Simply perfect!

A top castle lord said: "I just found out that the Dark Empire actually dispatched a large army to invade the territory of the Radiance Empire while our castle forces were at war with the Radiance Empire!"

"These evil native creatures really will take advantage of the fire!"


"The Dark Empire's attack on the Radiant Empire did not surprise me!"

"After all, these two empires are a feud in themselves. Since the establishment of the empire, they have fought countless battles! Now, the Radiance Empire is in crisis of national extinction, and the Dark Empire will naturally come over to give them a ride!"

"Master Kadis~"

A top ranger asked: "I wonder if Lin Yi knows about the Dark Empire's capture of the Radiant Empire?"


Eighteen-winged Seraph Kadis said with a calm expression: "Before the war, the Dark Empire sent messengers to our Holy Empire to seek cooperation with my lord!"

"Although my Holy Empire and the Dark Empire have not concluded a covenant, it is still a relationship of cooperation and conspiracy!"

"However, this relationship is not stable!"

"If the Dark Empire dares to declare war on our Holy Empire, then the Lord's army of angels doesn't mind taking action in person to purify the evil power in them!"

Hear this.

The top castle lords and top rangers present at the scene understood why the Dark Empire dared to attack the Radiant Empire at this time.

Feelings are allowed by the Holy Empire.

They believe.

Without Lin Yi's permission, the Dark Empire would definitely not dare to come over and get a piece of the pie.

After all, the existence of many main god-level horrors in the Holy Empire alone is enough to sweep the high-level forces of the entire Dark Empire.

Kadis said: "If this time, the plan of the Radiant Empire succeeds and the people of the Dark Empire take the initiative to attack us, then we will not show mercy!"

"Lord Candice is right!"

From the castle lord and the ranger have nodded.

Others, in their view, do not need to be so passive at all.

As long as the big boss Lin Yi speaks, no matter whether he has a cooperative relationship or not, they will immediately lead the army of the castle forces to fight against the army of the Dark Empire.

Castle forces, the most enthusiastic is war.

After all, only when there is war can their strength become stronger.

Just at this time.

A beautiful woman stood up.

Beside her, followed by a number of beautiful natural spirit gods.

And she also has a god-level unicorn mount.

In the entire castle power, there are many god-level natural elves, as well as the power of god-level unicorns, only the famous [Elf Kingdom].

And this goddess-like woman is also the ruler of the [Elf Kingdom] - Xia Qimeng, and she is also the eldest sister of the alliance [Goddess's House].

As soon as Xia Qimeng stood up, there were bursts of low voices around.

Many top castle masters and top rangers looked at her with enthusiasm in their eyes.

In the Endless Continent, there are many goddesses.

However, the female castle masters who became gods, and they also have a higher status and a great background compared to them, they are naturally very eager.

Xia Qimeng ignored the gazes around her.

She looked at the eighteen-winged Seraph Archangel Kadis standing on the highest steps, and asked, "Lord Kadis, I wonder if His Majesty Lin Yi will participate in the next war to besiege the Imperial Capital of the Radiant Empire?"

Candice shook her head and said, "My lord is busy with business and will not participate in this war!"

A small local empire.

There are hundreds of thousands of true gods, and there is only one main god.

Where is the need for the Lord of their faith to take action in person?

If even this trivial matter can't be solved and the Lord needs to come, then how can their angel family be able to conquer the illusory universe?

Kadis said: "To attack the imperial capital of the Radiant Empire, we are enough!"

Hear this.

Xia Qimeng was suddenly disappointed.

As for the other castle lords and rangers, they all expressed their envy.

Especially those castle lords are extremely envious.

In this war, they are personally involved!

Because the scale of the war is too huge, they are not at all worried that their troops will participate in the war alone. If the legion is completely destroyed, how will they deal with the war of gods in the future?

So, even though participation in this war might be dangerous, they came.

Which looks like Lin Yi?

Just be a hands-off shopkeeper and leave all matters of the war to the angels under his command to handle it, while he sits in the imperial capital of the Holy Empire, cultivates with peace of mind, and waits for the end of the war.

Compared to Lin Yi.

They really are way off!

"If I were the big boss Lin Yi, I wouldn't come to the battlefield myself!"

