The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 980: The first love of Xiaocao who took the check and went abroad (18)

  Chapter 980 The first love of the school grass who took the check and went abroad (18)

  The gambler who came to find fault was beaten up by Xu Yin, and he was **** with a hemp rope and slipped to the police station in the town.

  The farm and pasture that Mrs. Haiqiong transferred to her during her lifetime is Mrs. Haiqiong's pre-marital property. The dowry left by her parents is entirely her personal property, and the transfer procedures are legal and valid.

  Her husband’s door-to-door begging is not to say it’s untenable, and this guy clearly wants to get the farm and pasture back without spending money. How can there be such a good thing?

Xu Yin's expression was serious: "Mr. Police, I am also a resident of Cook Town now. If my home and I are violated, I will never tolerate it. This time, I just tied him who came to the door to provoke him, but the next Once, I don't have that patience."

"Fart!" the gambler yelled while enduring the pain in his body, "you not only tied me up, you beat me too! Mr. Police, I want to sue this woman! She violated my personal rights and beat me so hard that I couldn't move. "

  Xu Yin looked aggrieved: "You're making an unreasonable statement. You say I'll beat you? What's the evidence? If you can beat a grown man until he can't move, what a serious injury that would be."


  The policeman nodded, and went through the process to find a forensic doctor to examine the gambler's injuries.

   It turned out that apart from the wound on his head where he escaped from the fire by hitting the glass, there were no other injuries, no fractures, bruises, bruises... nothing at all.

   Gambler: "..."

  Damn it! !

Xu Yin smiled and bowed to the police: "Thank you, Mr. Police, for returning my innocence! In my hometown, it is popular to send pennants to public officials who enforce the law impartially. I will also send a copy later. Thank you for alleviating the worries of the townspeople and protecting us. Safety!"

  Who doesn’t like to hear good words.

  The police laughed and said that this is what they should do, but they were very curious about the pennant in Xu Yin's mouth. It is said that it is a popular way of thanking the origin of Chinese Kungfu. I don't know what it is like.

  Xu Yin said that she had nothing to do, so she went back first, and went back to make the silk banner.

   "Go, go! Leave this to us! Never let a bad guy go!"

  The policemen's tone was a bit cheerful.

  Watching Xu Yin leave the police station, they looked at the gambler with disdain.

  A big man, even if he used his wife's hard-working sheep and money to pay off his gambling debts, he even coveted his wife's pre-marital property.

   Just coveting, but wanting to get back the pre-marital property legally transferred by the wife without paying a penny, how shameless it is!

   "Go in! Wait for the judge to sentence you!"

  The gambler wants to cry but has no tears. If he had known, he would not have gone to Hunter Ranch. He was beaten for nothing and sentenced to prison.

  The money he borrowed from a usury loan is due soon, so what should I do!

etc! If you go to jail, don't you have to worry about usury?

   Otherwise, how could they ask him for debt? Can't you get it to go to prison?

  Thinking about it this way, the gambler actually felt that being detained in the police station and waiting for sentencing seemed pretty good, at least he didn't have to worry about being cut off by usury.

   "Please! Sentence me for a few more years! Ten years... no! Twenty years, thirty years are fine! Or, give me a life sentence!"

  Police: I’ve seen someone crying and begging to be let go, but I haven’t seen someone begging to go to jail. Is this person crazy?

  Xu Yin did what she said, and after returning home, she hurriedly made a pennant, with dark red flannel as the background, yellow flannel with cut-and-paste words, and yellow tassels on the bottom.

   However, the vertical typesetting in English is a bit troublesome to read. After thinking about it, they have never seen the original pennant anyway, and the horizontal typesetting should be fine.

  So when pasting, the format was changed to horizontal.

  The title is the Cook Township Police Department, and the two lines in the middle are posted with the words "Enforce the law impartially and relieve the people's worries". The inscription is Sean, a resident of Cook Township.

  After the completion of the work, Xu Yin hung it on the wall and admired herself first.

  The next day she sent the pennant to the police station.

  All the policemen who were on duty and not on duty, all gathered around to watch.

   "So this is the popular thank you pennant in Huaguo? It's so beautiful!"

   "Like a work of art."

   "Can you hang it in our office?"

   "Why not hang in our office?"

   "Stop making noise, the sheriff said, hang it in the lobby so everyone can enjoy it."

  So, the first pennant received by the Cook Town Police Department was carefully hung on the wall of the hall, and a roster was arranged to dust the pennant every day.

  Xu Yin who witnessed the whole process: "..."

  In any case, her intentions worked.

   Within a few days, the mayor brought her the latest news: "Hapled was sentenced to five years in prison."

  Xu Yin is still wondering why the prison sentence lasted so long for five years? After all, it was just a door-to-door search for faults. Even if the sentence was three months or half a year, she was satisfied, but she heard the mayor continue to say: "However, that guy thinks that five years is too short, so he yelled in court and begged the judge to give him a few more sentences." He is also willing to be imprisoned for life for two years. If he is crazy, he may be given a psychiatric evaluation, and once diagnosed, he will be sent to a mental hospital."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Regardless of whether the gambler is really mentally ill or not, he won’t be able to get out for a short time anyway, which can be regarded as a small revenge for Mrs. Haiqiong.

  She stood on the pasture, looking towards the direction of Christchurch, the blue sky was clear, there were international flights up and down, and she didn't know if Mrs. Haiqiong, who was leaving the country, was going well.


  Ms. Haiqiong, who changed her name and surname, is sitting on the plane flying to Northern Europe at the moment, looking at the cotton-white sea of ​​clouds below, she shows a relaxed smile for the first time in days.

  He lowered his head and opened the handbag, and took out a greeting card. On it was a message written by Sean to her. The words revealed the child's perception and cherishment of life.

  She sighed with emotion in her heart. Thanks to Xiao En's help this time, otherwise, it would be so easy for her to find a way out and leave without missing anything.

  She carefully put away the greeting card and put it back in her handbag.

  Suddenly, I found a red envelope lying in the corner of the bag, which was quite thick to the touch.

  Ms. Haiqiong picked it up suspiciously, opened it, and saw that there was a wad of US dollars, and a piece of flower paper quietly fell down. On it was a line of delicate English: From now on, peace and joy, smooth and worry-free!

  This kid!

  I’m afraid she learned that she had donated the money from the transfer of the farm and ranch to the church, and when she said goodbye, she secretly slipped $30,000 into her.

   I once heard Xiao En mention that her hometown has an unusual feeling for the number 3: Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things.

   Therefore, "three" is the origin of all things, with its own auspicious signs.

  Ms. Haiqiong raised her hand to wipe the moisture from the corners of her eyes, and through the window glass of the cabin, she vaguely saw the relieved and relaxed smile on her old face after disguise.

   Break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, the sea and the sky are bright.

  In the long river of her life, there has been a dawn named Xiao En.

  The flight was about to land, Mrs. Haiqiong held her handbag tightly, looked at the clear sky outside the cabin again, and said to herself: My child, I hope to have a chance to meet again in the future!

  (end of this chapter)

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