
Thirteen major military cities were once again captured, and only 15 cities remained, while the size of the Brilliant Empire's army was less than 60 billion.

5:45 pm~

On the vast battlefield, only eight military heavy cities are still stubbornly resisting.

And the defenders of these eight important military cities are all regular legions of the Radiance Empire, possessing a fighting will that surpasses that of ordinary professionals.

Under the leadership of the major army commanders of the Radiant Empire~

The remaining eight military heavy cities are desperately resisting the attack from the Holy Empire and the forces of the castle.

The sound of artillery fire from magic cannons, super giant trebuchets and other war weapons is even more non-stop.

However, their resistance and persistence were in vain.

The eight military heavy cities were successively captured by the Holy Empire and the army of the castle forces without even holding it for half an hour.

The time reached six quarters.

Blood Moons are starting to appear!

The more than 400 giant military cities and countless defensive positions arranged by the Radiant Empire in the Nasitino River Basin were all declared to be captured.

Two trillion defenders and professionals~

Either killed on the battlefield or surrendered to the castle forces, only a few escaped.

It can be said that the whole army was wiped out!

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Chapter 423 The war is finally over! The strength has skyrocketed! 600,000 true gods! original world?

Over the Nasitino River.

The flying units of countless castle forces are circling and roaring.

Among them, there are dragons, winged people, vampires, ghosts, bone dragons, phoenix guards... all kinds of flying arms, everything.

on the ground.

Countless castle troops in human form also cheered with their weapons in their hands.

Because the war is over!

All castle creatures are celebrating this victory belonging to the castle forces.

This war lasted for two whole days!

In the middle, there is no pause for a moment.

Countless castle creatures died on the battlefield, and countless castle creatures joined in...

Make this war even bigger!

Even more tragic!

In this war, the number of castle creatures killed in battle reached trillions, most of which were ordinary troops and initial troops.

Of course, there were also saint-ranked arms and demigod arms that died in battle.

And there are a lot of them!

After all, no matter what, they were facing the Radiant Empire that fought with the power of a single country.

The Radiance Empire has inherited and developed for nearly 100,000 years, and has cultivated countless elite regular legions, magic cannons, super-giant trebuchets and other war weapons, and it is even more numerous.

In addition, the Radiant Empire also released a large number of magic scrolls on the battlefield.

The army of the castle forces, how could the loss be small?

Until the end of the war~

The remaining castle troops on the battlefield are less than eight trillion!

That is to say, there are nearly four trillion castle troops, which have been killed on the battlefield forever.

The casualty rate is several times that of the Radiant Empire.

After all, the total size of the Brilliant Empire's army is less than 2 trillion. Except for those who escaped and surrendered, the number of imperial defenders and professionals who died in action is only about 1.4 trillion.

this kind of~

It can also clearly see how much the loss of the castle power is.

If it were any other native empire, the "professionals" who suffered four trillion casualties would be in danger of destroying the country!

But fortunately, they are castle forces!

Four trillion casualties, for the castle forces, is only one day's recruitment.

What kind of?

Not worth the pain at all!

What's more, the strength of the surviving troops under the castle lords has been improved one after another.

A large number of top-level arms have been promoted to the realm of gods in the process of battle.

The demigod arms, holy-rank arms, and king-rank arms have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

The size of the army of the castle forces is reduced.

But the overall strength has increased a lot.

the most important is……

Many castle lords and rangers have become gods.

So far, aside from the Holy Empire, the castle forces already have about three million true gods, most of them are castle masters, a few are rangers, and the least are castle troops.

Three million true gods, this is very terrifying!

You must know that in the God of Truth in the Endless Continent, all the local forces add up, and there are only 10 million Gods of Truth.

This is the God of Truth that has been developed for 100,000 years!

As for the castle power, after only two months of development, it has three million gods.

What is this concept?

As long as there are a few more wars of similar scale, I am afraid that the number of gods in the castle force will exceed the entire truth **** system.

And in the belief system~

There is no single force or **** system that has so many gods.

The [Evil Gods faction] that the Holy Empire destroyed before, the number of gods was only less than 1.5 million.

Here you can see~

Now the castle force is already very powerful!

Except that there is no main **** and no upper god, the castle's power is as good as any local power in the endless continent.

Of course, if you add the Holy Empire~

Then, the castle power can be said to be truly invincible in the entire endless continent.

There must be a main god.

To be godly.

Want an army to have an army!

Who dares to go head-to-head with the castle forces?

Even the natural elf empire, which is known as the strongest native empire in the endless continent, is not a match for the castle power at all.

It can even be said that if all the local empires in the central area of ​​the Endless Continent are added up, the castle forces can also grind them to death.

This is the current castle power!

Not to mention that he has grown up completely, but he has finally gained a firm foothold in the Endless Continent.


"Finally won 々"!"

High in the sky, the masters of the top castles and the top rangers gathered together.

They all possess the realm of gods.

Unable to personally participate in this mortal-level war.

Seeing that the war was finally over, they were completely relieved.

Since then.

The Radiance Empire has no strength to contend with them.

After all, in the battle of the Nasitino River this time, the Radiant Empire had used the mortal power of the entire empire, and they had no more power to resist the army of the castle power.


The army of the castle forces can drive straight in.

Sweeping across the core area of ​​the Radiant Empire, cleaning up the prosperous cities and noble territories.

Of course, this is not the end.

The goal of this war is to capture the imperial capital of the Radiant Empire.

This native empire will be completely erased from the map of the endless continent.

"The outcome of this war did not surprise me!"

"Even before the war started, when I received the command of the war from the big boss Lin Yi, I had already predicted the ending of the Radiant Empire!"

"Indeed! With the strength of our castle power, if there is enough time, let alone a radiant empire... We can completely sweep the entire central area under the leadership of the Holy Empire!"

"Ha ha……"

"Brothers and sisters, it's time to harvest!"

"In a vast battlefield, countless corpses have fallen, and countless blueprints, power stones, different crystals and other loot have been exposed. Now it's time to clean up the battlefield!"

"After cleaning the battlefield, we will directly enter the core area of ​​the Radiance Empire!"

"If the army of the Dark Empire really dares to attack us, then kill us directly!"

in a roar of cheers.

Countless figures entered the battlefield and began to collect loot.

For the castle forces, cleaning the battlefield is also a gluttonous feast!

Because, there are things they need very much on the battlefield, such as power stones, different crystals, unit evolution blueprints, unit quantity blueprints, equipment and so on.

With these things.

Their strength will become even stronger!

Killing enemies and explosive equipment is also one of the advantages that belong to the castle forces.

Local creatures can't explode items when they kill the enemy.


the other side.

The armies of the Holy Empire are also sweeping the battlefield.

after the war.

The size of the Holy Empire's army has reached one billion.

Compared with the army of 200 million at the time of the war, it has increased by a full five times!

This is because the later the war is, the more glorious defenders and professionals surrendered to the Holy Empire.

They see no hope and do not want to die.

So just surrender!

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