The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 901: Straw bag net red ancient farming (35)

  Chapter 901 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (35)

The screen name originally registered on the company's live broadcast platform is "Fang Cao Yin Yin". In the Star Age, even the screen name needs to pass real-name authentication. Once it is generated, there will be one and only one, and it is impossible to have the same name. .

  The huge bonus of 100 million star coins has been heard by the entire interstellar audience.

   Soon, everyone discovered that the winner of the bonus was actually the young anchor of Xu's live broadcast platform who liked to talk about the history of the ancient blue star.

  The salted fish technician who was about to be laid off and re-employed was stunned: What's going on?

   Later I found out that the traffic was brought by the boss's young daughter.

  Xu's live broadcast platform became popular, spreading all over the stars.

  The salted fish employees are busy again.

  Xu Yin was called back to the old house by her family for dinner.

Xu's three-storey cloud villa in the air was already listed for sale, but fortunately, it was large in size and high in price, so no one bought it for a long time. Since there is no shortage of working capital for the time being, the listing should be withdrawn quickly, so that the family can live together again up.

Xu's father solemnly said to Xu Yin: "Yinyin, I will borrow this 100 million star coins as if my parents asked you to borrow them. After this crisis is over, we will transfer the profits to your account later, according to the current profits. rate, it will take two or three years at the fastest."

  Recently, their live broadcasting company has turned from loss to profit, and the profit rate has been rising steadily, but after all, it is rewarded by Dingxing Group's 100 million star currency game to reward this shareholder. It is hard to say how the final absorption will be. Based on Xu's profits in previous years, he can earn almost 20 to 30 million a year.

Xu Yin shook her head: "If you give it to you, it's yours. You don't need to return it to me. When I participated in this game, I went there for the bonus. I am a member of this family, and I also want to do something for the family. "

"Good boy!" Mother Xu hugged her into her arms with red eyes, and said distressedly, "Mom heard from your brother and sister that this game is still very dangerous. You have never participated in expeditions before, so you must have eaten it." A lot of suffering, a lot of grievances, right?"

  Xu Yin: "Actually, it's okay..."

  She is a little unaccustomed to being hugged by elders at her age and calling her dearly.

   "You don't have to lie to mom, your brother went in for a trial yesterday, and died after three days in the game."

  Xu Lang: "..."

  Mom, I'm here!

   "Me neither." Xu Xin covered her face in embarrassment, "I didn't even last a day, but Yinyin can last a year, it's really amazing!"



  Xu Yin was left at home by her parents and siblings for two days, and did not return to the small apartment.

During the period, the elder brother who was discouraged and refused to communicate with his wife who ran back to his natal home, and the elder sister whose front foot was divorced and was raped by her fiancé's family, played a game of "Ancient Times", and they joined her tribe , Enron lasted for more than three days.

   Coming out of the game cabin, Xu Lang stretched his waist and said regretfully: "If it wasn't for the company's other business, I really want to continue playing with Yinyin. I just learned how to use a bow and arrow."

  Xu Xin was also reluctant to part with her, and made an appointment with her sister: "Yinyin, when will we play together again next time? Or, when you enter the game, let me say cue, and I will play with you when I have time."

  What's so good about falling in love and getting married? It's better to play games with my little sister.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Both of you are elite executives in the company, is it appropriate to indulge in games?


  Brothers and sisters have all gone out, and parents are also in the company at this time.

  After the company's business came back to life, the couple were very busy during this period.

   On the contrary, she is an idiot internet celebrity. Since too many people have followed her live broadcast room recently, she has no plans to show her face for the time being. Let's wait until the limelight of the "100 million star coin winner" fades away.


   The optical brain prompts that there is an account in the account.

  Click to open it, and it is the one million star coins that Zhuo Linna transferred to her.

   Attached a message: willing to gamble and admit defeat.

  Xu Yin raised her eyebrows.

  One million star coins can buy a single apartment in a second-class star, but what if the winner is Zhuo Linna? She will not let herself go.

  So, Sister Yin accepted it unceremoniously.

   With this one million, she became even more salty. She logged on to the star network, chose a set of the most expensive game cabin nutritional supplement, and then left a message to her family one by one, planning to play "Ancient Era" for a few days.

   There are still many things in the tribe waiting for her to make up her mind.

  The high-temperature clay suitable for firing bricks has been found. It is time to build kilns, burn bricks, build houses, build roads and build city walls.

   There are also copper mines discovered according to the copper grass flower, which have not yet been mined.

   Labor cannot stop.


   Ready, just about to lie down in the game cabin, the visual communication of the optical brain rang again.

  Just connected, a handsome man appeared on the 3D video.

   "Grassy grass?"

"…I am."

"I am Lan Jin, the leader of the Dingxing Group and the development team of "Ancient Era", and I would like to invite you to join my ancient blue star ruins development project. Your outstanding performance in "Ancient Era" is enough for this project The chief designer of ... the contract and the salary and benefits during the employment period, my special assistant will send it to your optical brain, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me or my special assistant, looking forward to your joining..."


  Hearing the other party's self-introduction, she was a little distracted, so that the following content was a bit unclear.

As soon as the other party hung up the optical brain, she received the employment contract and salary and other materials from his special assistant. Tens of millions of star coins, year-end dividends, and enjoy all the benefits of Dingxing Group during the contract period.

  Xu Yin read the contract carefully, but was still a little confused, so she simply contacted his special assistant.

   "Miss Xu, you may understand if I explain it this way."

   Assistant Li Te said with a gentle smile:

"The original intention of developing the game "Ancient Era" was actually to find talents. The ancient blue star site is currently owned by Mr. Lan. He started the preparation for this project five years ago, but because of the species of the ancient blue star site, the corresponding Most of the information has been lost, worried that rare species will be destroyed during the development process, so Mr. Lan thought of using a survival game with a similar scene to find and select the talents he wants..."

  Xu Yin: "..."

   After working on it for a long time, this sensational and realistic ancient survival game is actually just a means of selecting talents for another project?

  However, she is familiar with Gu Lanxing, how is her hometown?

  In the past few days, she went through the interstellar history. It turned out that three thousand years ago, because of the sunspot explosion, it was difficult for human beings to continue to survive on the earth, and they had to fly to outer space to find a more suitable planet for habitation.

   It has recovered by itself for three thousand years. It is said that the current ancient blue star site is similar to the original era. Dingxing Group spent a lot of money to acquire the development rights of the ancient blue star site.

   After that, it took five years to design a super-realistic survival game that simulated the environment of the ancient blue star. The purpose was to select a team of truly outstanding adventurers to explore and develop the ancient blue star ruins.

  (end of this chapter)

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