The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 900: Straw bag net red ancient farming (34)

  Chapter 900 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (34)

   "The grass is full of grass? Who is this person? It's awesome! Unlock 16 hidden missions a year! On average, more than 1 mission a month, I only unlock 1 mission a **** year."

   "I don't have any."

   "Upstairs, you have been waiting for a year, and I sent it in a month."

   "I was bitten by a ferocious beast on the third day, and 'died of death'."


   Players are all asking who "Fang Cao Yin Yin" is.

  This guy seems to be cheating. He has accumulated 10,000+ wealth in a year, which is more than 18 blocks away from them.

   But the second place is also quite good, with 6500 wealth points.

  The third place immediately lost gear, only 2000+ wealth value.

  The second place winner was Su Mingya, but she was too embarrassed to remain anonymous at the moment.

  How did she get her wealth value of 6500? When Luo Feng fought with the fierce beast, he was unfortunately injured, so he gave up treatment and transferred all the supplies under his name to her.

   In other words, the 6500 wealth value is actually the wealth accumulation of her and Luo Feng.

  The combined wealth value of the second to tenth places on the ranking list is not as much as the wealth value created by Fangcao Yinyin alone.

   This is the crushing of strength.

   Zhuo Linna, who had been eliminated a long time ago, and her followers saw the winner of 100 million star coins, and they were all in a bad mood: Damn it! It turned out to be grass worm?

   Losing a million is a minor issue, but losing face is a major issue.

  How will you hold your head high in front of the idiot Yin in the future? The face was crushed and rubbed on the ground.

   Zhuo Linna's face was blue and red, and she really didn't want to understand, when did the idiot Yin become so powerful?


When Xu Yin received a series of congratulations from fireworks and firecrackers, she was instructing the tribesmen to cut wild fruit trees. Dashan ran over and told her that the mountain patrol team found the high-temperature clay she wanted by the stream of another mountain. There was no time to arrange it, but my eyes dimmed.

  Opening her eyes again, she found herself lying in a silver-white arc game cabin. The mechanical sound of "Didi" reminded her that the nutrient solution was about to run out.

  One year in the game is equal to seven days in the real world.

  The nutrient solution in the game cabin is very expensive. In order to save money, the original body only ordered a seven-day supply. No wonder it was automatically ejected from the game world when the time came.

  I only vaguely heard that she seemed to be the recipient of 100 million star coins.


  Xu Yin rubbed her chin: This game is too friendly!

  Dingxing Group is still very trustworthy. She just climbed out of the game cabin, her back was sore and her legs were weak, and she was about to get something to eat for herself.

   The real value of 100 million star coins, the tax is paid by the Tripod Star Group.

  Xu Yin found out the account number of her original parents and transferred the money without hesitation.


In order to save the family company, Xu Zhengting would not let his father's hard work end up in his hands. During this period of time, he ran around and couldn't sleep for three days. His eyes were bloodshot and his beard was unshaven. He tried everything he could think of and found a business. A good friend on the field, begged an old classmate who has been in contact with him all the time, but—

   "Old Xu, it's not that I won't help you. My company is not doing well recently. If you don't have a place to live, I can lend you my second-class house for free."

"Old Xu, I can only take out so much. You know, my son just got married. In order to buy him a house in Dixing, I used up all my family savings. This money is still my bonus for this quarter, you take it first Go to meet an emergency. It doesn’t matter if it’s still there. You often invited me to dinner at school, I always remember it, but my ability is limited, and there is only so much I can help..."

  Xu Zhengting received the 20,000 star coins transferred from his old classmate, pursed his lips, and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying on his sad face: "Thank you."

  He staggered away from his old classmate's house, looked up at the hazy sky, and sighed deeply.

  He lowered his head and dialed his wife's optical brain: "Is the old house... hung up? There are other properties in the family. If anyone wants it, let's hang it up."

The wife choked up on the other end: "The old house has a large area. Even if the unit price is low, no one will want it for a while. The two prosperous shops of Emperor Star and the vacation star bought the year before last have all been sold. The investment in the past few years I also sold all the antiques and jewelry that could be sold. My son mortgaged the newly bought aircraft and borrowed three million. The house under his name was also going to be put up for sale. Luoxi disagreed and had a fight with our son. Moved back to Luo's house for a few days; Xinxin borrowed 600,000 yuan from colleagues and classmates, but it was still far from enough, and it was far from enough to sell the house. Shen's family used this excuse to ask for the dissolution of the engagement... Husband, I thought about it, why don't sell the two apartments of the second-class star, give them to Lang Lang and Xinxin, and let them leave the family and live with their in-laws. nowhere to go…”

Xu Zhengting interrupted his wife's proposal: "With the attitude of the in-laws, Lang Lang and Xin Xin will not be taken seriously even if they go. They are separated from the family and have no support. What is the difference between them and orphans? I have no objection if they want it. If you two don't want to, don't meddle in it."

   "Then what should we do! One is facing divorce, the other has been notified to withdraw from the engagement, and he has to endure hardships with us..."

"Sell everything that can be sold first, fill in as much as you can, it's better than going bankrupt." Xu Zhengting closed his eyes, "I'm sorry for the children, but Dad's hard work cannot be ruined by me. After this difficulty, you can buy back what you want in the future.”

  The wife was so choked up that she couldn't speak.

   Xu Zhengting felt uncomfortable.

  The couple were helpless against the light brain.

  At this time, Xu Zhengting's account indicated that he had received a transfer.

  He subconsciously took a look and was stunned.

   "Old, wife."

"What's wrong?"

   "I just received a sum of money, Yinyin transferred it to me, 100 million star coins."

"How many?"

   "One hundred million."


   Xu's mother didn't believe it, so she told her husband to go home quickly.

   "You must be wrong."

  Father Xu twitched the corner of his mouth: "How many zeros can I count wrong?"

After returning home, Xu's mother logged into his optical brain, stared at it for a while, and was stunned: "Is it really 100 million? Where did Yinyin get so much money? Didn't she travel to the alien sea with her classmates? She said yes It will take seven or eight days."

  At this time, Xu Yin's brother and sister called the optical brain video at the same time:

   "Dad, Mom, Yinyin didn't travel to the alien sea. She participated in an internal test game developed by Dingxing Group and won the first place. It is said that the bonus is 100 million star coins."

"Dad, Mom, Yinyin is amazing! I heard that this game is similar to survival in the wild, and it was the earliest era of the ancient blue star. If you can persist until the end, let alone wealth value PK."


   Xu's father and Xu's mother looked at each other: When did the little girl become so powerful?

  In any case, the 100 million star coins relieved the Xu family's urgent need, and it was more than enough to fill the funding gap. The Xu family's live broadcast company was brought back to life.

  (end of this chapter)

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