The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 149: Cold fairy

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

"Oh." Gu Xixi continued to respond coldly.

If you already know it, you don’t have to repeat it again.

Seeing Gu Xixi's so cold response, Ran Xiwei seemed a little surprised.

Does it mean that Gu Xixi doesn't like Yin Sichen at all? how is this possible?

Everyone is a woman, and women feel the most accurate to women!

Yesterday Gu Xixi looked at Yin Sichen's eyes, which was clearly full of love.

How come today...

Why does it seem to have changed completely?

In order to further explore Gu Xi, Ran Xiwei decided to come to a killer.

"Last night, Si Chen was worried about my body, so he didn't come back to rest... he said, he said he couldn't rest assured me. He said, it's easy to find me, and it won't make me again... hurt..." Ran Xiwei side Carefully speaking while watching Gu Xi's expression.

Gu Xixi quickly lowered her eyes, quickly hiding the pain in her eyes.

Put your hands under the table and make a fist.

Since there was no smile from the beginning, the expressionless expression now does not need to be maintained.

"Si Chen also said that he would take care of me forever..." Ran Xiwei continued to test Gu Xi.

Gu Xixi interrupted the other party's words: "There is no need to notify me of these things. By the way, isn't Miss Ran going to be a bridesmaid today? It seems that it's a bit too late to pass by again."

Although Ran Xiwei's words were interrupted by Gu Xixi, Ran Xiwei was not angry, but instead laughed: "Yeah, today I am going to be a bridesmaid, and Si Chen is going to be a best man! When we were kids, we played with each other and I Just play the bride, he plays the bridegroom!! Oh, look at me, I really didn’t mean to tell you this! I won’t say it, I’m gone!”

Ran Xiwei stood up proudly, turned and left.

Gu Xixi waited for Ran Xiwei to leave before reaching for the spoon in the tray.

But trembling fingers couldn't bring food to his mouth.

Gu Xixi gave up, and picked up the milk and drank it.

Is Ran Xiwei so provocative to himself that Yin Sichen gave his advice?

Why is it so troublesome?

When did you die?

Ha ha... Ridiculously, I thought Yin Sichen liked Lin Xiaoya before.

At this moment, I knew how naive my thoughts were.

Lin Xiaoya is dead, and Yin Sichen will not bother.

And Ran Xiwei was only suffering from a stomachache, and Yin Sichen accompanied him thoroughly.

And his position is estimated to be no different from Lin Xiaoya.

The only difference is probably Lin Xiaoya's unwillingness to go back and continue to fight.

And myself... will make myself clean and complete, and go all out! !

Gu Xixi sulked the food in front of him bit by bit.

From this moment on, I only live for my mother, my baby, and my love!

After breakfast, Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona each took an assistant and went straight to the church.

A lot of people have already taken seats on both sides of the church.

Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona did not join in the excitement and chose the position behind.

The guests around were eagerly discussing today's bridesmaid group and best man group.

Especially when it comes to today's best man group, the voices of several women are obviously excited.

"I heard that the chairman of the Yin's consortium and Mo Zixin of the Mo family will both be groomsmen! It's so happy! We can see so many quality men!"

"I heard that Yin Sichen is a beautiful man who can compete with Mo Zixin in court, I don't know if it is true?"

"I used Baidu's photos on the Internet, and it was indeed amazing!"

"Really? Sometimes there is a gap between the photos on the Internet and myself!"

"I dare to pack the ticket. I must look better than the photos. I accidentally glanced at him far away yesterday, God, it's really handsome!"


Listening to the chattering voices of the group of women, Gu Xixi was as quiet as water.

As if all the noise around her had nothing to do with her.

The ceremony began soon.

Everything is so solemn and magnificent.

Gu Xixi thought about his wedding in a trance, what does his wedding look like?

I don't seem to remember.

No, I didn't pay attention to it at all.

That day, he was given by Zhao Zegang. In that mood, how can I care about the so-called wedding, whether it is grand or crude?

Today, attending the wedding of others, but letting myself wake up again, his husband is just in Cao Ying's mind.

I am afraid that after seeing Ran Xiwei yesterday, he has already begun to divorce himself, right?

Haha, rest assured.

Even if I am humble, Gu Xixi still has this kind of guts.

When the best man appeared, screams burst out around him.

However, Gu Xixi really did it.

It seems that the dazzling man standing in the crowd has become a stranger to himself.

After the lengthy ceremony, everyone started to go out and prepared to grab flowers.

This link is the favorite of all single women.

Except Gu Xixi.

Gu Xixi just glanced at the crowd, and turned so lightly and left.

