The Holy Empire is the strongest force in the castle camp, and there are still many main gods. The defenders and professionals of the Radiant Empire are naturally vying for refuge.

And this made other castle masters envious.

But they can't.

Who made the Holy Empire so powerful?

On the battlefield where the army of the Holy Empire is located, the defenders and professionals of the glorious Empire chose to surrender to the Holy Empire, and they did not dare to stop it.

This also directly led to a surge in the size of the Holy Empire's army and a surge in overall strength.

In addition, the strength of the angel army has also improved a lot.

Under Lin Yi's command, there are a total of 2.7 million angels.

Among them, about 300,000 are true angels and did not participate in this war.

The remaining 2.4 million angels are the angels of the mortal level. They form an army of angels, killing the entire battlefield time and time again.

Not to mention ordinary professionals of the Glory Empire, even the Legion of Demigod Peak Powerhouses can't resist them.

After this massive war...

Of the 2.4 million mortal-level angels under Lin Yi's command, a full 200,000 angels became gods.

That is to say.

The Holy Empire now has 500,000 true angels.

In addition, there are about 100,000 top-level arms True God.

All added up, the number of true gods in the Holy Empire has reached 600,000, and this does not include the tens of thousands of true god-level holy demons that Lin Yi had resurrected before.

Besides that~

In the angel army, more angels have been promoted to the demigod realm.

more than 1.7 million.

These 1.7 million demigod angels are only one step away from becoming gods.

I believe that it will not take long before they can collectively become gods.

Until then~

The number of true angels under Lin Yi's command will double and skyrocket, and it is not a problem to directly exceed two million.

Except for the angels~

The other arms of the Holy Empire have also been promoted to higher ranks.

In general, this war has increased the strength of the Holy Empire at the middle and low levels several times.

As for the high-level combat power, there has been no change.

After all, neither the main **** nor the upper **** can personally participate in this war, and naturally they will not get the 'special energy value'.

Just because they are too strong!

Take the Eighteen-Winged Seraph Archangel Kaedis as an example, with the divine power she masters, she can easily wipe out the two trillion army of the Radiant Empire with a single slap.

You can even say~

If there is no law of the world to protect this world, with the power of her main god, she can easily blow up the entire endless continent and destroy this super-giant planet.

Compared to mortals, the power of the Lord God is too strong!

Even the weakest lower-level gods are not allowed to participate in mortal-level wars, let alone the main gods and upper-level gods.

But it doesn't matter.

After attacking the imperial capital of the Radiant Empire, they can join the war.


It took a whole night to clean the battlefield.

The loot such as power stones, different crystals, blueprints, equipment and other loot exploded by killing the enemy has been cleaned up.

Even some alien corpses were decomposed and collected.

The power of the castle has gone too far, and it can be said that nothing is left behind!

But it is precisely adhering to this spirit of 'no waste' that makes both the Holy Empire and other castle masters and rangers return full of rewards.

On the [Hyperspace Trading Channel] that comes with the 'game', the items on the shelves are directly full, and hundreds of millions of transaction information have been added in a short period of time.

In addition to a lot of ordinary resources~

There are also castle lords and rangers who sell various animal bones, soul crystals, semi-artifacts, holy artifacts, and even various cherished blueprints in the trading channel.

It can be said that this war has made everyone profitable.

Of course, it's not over yet.

Because in the east of the Nasitino River, in the core area of ​​the Shining Empire, there are still a large number of prosperous cities and rich noble territories, waiting for the castle power.

After entering the core area, the castle forces will get more supplies.

at the same time.

The [World Chat Channel] next to the trading channel is also quite lively.

[It's not easy, I've finally been promoted to the **** level! 】

【Me too! Although it is only the weakest lower-level god, it is still a **** after all. As long as I'm a little careful, I'll be able to live forever if I don't die on the battlefield of God's War! 】

[Not only has my strength improved, but also the castle's army building has also risen to level 9, and I can recruit nearly 8,000 dwarves every day! 】

【envious! My troop building is still level 8, and I can only recruit 1,000 blue dragons every day! 】

[Upstairs boss, top Versailles! 】

[Brothers, I have been promoted to the mid-level god, who has a mid-level artifact, I will exchange it with him with 100,000 top-level arms! 】

[100,000 top-level arms want to switch to intermediate-level artifacts? 】

【crazy! 】

[Even if there is, it is impossible to replace it, let alone not! Now, there are very few castle lords and rangers with intermediate artifacts, and they are still obtained from the Val'kyr! Except for the big boss Lin Yi...]

