The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 897: Straw bag net red ancient farming (31)

  Chapter 897 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (31)

  Kun didn’t have any objections. This was originally extra money, without the skill of the big witch. They wanted to roast some animal meat for sale, but few people would come to buy it.

  If Dawu didn’t know that this is an old vegetable, it contains its seeds, and it is said that when the weather is warmer in spring, it can grow tender gourds that can be eaten. Otherwise, if you give them away for nothing, you may not want this tough old gourd. Apart from knocking people's heads a little painful, what's the use?

  Both parties are happy, tired and happy.

  There are too many things, and the original rattan basket is too full to fit.

  Xu Yin said to Kun: "I forgot to tell you today. When I go hunting tomorrow, I will cut some vines and come back. I will weave a few rattan baskets now, otherwise I won't be able to take them with me."

  Kun nodded.

  He also thought of this. Originally, he wanted to cut some vines and come back in the afternoon, but he was afraid that it would be too late, so he didn't dare to delay, and set off early tomorrow.

For the next three days, they set up stalls to sell grilled fish, beggar chicken, and animal broth. As long as Xu Yin accepted it, they would exchange everything, including animal skins, various utensils, and wild fruits and vegetables from the north and south. , beautiful stones will do.

  It was sold until the day before the end of the fair, when the NPC who traded sweet potato leaves for a pair of straw sandals ran over and said, "Our tribe is going to leave tomorrow, so I'll take you to find that wild vegetable today."

   Xu Yin is waiting for him.

  I'm tired of eating potatoes, I want to eat sweet potatoes.

   "You transport the supplies to the bamboo raft and wait for me there. I will come back as soon as possible."

   After explaining a few words to Da Shan, Xu Yin carried a newly made empty rattan basket on her back and a bow and arrow, and set off with the man.

  The road is indeed a bit far. Over the mountain, I came to the valley on the other side and saw a few sweet potato vines.

It is late autumn, and it stands to reason that the seasonal vegetables and fruits have long passed their maturity and should wither, but the valley is surrounded by mountains with high walls, the cold wind blows outside, and the bottom of the valley is as warm as spring. No wonder this season, you can still see to the green sweet potato leaves.

   "Thank you." Xu Yin gave him two pairs of straw sandals and a bottle of salt as promised.

  The man left happily, rushing to hunt another wave of animal meat before dark. With salt, roasted animal meat will be much more delicious.

  Wild vegetables are tender, but no matter how delicious they are, they will not be eaten as a meal. They are neither very hungry nor as fragrant as animal meat.

  Xu Yin waited for the other party to leave, then began to dig sweet potatoes.

   Sure enough, under each sweet potato vine, there is a large bunch of big sweet potatoes with red skin and white heart.

   After a while, the rattan basket she carried was filled up.

   There are still a lot of sweet potatoes left, which are all mature sweet potatoes, and it is a waste not to dig them.

  He simply went to cut some vines and came back, quickly weaved a few rattan baskets, and finally filled three full baskets.

  She carried a basket on her shoulders and carried a basket in each hand, and went down the mountain with a relaxed expression.

  Exercise lightness kung fu and return to the river where the bamboo raft is hidden, join Dashan and the others, and prepare to return.

   "Da Wu, it seems that someone is following us."

  Da Shan noticed this problem, his expression turned serious, and he quickly reported to Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin was carrying a rattan basket onto the bamboo raft.

  Fortunately, we made double-layered bamboo rafts. The bamboo here is relatively thick, and the double-layered bamboo rafts have a large load capacity. We added several heavy rattan baskets on the return trip, but no water flooded up.

   "Don't worry about it, let's take care of ourselves."

  She guessed that they were from the Central Tribe. In the Central Plains, the Central Tribes are the richest. Of course, they don’t want a powerful new tribe to rise up and compete with them for resources.

   Of course, other tribes are not excluded. After all, so many furs and other items have been exchanged, and the temptation of pottery and hemostasis powder is not small, and there are many envious people.

  If it wasn't for the unlucky guy who came to find fault that day, she showed her hand in public and frightened those people, these days would not be so peaceful, and no matter how much she covets, she can only do things like stalking secretly.

   Fortunately, the waterway and the landway are not connected in some areas, so it won't take long to track.

   Sure enough, when the two rivers merged and the bamboo raft went upstream and entered the river as wide as a river, the small tail following it disappeared.

  The banks of the great river are not all flat wastelands, there are also cascading mountains, cliffs and valleys. Xu Yin's bamboo raft team has passed through the green hills on both sides of the river before the follower has climbed over the mountains.

  The people sent by their respective tribes to follow them were so angry that they had nothing to do but stare blankly.

   On the way back, the temperature dropped suddenly, and there were snowflakes in the sky.

  A Chun took out the thickest piece of long-white fur and put it on Xu Yin's shoulder.

  The whole person becomes warm immediately.

  Xu Yin rubbed her hands and asked everyone to take out the thick animal skins from the rattan baskets.

  Some animal hides are relatively small and require several stitches to wrap the body.

   "Ah Chun, did you bring bone needles?"

   "I did, but the big witch, these animal skins..."

   "Things are dead, but people are alive. We should get through the current difficulties first, and redistribute them after we go back."

  Ah-Chun stopped talking, took out the bone needles he carried with him, and together with A-Xia, rushed out a few animal skin coats and wrapped each of them around their bodies.

   Seeing this, Kun also asked his men to take out the animal skins and wrap them all around his body.

  He felt that the big witch of the Xu tribe must have a premonition of something, so he asked everyone to wrap animal skins around their bodies.

   Traveling along the way, he figured out a truth: He must listen to Dawu Xu in everything.


  When passing the reed marshes, Xu Yin told the leading bamboo raft to stop and go ashore to rest for a day. She wanted to cut back all the reed flowers here.

   "Da Wu, this is not edible."

  They have eaten it before, and it is not delicious at all.

   "...Well, but there are other uses, I will teach you when I go back."

   "Good big witch."

  Everyone didn’t ask any more questions, and immersed themselves in cutting the reed flowers, and carried them to the bamboo raft one by one.

  People from the Cross River Tribe didn’t know what it was useful for, but the big witch of Xu’s tribe said it was useful, so they followed suit and moved on to the bamboo raft.

  Before the snowflakes became big, a group of people worked together to harvest and bundle the reed flowers swaying in the wind, and put them on the bamboo raft.

   After that, it was almost day and night, rushing back to the tribe against the wind and snow.

  Kun strongly invited Xu Yin to be a guest in the Kuahe Tribe.

  They bought several times more supplies from the trade fair this year than in previous years, all thanks to Xu Dawu!

   I have long wanted to do my best to be a landlord.

Xu Yin declined with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness, but the snow is getting thicker and thicker, and it is difficult to go back into the mountains, so we won't stay any longer. When spring comes, you send a few people over, and I will teach you how to grow things. Reed flowers If you put them in the middle of haystacks and animal skins, you can keep warm. If your feet are cold, you can also put them in straw sandals.”

   After speaking, she sent some sweet potatoes to the Cross River Tribe.

"It's not that I'm stingy and don't want to give more. I plan to plant in the spring, and I can only taste it now. You can bake it like black potatoes and eat it. If the harvest is good next year, you can save part of it as a staple food. When the time comes I can exchange some of you, and you can also come and learn if you want to plant.”

  Speaking of which, she learned pre-thinking from Min, and Min is her teacher, and it is also appropriate to provide some benefits to the tribe led by the teacher.

  (end of this chapter)

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