The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 898: Straw bag net red ancient farming (32)

  Chapter 898 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (32)

  Kun gave her a big gift: "Thank you Dawu! In the spring of next year, I will send more edible water animals to Dawu."

   Not only is it spring, but before the river freezes, as soon as he arrives at the tribe, he asks his subordinates to bring back some edible water animals, tie them with vines, and let Xu Yin take them back to eat.

  Xu Yin was not polite to him, and accepted it with a smile.

   It’s okay if you can’t finish it, you can pickle salted fish, dry fish, and add another dish for Chinese New Year.

  Brothers and tribes, if there is coming and going, the relationship will last.

  Farewell to the cross-river tribe, they carried rattan baskets on their backs, carried rattan baskets and rattan baskets, climbed over two mountains, and returned to their own tribe with a full load.

  The people of the left-behind tribe have been looking forward to it day and night, and their necks are sore from looking forward to it. They are finally looking forward to their return, not to mention how happy they are.

   "The great witch is back!"

   "The great witch is back!"

  Everyone ran out to greet her, and the cubs jumped up and down, dancing around Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin saw that they were wearing very thin clothes. Even the animal skins were short-haired or even hairless animal skins. Seeing them made her feel cold, so she asked Dashan to distribute the animal skins in exchange.

in addition-

   "Ah Chun, tie up the reed flowers according to my instructions, and spread them in the caves where the elderly, children and pregnant women sleep. There are many, and put a layer of straw sandals for everyone."

   "Ariel, you bring a few people to process the fish. I'll roast it later. Let's have a party today."

  I also took out some sweet potatoes, buried them by the campfire and roasted them for eating. There were not many, and three or five people shared them with each other to try something fresh, and the rest should be kept as seeds.

   There are also a variety of wild fruits and vegetables, many of which were brought over for trade by tribes in the south, which are rarely seen here.

  Xu Yin kept some wild fruits, and planned to harvest the seeds for planting after the spring, and distribute the others according to the head, so that everyone can eat a few bites.

  As long as the big witch is around, every day in the tribe is like a festival.

  The people drank tea and ate happily... and put on the incredibly warm long-haired animal skins. What a wonderful day!

The men and women who were once imprisoned in the cave, working without seeing the sun, are now with everyone, around the jumping bonfire, eating grilled fish that they have never eaten before, eating the fruit that is said to be unique to the southern tribes, touching With the warm animal skin on his body, his eye sockets were swollen with soreness.

   "The great witch said that next spring we will plant the land. Although I don't know what farming is, I can learn it, and I will definitely learn it hard."

   "Me too, let me do whatever! The life I live now is so beautiful that I want to cry."

  One was crying, but several of them had red eyes, choked up, and were so moved.

  Xu Yin was chatting with Daying about the current situation of the tribe, when she heard the sound of sobbing, she was startled: "What's the matter?"

  Da Ying scratched his head: "It should be weeping with joy."


  Where is this?

  The long march of thousands of miles is the first step, okay?

  By this time next year, she dares to say that the happiness index will be even higher.

  Because she has stockpiled a lot of grain seeds, vegetable seeds, and fruit seeds.

   Opening up wasteland and farming is not a dream!


  Winter finally came, and overnight, the mountain was covered with heavy snow, and the snow was so thick that the entrance of the cave was half blocked.

Simply everyone had been prepared. When Xu Yin and his party went to the trade fair, Daying led the people left behind and drove the pheasants and livestock into a large cave that had been vacated. A sturdy bamboo shed was built at the entrance of the cave. Give them enough feed and water every day, come out to eat when they are hungry, and walk back to the cave to keep warm after eating.

  If you have enough bacon, bacon, and jerky, you don’t plan to kill them to eat.

  Kaichun plans to let them have cubs. The big witch said that domesticated animal meat does not have such a strong smell of mutton.

The dry firewood for the fire was stored in a cave; several buckets of drinking water were also stored, and two large pottery pots were placed at the entrance of each cave, specially for receiving snow water; a drainage ditch was dug outside the cave, After the snow melts, it will flow down the gutter to the foot of the mountain.

So this winter, there is something to eat, something to drink, and the measures to keep warm are in place. Everyone has no pressure to survive. They gather around the campfire every day, chatting, bragging, watching the cubs jumping around, and the happiness index straight up.

   All this was brought to them by the great witch.

Without the big witch, they are still in the dark and cold cave in the lower place, shivering against the cold wind that leaks into the gap of the cave every day, the variety of food is not so rich, and there is no live animal meat to keep around, hard and scorched and roasted Every meal of meat is less than one meal, and I look forward to the early arrival of spring every day.

  At this moment, Xu Yin seemed to be second only to Empress Nuwa in their hearts.

  In the past, she would ask "why" when she talked about something they didn't understand, but now she doesn't ask, they just do what the big witch says, and it's right to follow the big witch!

  Su Mingya and Luo Feng hunted a wave of ferocious beasts before the heavy snow closed the mountain, and hid in a cave they had found beforehand to process the fur and meat.

   "Luo Feng, I want to check the ranking."

   "Check it out."

  Luo Feng also wanted to know if the ranking of the two had improved after half a year.

In the first month of entering the game, they made an inquiry. At that time, the two of them had not left the tribe. When entering the game, the initial characters they chose were witch doctor and hunting leader, but Su Mingya found that it was useless to be a witch doctor in a small tribe. , can't accumulate much wealth, it's better to go hunting like Luo Feng.

Later, their tribe was attacked by a wave of beasts, resulting in countless casualties. The rest of the tribe wanted to migrate to join the Guangming tribe. She persuaded Luo Feng to leave the tribe. It was just the two of them, without the burden of the tribe, and the progress of accumulating wealth was really fast. many.

This time I came to the Central Tribe Trade Fair, because I heard that in the nearby mountains, there are unicorns with pure white fur. The horn bones of unicorns are the main material for making Shenshui, and they are regarded as treasures by every tribe. Among them, the unicorns with pure white fur are the most precious, so they came here together.

   "Unfortunately, no unicorns have been found for so many days."

  Su Mingya regretted while making inquiries.

  Luo Feng relieved her: "If unicorns were so easy to hunt, they wouldn't be so rare."

   "It's true..."

   Before she finished speaking, Su Mingya's face suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?"

   "The number one is the fragrant grass!"

  Although she was only given three seconds to browse the leaderboard, she would never be mistaken. The first place is still Fangcaoyinyin. Moreover, she and Luo Feng were largely thrown away.

  If you didn’t spend 600 wealth value query, the gap would not be so big. Now it’s all right, and 600 will be deducted abruptly, widening the gap with the opponent.

   The breath was stuck in his chest, and he couldn't get up or down.

   "I am third, Luo Feng you are second."

  But she doesn't mind Luo Feng being in front of her. At worst, let him come to the next inquiry, or if she gets more furs, she can overtake him immediately.

   But Fangcaoyinyin is actually 2,000 wealth points higher than hers. What's going on?

   "How did she earn it? How did she have such a high wealth value?"

  Su Mingya is incredible.

  (end of this chapter)

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