[If you want to change the middle-level artifact, then go to the Holy Empire and see if Lin Yi will agree! 】

[100,000 top-level troops are nothing more than Lin Yi boss! Maybe, he will be slapped by Lin Yi directly! 】


[Now I have become a **** and have gained eternal life! I don't know if there will be a chance to return to the original world in the future. If it is possible, it will be cool! 】

[So far, no one knows where the coordinates of the original world are! 】

[We can pin our hope of returning to the original world on the big boss Lin Yi! With Lin Yi's promotion speed, I'm afraid it won't take long to be promoted to God King! The supreme **** king in the universe is stronger than the world law of the endless continent, and it is easy to return to the original world! 】

[In other words, we have billions of people descended on the Endless Continent, and we don't know what the original world has become! 】

【Who knows? 】

【I miss the fried sauce noodles in my hometown! 】

[It feels like I haven't had a skewer for a century! 】



Just as the Holy Empire (Lee's) and the castle forces were sweeping the battlefield overnight.

The core area of ​​the Radiant Empire is also not peaceful.

Some well-informed Huiyao people have received the news of the defeat of the Nasitino River.

Many Huiyao people in cities and noble territories are packing up and preparing to escape the Huiyao Empire.

However, it's not easy!

The reason is very simple. After the Holy Empire and the Radiance Empire went to war, the surrounding local empires had already closed the space transmission channel between them and the Radiance Empire.

Most of the space teleportation arrays in the core area can only be teleported within the territory of the Radiant Empire.

It cannot be directly teleported to other native empires.

Therefore, it is very difficult to leave the Radiance Empire now.

Maybe it was because he knew that there was no hope of escape, or maybe he knew that the army of the Holy Empire and the castle forces was about to kill...

Countless brilliant people feel hopeless.

One after another prosperous city, noble territory, so it became chaotic.

Riots broke out in many places.

However, for all this, the gods of the Radiant Empire have no ability to stop them.

The imperial army has been wiped out.

Do you want to let them, these gods, manage the mortal city?

how is this possible!

Not to mention whether they have this ability or not, even if they have, they are already incapable of being cloned, and the imperial capital still needs them to guard.

What's more, if they leave the imperial capital, they are attacked by gods from the Holy Empire and castle forces, wouldn't that be the end?

They don't do things that give away people's heads!

Therefore, the gods of the Radiant Empire knew that the core area was in a mess, but they just pretended they didn't see it and let the chaos go on.

After all, protecting the imperial capital is the most important thing!


at the same time.

The core executives of the Radiant Empire also carry a large number of Gods of Truth~

Or infiltrate the homeland of the Dark Empire.

Or sneak into the army camp traitor of the Dark Empire.

Take the opportunity and prepare to carry out the assassination plan!

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Chapter 424 Crazy invaders! Kill to jealousy! withdraw? Why withdraw? Excited Dark Gods! (for automatic booking


"Capture this city!"

"Kill all the glorious people inside!"

"It has been a full 100,000 years, and our Dark Empire has finally set foot on this land. In the future, this vast territory will be dominated by professionals from our Dark Empire!"

"Huiyao people should be damned!"

"Vengeance for the ancestors who died in the age of faith!"


In the core area of ​​the Radiant Empire.

The army of hundreds of billions of professionals from the Dark Empire has been fully spread out.

They were divided into hundreds of armies, and they attacked the large and small cities belonging to the Radiant Empire, as well as the prosperous aristocratic territories.

In order to resist the invasion from the Holy Empire and the army of the castle forces and delay the advance of the war, the high-level officials of the Radiant Empire have all the mortal army in the empire transferred to the defense line of the Nasitino River.

Regardless of whether the war on the Nasitino is lost or not~

At least, the cities and noble territories in the core area of ​​the Radiance Empire are already defenseless.

Some cities do not even have the most basic defenders.

In some powerful aristocratic territories, there are only serfs left, and there are no professionals.

Just because the city defenders and the professionals in the noble territory basically went to the Nasitino River.


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