The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 979: The first love of Xiaocao who took the check and went abroad (17)

  Chapter 979 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (17)

   While roasting, I thought about how many sheep would be more appropriate to raise in my pasture after the beginning of spring?

  85 hectares, it is no problem to raise three or four hundred heads and let them stroll and dance freely on the pasture.

   Then I thought that I didn't have much money on hand. Although Mrs. Haiqiong repeatedly said that the land was given away for free, it was not one or two acres after all, and it added up to nearly two hundred hectares.

   Or, look for materials, and try to develop the electric wool version 3.0 as soon as possible?

  Or, look where there are prize money competitions, and you can earn a little bit.

   "It smells so good! Is it cooked?"

  Xu Yin withdrew her thoughts, looked down at the overturned grill, and thought: Yes! She can discuss with the mayor, she will come up with the recipe, and open a secret roast lamb restaurant in the mayor. After the signboard is released, she can open branches in other towns or Christchurch.

   As a result, the pastures in the town that raise sheep like Old William will no longer be sold.

  Cook Town will also become a veritable "delicious town" because of this secret roasted whole lamb. Maybe it will attract a wave of food-loving tourists, and the tourism industry will also flourish.

  With this plan in mind, Xu Yin regained her fighting spirit, "Come on! Roast the whole lamb!"

  The second roasted whole lamb came out of the oven, and there was another wave of looting.

  More than 80% of the gourmet coupons sent out went into the cardboard boxes of the Roasted Whole Lamb stall.

   When the patrol officers came to the roast stall, they couldn't move their feet anymore. Each of them tasted a piece of roast lamb that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, smelled fragrant, and tasted even more delicious, and immediately scored a full score on the score sheet.

   This year's "Delicious Town" honorary title goes to Cook Town.

  The mayor smiled from ear to ear.

   Cooktown hasn’t won this title for many years.

  Anyway, he has never received it once in the years he has been working. He wants to spoil the food fair every year, not to mention the townspeople.

  This year, Xiao En was asked to be responsible for roasting the whole lamb, and he also had the mentality of trying.

   I didn't expect it to be a success!


  The mayor laughed three times. Under his leadership, Cook Town is getting better and better!

  This year, not only a sheep shearing champion, but also won the honorary title of "Delicious Town" in one fell swoop.

   Tsk tsk tsk! Look at the faces of his colleagues, they are either forced to smile or black, relieve their anger! So relieved! Hahaha!

   "Shawn, I want to thank you!"

   "Mayor, I have something to tell you."

  Xu Yin struck while the iron was hot, and made a big cake for the mayor.

  The mayor was a little dizzy: What what? The whole town cooperates, money contributes money, power contributes, and materials contribute materials. Starting from the Roasted Lamb Restaurant, the three-year plan and five-year plan of the delicious town that is famous all over the island and even the world? What are those?

  Xu Yin briefly talked to him first, and waited for her to go back and write a plan for the details.

"You think, if there is a mutton restaurant with a unique flavor in our town, then the business will definitely be good. Wouldn't there be more sales for the meat goats of Old William and Brut? After being famous, tourists will be attracted to the door. When tourists come, they will not only eat mutton and nothing else, so will there be more sales for the fruits of our farm? I am not bragging, the fruits I have eaten in other places , are not as delicious as the ones grown in our town, especially cherries and kiwis. We can increase the promotion of this in the next step, and maybe we can build a cherry town, a kiwifruit town..."

   Well, elsewhere, she has only been to Christchurch and Queenstown in total.

  But the mayor didn’t know. He thought that she, an international student, went to Auckland and found out that she was cheated by an intermediary and her money was stolen. She really wandered from the North Island to the South Island...ah no, she has been to many places.

   "Come, come, Sean, come to my house and sit down, let's talk about the three-year plan and five-year plan you mentioned."

  The mayor was coaxed into boarding the thief boat by the pie she drew... Cough, I was wrong, it was the ark of getting rich!

   "Oh! Is it really her? The police have confirmed at the scene? God bless!"

  Xu Yin came back from the mayor's house humming an out-of-tune get rich song, and saw Mrs. Hunter standing by the fence in front of the yard, chatting with a passing neighbor, with an expression of indescribable regret.

"Although there is only a pair of remains left after burning, there is a suicide note in the drifting bottle in her hand. It is written by Hai Qiong. Is it true that it can be fake? Poor Hai Qiong, she has really suffered in this life. I hope to keep my eyes open and meet a good man in my next life, Amen!" The neighbor's wife said, making a prayer gesture.


  Xu Yin's heart moved: Mrs. Haiqiong arranged for the shelling of golden cicadas to be carried out smoothly?

   "Mrs. Hunter..."

   "Ah! Sean is back? Did you come from the mayor's house? Did you see the police car?"

"What happened?"

   "Oh, I heard that Mrs. Haiqiong really couldn't stand her husband and went to heaven early."

"how come!"

  Xu Yin showed the performance level of the movie queen, and the shock on her face did not seem to be fake at all:

   "Didn't Mrs. Haiqiong go to Beidao?"

   "Huh? Is there such a thing?"

"I went to the foot of the mountain to collect scenery that day. When I met her, she said that she didn't want to live here any longer, and wanted to sell the ranch and move to North Island. She also asked me if I was interested. Of course I am, as you know, I I like our town very much, and I really want to settle down here. I just made a lot of money a while ago, so I followed her to transfer the property. But she has other worries, and told me not to say anything before she leaves."

   "!!" Mrs. Hunter almost couldn't close her jaw in surprise, "You said that Haiqiong sold the ranch to you and then moved to North Island? Then the police found out..."

"Alas..." the neighbor's wife said softly, "It seems that Haiqiong has already made up her mind to die. No wonder the Christchurch Cathedral received a donation from her a few days ago, presumably it was the money for selling the ranch. Speaking of which, then The ranch was left by her parents, if it were me, I would rather sell it and donate it than leave it to that stinky man."


  Xu Yin resisted the urge to touch her nose.

  The neighbor’s wife is also a lovely person, and I have thought of the reasons for her.

  The news that Mrs. Haiqiong sold the real estate left by her parents before her death and donated the proceeds to the Christchurch Cathedral spread throughout Cooktown in an instant.

  Ms. Haiqiong's gambler husband naturally heard about it too.

   With his hair scorched by the fire and a gauze wrapped around his forehead, he approached the door.

   That vicious woman!

  I didn’t want to live anymore, so I left a suicide note and spilled gasoline on his parents’ vacation home. Not only did I not want to live, but I also tricked him into going there to lock him up in the house and burn him alive.

   Fortunately, he was clever and escaped by smashing his head through the window glass, otherwise he might have really died in the fire.

  The more the man thought about it, the more he hated it, he waved his fist at Xu Yin and said viciously:

   "Hand over all the things my wife gave you! Don't think that they are all yours after she dies, but I am still alive! I am her husband and have the right to handle all her property during her lifetime."

  Xu Yin loosened her wrist muscles, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips: Very good! If you automatically come to the door and ask her to put on a sack, that sister will not be polite!

  (end of this chapter)

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