"Lord Candice, Lord Dale, Lord Angela, and the Aurora Goddess Sylvia, who just came to the battlefield, are all Lord Gods who hold great divine power!"

"With them here, the army of the Holy Empire is enough to sweep everything!"

"Even the ruler of the Radiant Empire, the Lord of Radiance, Gladstone, is not their opponent!"

"Boss Lin Yi doesn't need to worry about this war at all!"


The top castle lords and top rangers present were whispering.

They also want to be like Lin Yi.

There is nothing to do, just leave things to the angels under his command.

Unfortunately, this can only be imagined!

Eighteen-winged Seraph Archangel Kadis said: "Everyone, go back and prepare! After we have captured the defense line of the Radiant Empire, we will enter the core area of ​​the Radiant Empire!"

"What do you want, my Holy Empire will not interfere!"

"However, I hope you will remember that the battle of gods is coming, and your own strength is the most important thing!"

"We will obey, Lady Candice!"

The masters of the top castles and the top rangers saluted respectfully.

Afterwards, they didn't dare to stay for a long time, so they flew away from the [Sky City] and went to their own base camp.

Aurora Goddess Silvia looked at the background of their passing away and said, "Captain Kadis, are these castle lords and rangers reliable?"

Candice said: "Everyone has everyone's mind, especially these castle lords and rangers, there are so many thoughts and ideas!"

"It's basically impossible for them to be loyal to our empire!"

"However, my lord does not need their allegiance!"

"As long as the strength of our Holy Empire is strong enough to deter the entire castle force, then they will be obedient and will never and will not dare to go against the Lord's will!"

"Makes sense!"

Aurora Goddess Silvia nodded.

at this time.

When she saw Candice handing over a space ring, she suddenly wondered, "This is?"

Kadis said: "There are some godheads of the upper gods in the ring, you can use it to absorb the original divine power and improve your strength!"

"Cultivation with the godhead is the benefit of the true **** of our empire!"

"Every true **** has it, and you are no exception!"

"Thank you!"

After hearing Cathy's explanation.

Aurora Goddess Silvia also did not refuse.

She is now a **** of the Holy Empire, and a follower of Lin Yi.

Moreover, she is not far from being promoted to the realm of the pinnacle Lord God.

As early as in her 100,000-year hibernation, she had already touched the threshold of the pinnacle god, and needed a lot of godhead and divine power crystals to help her break through the **** status.

If she can be promoted to the pinnacle of the main god, master more powerful great divine power.

Then in the war of gods that will come soon, the chances of the Holy Empire winning the final will be even higher.

In addition, she also wants to help Lin Yi win the [Throne of God King].

Because once Lin Yi was promoted to God King, the Holy Empire would be able to sweep across the entire endless continent, and neither the abyss world nor other plane worlds could resist the attack of the Holy Empire. 510


The Holy Empire will become the most powerful faction in the real universe!

And this is good for her.

After all, the realm of the main **** is not the limit of the gods.

On top of the main god, there are the half-step **** king, the supreme **** king...

Only when Lin Yi becomes the supreme **** king, and their main god-level believers belong to gods, can they hope to reach a higher level.


Nasitino River.

The war seemed to have never ceased for a moment.

The army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces, as always, is frantically attacking the defensive fronts of the Radiant Empire, destroying countless positions and giant military cities one after another.

And over time.

The size of the Brilliant Empire's army is also rapidly decreasing.

The defensive camp is constantly being compressed.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the size of the Brilliant Empire's army was only over 200 billion, and all the defensive positions had been destroyed. Only about 40 giant military cities remained uncaptured.

The war is extremely brutal!

However, the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces has always been imposing.

in comparison.

The morale of the army of the Radiant Empire dropped to its lowest point.

Almost all the defenders and professionals of the Glory Empire have been desperate.

One by one, they were like walking corpses, mechanically resisting the attack from the Holy Empire and the army of the castle.

As long as the giant military heavy city defended by oneself is breached~

Many of them will give up their weapons and choose to surrender at the first time.

The war has exhausted their courage.

They lost their original beliefs!

The only thought now is that this war will end soon.

Four o'clock in the afternoon~

There are less than 30 major military cities in the Radiance Empire, and the size of the army has been reduced to 140 billion.

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