The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 892: Straw bag net red ancient farming (26)

  Chapter 892 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (26)

   This piece of terrain belongs to the plains, and there is still a long way to go from the mountain. No animal meat was hunted. Kun caught a hare, and Dashan took three archers to shoot down a single wild duck.

  So many people are obviously not enough points, it can only be said that chat is better than nothing.

   Fortunately, it was only the first day, so I had enough rations. Dashan brought out some strips of air-dried meat and baked naan bread made of acorn powder, while Kun took a piece of animal leg meat hunted yesterday. It was not considered fresh after a night, but it was not bad when the weather turned cold. Put it on the fire and roast it, as long as you can eat it.

  When you go out, you must maintain sufficient physical strength, and you will not let yourself be hungry unless you really can't find anything to eat.

  They didn't know that what Xu Yin was sharing was water animal meat, and when they saw that there was something to eat, and it smelled delicious, they were very happy: "Thank you, great witch!"

  The charcoal grilled fish, which is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, excited the taste buds of the four people in Dashan:

   "What kind of meat is this? It's so delicious!"

   "I have never eaten such delicious meat."

   "I haven't eaten either."

   Alie, Achun, and Axia were dumbfounded: Are you playing Dashan? It must have been a great performance, right? Ke Kun and the others ate it too, so they wouldn't be pretending to be like Dashan, would they?

   A piece of fish accidentally fell on her hollowed-out clothes while tearing it off. Xu Yin picked it up and ate it by herself, nodding with satisfaction: "It's okay, the craftsmanship is not good."

   Seeing that Ariel was still in a daze, she asked casually, "Aren't you hungry yet? Come and eat."


   Ariel and the three looked at each other: Did the big witch eat just now? Why didn't she vomit?

   Suspiciously took the fish that Xu Yin distributed to them, and took a small bite carefully. The next second, the three of them stared in disbelief: Is this water animal meat? Are you kidding me? How can there be such delicious water animal meat?

  Unknowingly, I asked the confusion in my heart: "Da Wu, why is your roasted water beast meat so delicious?"

   "Pfft!" Da Shan almost sprayed the fish in his mouth, "What? Is this water beast meat?"

  Kun and the others also froze in place.

   The three of Ariel had complex expressions: So you didn’t know it was water animal meat, no wonder you ate it immediately after catching it.

  Xu Yin was almost full after eating half a fish. Seeing that they had hunted a rabbit and a wild duck, she started to make beggar rabbits and ducks.

  It is close to the river, and the silt is dug casually. The rabbits and wild ducks that have been cleaned are smeared with salt, filled with spices, wrapped with wild vegetable leaves with large leaves, wrapped in mud, and buried in the campfire.

  People who are still discussing the delicious grilled fish: "..."

  Is this still edible?

  Xu Yin poked the bonfire with a branch, and answered them why her grilled fish was not bitter:

   "The cleaned fish must be delicious to eat. If you think it's bitter, it's probably because the gall has been broken. And the fish guts and scales haven't been cleaned either?"

  Looking at their bewildered faces, you can tell that it must be as she said-the fish was not cleaned up before eating, and the gall was even broken. Can it not be bitter?

  After listening to the big witch's explanation, everyone suddenly realized: Is it so particular about eating animal meat? It turns out that the water animal meat itself is not unpalatable, but it's because they didn't handle it well?

   "Then I'll catch some water animals." Ariel stood up.

  He was worried that he would not be able to eat the animal meat made into mud **** by the great witch, so he went to catch some water animals before it was completely dark, and roasted them to eat. After eating grilled fish, I am not interested in other meat.

  Xu Yin glanced at him with a half-smile: "Let's try the Beggar series first, and if you want to eat grilled fish, go for more on the road tomorrow."

  Ariel had no choice but to sit back, and made eye contact with Dashan beside him: Can the mud **** be eaten? No matter how hungry I was, I never thought of eating mud.

  Da Shan was not as worried as he: "Trust the great witch."


   It’s useless to just believe. Don’t cry when you eat mud later.

  Xu Yin felt that it was almost done, and dug out the two mud balls.

  Ariel closed his eyes in despair: he really wants to eat mud.

  The next second, he heard a few "knock knocks", opened his eyes and saw that the big witch had cracked the two mud balls, and an overbearing smell different from grilled fish came out.

   "Come, let's knock off the mud together, and then we can eat."

  Everyone rushed to knock the dried mud.

  The more mud you knock down, the stronger the aroma.

   After knocking it clean, untie the vegetable leaves and leaves wrapped around the vines, revealing the fat and tender rabbit meat and duck meat. Everyone was stunned:

   "The animal meat in the mud dumpling is actually intact?"

"smell good!"

   "It smells so good!"

  It smells even better than grilled fish, making their mouths water.

   "Let's eat!"

  Xu Yin scratched a few times with a stone knife so that everyone could tear it up by hand.

  She took a duck wing herself, but Ah Chun stuffed it with a rabbit leg.

   "I've had enough, share it with you."

   Everyone eats up.

  In the next three days, I caught edible fish while on the road, and hunted all kinds of small animal meat that can be called the flower series when I went ashore to rest.

  Flowing down the river, there are more and more edible fish, and Xu Yin taught them to dry salted fish.

  Anyway, there is quite a lot of salt for trading, so take out a little to pickle the fish, and it is the same to trade salted fish later.

  Kun and the others didn’t have so much salt on hand, so Xu Yin said: “You can use the salt, and just send some fish to our tribe later, and we will exchange salt with you for fish in the future.”

   Such a good thing?

  Even though there are few edible fish, it is much easier than salt, and they obviously earned the deal.

   "Thank you Dawu! After we go back, we will definitely send you a lot of... fish."

  They also changed their name to fish. Those that eat people are still called water beasts, and those that can be eaten by people are called fish.

   Just like that, walking all the way, spearing fish all the way, grilling fish all the way to eat as beggar meat, is much more interesting than simple hunting and rest on the way to walk.

However, on the sixth day, the river diverged, and the tributary leading to the trading point gradually became narrower. There was a reef on the river bed to the east and a rock to the west. Although the bamboo raft was flat and flexible, it was often bumped into and almost turned over. The bamboo raft is dragged to the shore, hidden in the lush weeds, and then walks with the rattan basket on the back.

  The trading site is actually a central tribe traveling from south to north.

  It is a bit more developed than other tribes. Before winter, the small tribes around were worried that they would not be able to survive the winter, so they would bring some extra supplies and exchange them for things that the tribe did not have. After coming and going, such a market has been formed.

   "Witch, wear this."

   Before entering the central tribe, Ah Chun took out the pheasant feather masks prepared in advance, and distributed one to each of them.

  The people of the Cross River Tribe are also ready.

  After wearing it, everyone's faces were blocked by colorful pheasant feathers. If you don't know each other's words, you can't tell who is who just by your eyes.

There are twenty-four people in their line, each with a big rattan basket on their shoulders and a lot of strange things in their hands. They walk together and chat a few words from time to time. In the eyes of others, such a With so many people and so many supplies, I'm afraid it was a trading team sent by some big tribe.

  (end of this chapter)

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