Ran Xiwei and Yin Sichen, then Yin Sichen and Ran Xiwei would be the next to get married.

This means that Yin Sichen intends to marry Ran Xiwei!

That means... now Yin Sichen is waiting for Gu Xixi to divorce and then marry Ran Xiwei!

Mu Ruona continued: "Mo Zixin said a word to me when visiting the Yunjia monuments today. He said: He will hurt everyone in the world, but he will not hurt you! So, come on, if That bouquet of flowers was really thrown to Ran Xiwei and Yin Sichen. You can tell Yin Sichen that you won't be a stumbling block. The best way to get credit for Yin Sichen is to come with Mo Zixin. "

Gu Xixi heard Mu Ruona's words, and she hit her again hard.

"I didn't believe it." Mu Ruona sighed softly and said, "The boss said...say..."

"What did Shang Ke say? What can't I say so far?" Gu Xixi Qiang Yan laughed: "It's okay, I can hold it."

"The boss said that the person who cares most about Yin Sichen is actually Ran Xiwei. Because, even after being separated for six years, Yin Sichen still remembers clearly the name and amount of the medicine that Ran Xiwei took when he was sick. This is a live case. Without any tools, he clearly told the doctor everything about Ran Xiwei for so many years." Mu Ruona said: "I am also a woman, I naturally understand what it means for a man to do this. . Therefore, I will have the suggestion just now. Come on, Yin Sichen is a friend of my boss, but you are also my friend. I can’t watch you fall in!”

"I get it." Gu Xixi answered gently.

It turns out so!

No wonder Yin Sichen can kill Lin Xiaoya without mercy! !

No wonder Yin Sichen has never been married.

No wonder Yin Sichen never said to herself like or love.

No wonder... no wonder...

It turned out that it was all because of Ran Xiwei.

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