Yin Sichen raised his head and wanted to find Gu Xixi among the crowd, but he only had time to find a wiper corner where Gu Xixi went away.

Do not know why, Yin Sichen always feels that Gu Xixi is a little different today.

Her eyes lacked familiar emotions, replaced by a strange coldness.

Yin Sichen always has an illusion.

He seems to be losing her...

Thinking of losing the word, Yin Sichen's heart hurt sharply.

Yin Sichen is going to catch Gu Xi subconsciously.

But he just took a step, and Ran Xiwei stopped him at once: "Si Chen, where are you going"? To throw the bouquet! Dieyi said, throw the bouquet to me!!! You said me Will you grab the bouquet?"

Yin Sichen was stopped by Ran Xiwei, looked up and looked back. There was no Gu Xixi in the crowd.

Ran Xiwei didn't want Yin Sichen to look for Gu Xi, and pulled Yin Sichen to stand among the crowd with himself, ready to grab flowers.

Dieyi looked at everyone. Sure enough, he made a wink at Ran Xiwei, and the bouquet in his hand was thrown in the direction of Ran Xiwei!

Ran Xiwei grabbed the bouquet without suspense.

Ran Xiwei was so happy that he immediately said to Yin Sichen, who was standing beside him, "Sister Chen, look, I got it! I really got it!"

"Well, good." Yin Sichen replied absently, looking away from the crowd.

Everyone was taking pictures at this time. A group of people took pictures of each other and some took selfies.

Only Gu Xi couldn't be found.

Gu Xixi walked alone to a small bridge not far away, leaning on the railing to watch the gurgling water under the bridge.

Cold face in the sun, with a sense of alienation that can't tell the truth.

Not far away, a group of people was instantly attracted by Gu Xixi to all their eyes!

"Well! My wow!" a middle-aged couple could not help screaming.

The people around are also dumbfounded!

They rubbed their eyes vigorously, yes, they were right!

The cloud is on the bridge!

Cold face, flowing hair, long skirt.

This has always been the standard of Yunhao!

But didn't Yun Yi die two years ago?

Why is she here?

What exactly is going on?

and many more!

Could it be that she is the girl in the legend who looks like a cloud?

Where is this exactly like!

This is exactly the same!

Regardless of facial features, figure, temperament, it is almost the same!

She is Yunhao!

It is this temperament of the empty valley Youlan that once did not know how many handsome men were lost.

Gu Xixi didn't know that he was surrounded by a group of people, leaning gently on the bridge, holding a piece of pastry in his hand, and throwing crumbly food scraps into the water.

Watching the swarms of fish swimming up and down.

It's like a human.

Gu Xixi could no longer hear the noise around him.

Those hustle and bustle have nothing to do with themselves.

She even began to wonder why she came to this wedding?

His husband and his once beloved love revived, and all his emotions were smashed and buried as soon as they germinated.

The meaning of one's own existence is only the birth life.

In that case, why deceive yourself and walk in front of Yin Shao***?

Just as Gu Xixi thought about his own thoughts, he heard a throbbing voice behind him: "Well? You are back? Since you are back, why not go home? Mom and Dad miss you all, do you know? ?"

Gu Xixi turned around and saw two emotional middle-aged men and women looking at themselves in tears.

Well, that lady seems familiar.

Who is this crying gentleman who looks like a teardrop?

Gu Xixi looked at them blankly: "Will you..."

The next second, the crying and crying man rushed over with an arrow, and put Gu Xixi into his arms.

"My daughter! You are so cruel! You say go away, it will be two years as soon as you go! Do you know that my mother and I will all go to that world to find you!" The middle-aged man cried up. No breath.

Gu Xixi was so abruptly held in his arms.

But strange, Gu Xixi didn't hate this feeling.

Gu Xixi stood there, letting the other person hug himself.

When this gentleman was almost crying, he said, "Sorry, you must have admitted the wrong person."

Hearing Gu Xixi saying this, the middle-aged man released Gu Xixi all at once and said, "Well, how can you talk to dad like this? Isn't dad too sad?"

At this time, Gu Xixi suddenly remembered, and the wife who was standing beside him crying in tears was not the one she accidentally bumped into in the restaurant that day?

But how could they...

They whispered to themselves, they also called themselves Mom and Dad...

Could it be that they are Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun?

Gu Xixi cleared his head at once, and immediately said, "Sorry, you are Mr. Yun? I think I need to clarify! I am really not Yun Yi, my name is Gu Xixi! I am from N city."

It was Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun who stood before Gu Xixi.

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