The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 893: Straw bag net red ancient farming (27)

  Chapter 893 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (27)

  People are like this, with the nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, bullying the weak and fearing the strong. Who would dare to offend the trading team of a big tribe? It's too late to be polite.

  Yes, this journey has been quite smooth.

   Although the official trading day has not yet arrived, there are already many stalls in the market.

  Xu Yin took the lead and walked in front, watching while walking, feeling like shopping at a street stall.

  Among these people who set up stalls, do you know if there are any gamers like her, or are they all NPCs?

  After walking around, I almost understand the market: wild fruits and wild vegetables are the most popular, followed by stone pots, stone knives, animal meat, animal skins, etc., but all the animal skins displayed are not very good.

   Ariel shook his head at Ah Chun: "I didn't see any beautiful long-haired animal skins."

   "Wait a little longer, it's not the official trading day yet."

  Xu Yin listened, then turned her head and asked the couple: "Do you want to change to long-haired animal skins?"


   Seeing them in a daze, Xu Yin nodded understandingly: "Yes, I really need to keep warm in winter. It would be nice if I could find cotton..."

  Suddenly remembered, the shallow river beach that was rested the night before, wasn’t the piece along the river bank reeds?

   Star eyes lit up instantly: Yes! Without cotton, reed flowers are fine!

   Immediately decided to stay in the reed marshes for a day on the return journey, cut more reed flowers back, tie them into reed mats and reed quilts, and design a better wrapping reed clothing for the tribal people if feasible.

  It is still early before the return journey, and the fair will be open for ten days. During these ten days, people from outside tribes come to set up stalls one after another, exchanging their surplus materials with each other.

  The supplies brought by Xu Yin and his team are the most popular.

  The salt produced by other tribes is yellow and black with many impurities, but the salt produced by her is white and free of impurities, and has the highest saltiness;

  What other tribes brought out were stone and wooden utensils, but what she brought out was pottery.

  The pottery, which is lighter and more convenient than stone pots, and more exquisite and high-temperature resistant than wood, has attracted countless people to stop.

  The price is indeed not cheap, but it is not as expensive as they imagined. Five ordinary animal skins or one long-haired animal skin can take away a large clay pot. The smallest pottery bowl can be taken away with a piece of ordinary animal skin.

   On the contrary, the price of a small bottle of Zhixue powder is the highest, and it needs two pieces of long-haired animal skins to exchange.

  Of course, the quality of long-haired animal hides can also be divided into good and bad. The animal skins of long-haired foxes or long-haired white bears hunted in the cold northern regions can be worth three or five pieces of long-haired rabbit hides.

  Everyone flocked to it, soft and smooth fox fur or white bear fur with excellent warmth are not available, who can’t produce a piece of long-haired rabbit fur?

   "I have long-haired animal skins, I want to change to a clay pot!"

   "I have two pieces of long-haired animal skins. In exchange for two clay pots, can you give me a clay bowl?"

   "How many clay pots can I exchange for this pile of ordinary animal skins?"

  The pottery brought by the Xushi Tribe and the Kuahe Tribe was sold out on the first day of the market opening.

   "Huh? No more? I went to collect some animal skins, and I was thinking of going back with a clay pot."

   "The pottery is really gone, do you want Zhixue powder?" Seeing that no one cares about Zhixue powder, Xu Yin offered to recommend it.

   "Stopping powder? What's the use?"

  "Scratched by a fierce beast, or injured by a fall, when the bleeding does not stop, spread the hemostat on the wound, which can quickly stop the bleeding."

"real or fake?"

   "Is this a magic medicine?"

   Everyone didn't believe it at first, how could the magic medicine of the witch doctor be traded easily?

  Until a member of the central tribe accidentally fell into the river, was bitten by a water beast, and returned to the tribe with **** legs.

In the mood of trying, his son took two pieces of long-haired animal skins and exchanged them for a bottle of hemostasis and scattered them back. The next day, he heard that his legs were no longer bleeding, and there was no redness, swelling and pus. On the third day, the wound had scabbed over. .

   So, is it really a magic medicine?

   It is definitely a magic medicine, so what are you waiting for!

   A swarm of bees flocked to the booth of the Xu clan:

   "I want a bottle of Zhixue powder!"

   "I have two bottles!"

  Things that can save lives will be snatched no matter how expensive they are.

  It was faster this time. In less than half a day, all the hemostatic powder brought were replaced with animal skins.

   Those who didn’t get it squatted in front of the booth and refused to leave: “Is there really no more? I’m just one step too late. I have animal skins, and there are several pieces of long-haired ones.”

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Hearing the voice and looking at the figure, it is obvious that she is a woman, but she is a tall and strong woman who is two heads taller than Xu Yin.

   "I'm really sorry, the pottery and hemostatic powder have all been replaced."

   "Then what else do you have?"

   " you want straw sandals?"

  Xu Yin saw that she was wrapped in a piece of animal skin, but her feet were bare, and her heels were severely chapped, so she recommended straw sandals that no one cared about yet.

  After the women of the Xu tribe learned to weave straw sandals from her, they would sit down and weave them when they had time, just like some girls like to play with rope, they love to weave straw sandals, and they made flowers out of the straw sandals.

  The current straw sandals are no longer the simple straw sandals she wore when she first arrived. They are not only strong, but also delicate and beautiful.

   "What are straw sandals for?"

   "It's the same as my feet. It protects the feet and keeps them warm when it's cold."

   "I don't know how to do it, how can I do it?"

"I teach you."

  After Xu Yin taught her to put it on, the other party stood up and stomped her feet. She seemed a little unaccustomed to it, but it was really warm. She immediately opened the large animal skin package twisted in her hand, and took out a super thick and warm long-haired animal skin.

   "Here, this is the best animal skin I've hunted this year. Can I exchange two pairs? I also have a younger brother."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Sisters, you are too honest, such a big piece of long-haired animal skin, let alone two pairs, you can take them all.

  Xu Yin found out the straw sandals suitable for her and her younger brother according to the foot shape she said, and packed them up: "See what else you need? You can take whatever you want. If you don't need it, I'll put some salt on it for you."

  The other party hurriedly waved his hand: "I can't get out such a good long-haired animal skin. I have three ordinary long-haired animal skins and five short-haired animal skins left. Can't I exchange so much?"

  Xu Yin smiled and said, "The piece you gave me is worth so much."

   "Ah, so it is!"

  The other party happily took eight pairs of straw sandals and a small bottle of salt. The small bottle of salt seemed to be pottery, and she was even happier.

   As a result, many people flocked to Xu Yin's stall:

   "Are straw sandals really warm?"

   "A short-haired animal skin can be exchanged for a pair of straw sandals? Then I want a pair."

   "Can I use something else instead? I have fruit, and this fruit is delicious."

  Xu Yin glanced at the fruit handed over by the other party. It was red, like an apple. The other party thought she was worried about being poisonous, so she took one and ate it, "Just eat it like this, it tastes great."

  Xu Yin wiped it clean and took a bite. It was really a wild apple.

   "How many such fruits do you have?"

   "There are so many more." The other party opened the animal skin package and showed her that there were more than a dozen, but they were not as big as he took out.

  Xu Yin wanted it all and gave him two pairs of straw sandals.

   Seeing that the fruit can be exchanged, people who squatted around and watched without animal skins rushed up.

  A few people also took out a handful of wild vegetables. Since the fruit can be exchanged, can wild vegetables work?

  (end of this chapter)

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