The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 978: The first love of Xiaocao who took the check and went abroad (16)

  Chapter 978 The first love of the school grass who took a check and went abroad (16)

   This is really a mistake, she didn't know that there were food festivals in other towns.

  The reason why you brought something back, isn't it a cover-up?

   However, with the food festivals in other towns as cover, she went out more frankly.

  Only this day, Wei Lai stopped him. He excitedly pushed a newly bought motorcycle over and said that he wanted to go to the food festival with her.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Brother, I don’t know where the gate of the food festival opens.

  Why don't you go by yourself, my sister has business to do.

   "Cough, I'm not going to the food festival today, I'm going to do some shopping."

   "I'll go with Master." Wei Lai sat on the motorcycle and tossed his helmet playfully, "The road just happened to teach me to drift."

  Xu Yin glanced at him: "But what I want to buy is for girls, it's not suitable for you to follow. I will teach you about drifting when I rest."

   After finishing speaking, she got on the bike and left, so fast that Willai couldn't even catch up.

  He scratched his head in wonder, saw Mrs. Hunter, and asked, "Mrs. Hunter, what exactly are girls' products?"

  Mrs. Hunter: "..."

   After a few random words, the silly boy was sent away.

  When Xu Yin stopped going out at noon every day, Cook Town also ushered in its own food fair and winter and spring agricultural materials exchange meeting.

  Xu Yin has been looking forward to this day for a long time, and she has to buy a lot of things.

   Now, she is also a medium-sized manor owner. Her farms, pastures, and lakes are all active. Of course, she must have some things on hand.

  The grass seeds sown in early spring and the crop seeds grown on the farm have to be bought.

  She also plans to plant some fruit trees on the banks of Lake Ghana, and local fruit tree seedlings must also be found.

   There are also honey, ham, white wine that she has long wanted to hoard...

   Lin Lin made some calculations and found that the money left on hand didn't seem to be enough.

   We can only delay stockpiling for a while, and wait until next spring for fruit tree seedlings. Let’s look at pasture seeds and oat seeds first.

  In this year's food fair, Mrs. Hunter asked Xu Yin to cook some special delicacies. Who taught her to be innovative, and what Xiao En made with any ingredients would always make everyone's eyes shine.

  The cook is still good at making the old three: goat milk cake, goat milk pastry, salty oatmeal cake.

  Xu Yin participated for the first time, so she couldn't figure out what the townspeople liked, so she simply went to do as the Romans did, and also made a batch of goat milk-based food—goat milk pudding, goat milk cake, and almond soufflé tea.

  Worried that everyone would be too tired of eating so many dairy products, I also prepared a bucket of dandelion tea.

   Just as he was about to set off, Old William brought some tender lambs that had been prepared, and invited Xu Yin to roast them at the food fair.

   "Everyone says that your roasted lamb is delicious. I recommend you as the chef of this year's food fair. I will leave the whole roasted lamb to you."

  Mrs. Hunter winked at Xu Yin: "Be sure to live up to it!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  It was only when I arrived at the scene that I realized why she had to be uplifted.

  It turns out that each town’s food festival has a scoring session. Each town sends ten patrol officers to interview and observe the public’s feedback on the town’s food, and give the food a score. The town with the highest final score will win the honorary title of "Delicious Town" this year.

   "Didn't you see those patrol officers when you went to other towns? Didn't you get interviewed by them?"


   Can she say she didn't go to another town for a food festival at all?

   Quickly start another topic: "Then I'll just be in charge of roasting the whole lamb, okay? Don't worry about the rest?"

   "Yes, you can do the roasting, and the mayor's wife will do the rest."

  Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

   She only needs to roast the whole lamb, so she has no pressure at all.

   Quietly prepare the barbecue sprinkles in the system warehouse.

  As soon as she arrived at the scene, the mutton was marinated. While marinating, she started the oven.

  In order to adjust the best heat, try grilling a row of lamb kebabs before serving the whole lamb.

   It is also the lamb brisket provided by Old William.

  Xu Yin quickly peeled a handful of wooden skewers, skewered the fat and thin pieces of mutton belly meat into small pieces, and grilled them together.

   I don’t think it’s very fragrant during the roasting process. After all, the locals are as familiar with roasted lamb as the southerners of Huaguo are with rice.

  Until Xu Yin sprinkled spices, the rich and overbearing fragrance was sent to everyone's nose with the autumn wind, and everyone couldn't help sniffing the air.

   "What is it? It smells so good!"

   "It smells like roast lamb, but is lamb so fragrant?"

   "Which stall is it? I want to try it!"

  Following the scent, everyone found the roast lamb stall that Xu Yin was in charge of.

   Just in time, the mutton skewers in her hand were grilled, and they were distributed to everyone one by one, and the whole lamb began to be served.

  The whole lamb started to be grilled on the charcoal fire, and there were gradually many people waiting to taste it in front of the stall, including residents of Cook Town and people from other towns.

  Cooktown residents certainly know Xu Yin.

   "This is Sean, the sheep shearing champion of this year's Canterbury region competition, from our town! She broke the previous record with manual shearing, isn't it amazing?"

  Other townspeople: “…”

   So sour!

  Why did I suddenly become a lemon.

People in Cook Town are still proud to popularize Xu Yin's ability: "Her roasted lamb is really delicious! I was lucky enough to taste a piece of lamb leg on the day of the celebration banquet. It was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, without any fishy smell. "

  So this time, they didn't plan to go anywhere. At a glance, other stalls knew that they were all the food they had tasted and tasted over the years.

What? How long do you have to wait?

It doesn't matter! Wages will not be deducted for delays in the food festival, they have a lot of time!

  Xu Yin: "..."

  I'm afraid you will be bored.

   Forget it, she saw the needles, and grilled a few more skewered mutton skewers, sprinkled spices and distributed them to everyone. Eating and waiting will not be too boring.

   Now, there are more people around her stall.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Tiptoe to look at other stalls, good guy! The stall owners all ran out to eat lamb kebabs, and when the roast lamb was finished, the pressure was on my sister.

   Look again, Willai, Oliva, Lucas, Little William, Cook... There are many familiar faces in the crowd.


   Forget about the others, isn’t the cook also setting up a stall? Throwing down the stall to promote one's own field, the heart is really big.

  Xu Yin was distracted and couldn't help asking: "Rita, why are you here too? Don't you need to look at the stall?"

The cook in the crowd laughed heartily: "Haha! I am good at those dim sum dishes. Over the years, everyone has been familiar with them for a long time. It doesn't matter whether you look at them or not. People who buy them know the price and will throw the food coupons in the box. inner."


   "Sean, you really don't need food coupons for the lamb kebabs in your hand?" Oliva asked.

  Xu Yin nodded: "That's the total amount, so I won't accept it. If you think it's delicious, remember to buy the whole roasted lamb later."

   "I'll come if you don't say so."

   "I have no intention of leaving."


  Xu Yin also convinced them.

  But after the roasted whole lamb is cooked, sprinkle the ingredients on it, and the rich aroma will hit your nostrils, making even her, the owner of the roasted lamb stall, a bit greedy.

   Simply out of sight, let the old William go to the side to slice and weigh the meat for everyone, and the little William helped to maintain order and collect food coupons, and she continued to roast the second sheep.

  (end of this chapter)

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