The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 899: Straw bag net red ancient farming (33)

  Chapter 899 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (33)

Thinking of her and Luo Feng, they came all the way, except for going to the trade fair for a few days, they have been hunting fierce beasts from birth to death. I thought that this time I would definitely surpass Fangcao Yinyin. When I checked for the first time, I was behind the other party by 1000 wealth value. But at that time, she was still in the adaptation stage, and she hadn't started earning wealth with her heart.

   After all, in the early stage, you must stabilize yourself and not be eliminated, otherwise it will be useless to accumulate more wealth. Only after surviving in the game for one full year, the accumulated wealth value is valuable.

After getting used to it, she started racking her brains to hunt fierce beasts, and saved a lot of valuable long-haired animal skins, animal bones, and animal blood that can be used as medicine. She also exchanged animal meat with NPCs for various stone knives, stone pots, and I thought that I had already surpassed the opponent, but I didn't expect the gap to increase instead.

Where is the problem?

  Su Mingya was puzzled, and Luo Feng was equally at a loss.

   And what made them even more confused—

From winter to spring, the snow in the mountains gradually melted. Under the leadership of Kun, the people of the Kuahe tribe, wearing straw sandals with reed flowers as insoles, stepped on the ice to send the first batch of edible fish to the Xu tribe in the new year. Good news:

"Two days ago, Ah Yu went out hunting. In order to avoid a fierce beast, Ah Yu got into a long and narrow cave. Unexpectedly, there was another exit from that cave. After going out, there was a cliff, and the opposite was the cliff of another mountain. , the stone on the cliff looks like a mysterious stone."

   "Really?" Xu Yin stood up in surprise, "Can you show me?"

  Kun said with a smile: "We just want to ask the big witch to go and appraise it."

  Xu Yin didn't care about grilling a few fish to satisfy her hunger, and wanted to confirm as soon as possible whether the mountain Kun mentioned was hematite or not.

   A group of people rushed day and night, and three days later, they came to the foot of a round-top mountain with not very lush vegetation.

   "We have been to this mountain several times before, but there are no edible fruits, wild vegetables, and animal meat, so we don't come here very often."

  Kun said while crawling.

  Xu Yin looked around carefully, and unexpectedly found that the trees on this mountain were wild peppercorns, and the grass was alfalfa.

   Thinking about it again, yes, if it is really an iron mine, then the ones that can survive must be iron-loving plants.

  Looking at the alfalfa growing close to the ground and the wild peppercorns that have survived the harsh winter, even though she hasn't seen the ore yet, her heart has settled down a lot.

  When she came to the location where Yu said, Xu Yin laughed when she saw the exposed reddish-brown ore on the rock wall.

  【Congratulations to the player @芳草阴阴阴 for finding a hematite ore and obtaining 1500 wealth points. 】

  Hematite was discovered, and there is one more thing to do this spring.

  She has to teach the men how to smelt iron and the women how to farm. The two places are far apart, and it takes half a day to fly back and forth on the back of a winged tiger.

   But the harvest is also remarkable.

  Before the summer, the mining team that cooperated with the Kuahe Tribe finally learned how to smelt iron under Xu Yin's tireless teaching. With their hands, they forged the first pair of iron tools—a thick machete.

  It is much easier to chop a tree with an iron knife than a stone knife.

  Looking at the big and strong tree, it fell down after a few strokes, and everyone cheered excitedly.

  The women of the farming team harvested the first crops planted in early spring:

   Fresh and tender gourds, sweet sweet potatoes, plump black potatoes, wild eggplants with yellow skin and white flesh, wild corn strung together like crushed stones, wild apples with rough skin but sweet flesh...

   Xu Yin tried to plant all the wild fruits and vegetables traded at the trade fair that could get seeds.

  The survival rate is not high, but because there are so many species, there are as many as six or seven species that eventually germinated seedlings.

   Among them, wild eggplant and wild corn surprised her the most.

  At first, she didn't even recognize that it was eggplant and corn.

  Cat was idle and bored in winter, so he took some fruits and wild vegetables traded at the trade fair and fiddled with them. He felt that the taste was a bit like the vegetables and fruits she had eaten.

   Carefully identify the bunch of wild vegetables that look like irregular pebbles, isn’t it corn? Why does the yellow skin and white flesh taste so much like eggplant? It's just that it looks a little ugly.

   It doesn't matter if you knock it down, as long as you can eat it.

  The beautiful fruits and vegetables such as eggplants and corns in later generations may be the result of improvements from the original generation to generation after generation.

   In this way, the cultivation is more vigorous.

   With iron, farm tools such as hoes, iron rakes, and iron shovels were made one after another. Iron knives replaced stone knives, making logging and building houses much easier.

  The bows and arrows of the guards have been changed to iron heads, which greatly improves the force value.

With the output in the field, it is no longer necessary to go out to gather at the risk of fighting fierce beasts every day. The members of the hunting team are divided into two, one part is transferred to the mine to expand iron smelting; the other part is transferred to breeding to expand the scale of the farm , The picked out stiff acorns were developed into fodder and used to feed livestock. The meat grew quickly, and the tribe developed better and better.

It’s another midsummer, and the players will be in the game for a full year. Su Mingya and Luo Feng finished hunting for the day, checked the rankings again, and found to their astonishment: Fangcao Yinyin not only dominated the list, but her wealth value was even lower. It has risen to 10,000+, and they have lost many streets.

  The two looked at each other, and for the first time doubted their ability to survive in the wild and fight.


  【Congratulations to the tribe led by player @芳草阴阴yin for upgrading to a medium-sized tribe and gaining a wealth of 500. 】

  When the game lasted for one year, the total population of Xu's tribe reached 100 people, and Xu Yin received another wealth value. She raised her eyebrows. Didn't she expect that there would be rewards for population expansion?

  However, she did not intend to recruit soldiers and expand the size of the tribe.

  Although the force value of the tribe has been getting stronger, she has no ambition to annex other small tribes.

   Some of the new population came from newborns, and some were refugees who fled here from the north and the south. Seeing that people were honest and responsible, they were taken in. After all, mining and farming required labor.

  【Congratulations to the player @芳草阴阴阴 for passing the closed beta copy! 】

  【Congratulations to the player @芳草阴阴阴 for unlocking 16 hidden tasks and achieving the achievement of "Dark Night Beloved"! 】

  【Congratulations to the player @芳草阴阴阴 for finding 3 mines and achieving the achievements of "Salt Mine Master, Iron Mine Master" and "Copper Mine Master"!】

  【Congratulations to the player @芳草阴阴阴 game wealth value ranked first for 12 consecutive months and achieved the achievement of "Wealth Master"! 】

  【Congratulations to the player @芳草阴阴银 for winning 100 million star coins! 】


  The world channel is open for all to see.

  The final game ranking, every game player can browse.

  Whether they are still in the game or have been eliminated long ago, they are all paying attention to the world channel of this game at the moment, wondering who will get the 100 million star coins in the end.

  Seeing the final player appearing on the stage, I was so envious and jealous that I was almost torn apart.

   That's 100 million star coins!

   Not only can you go to Dixing to settle down, but you can also buy a large Xinghai house!

   Owning means lying down and winning!

  (end of this chapter)

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