The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 894: Straw bag net red ancient farming (28)

  Chapter 894 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (28)

  Xu Yin recognized a handful of sweet potato leaves and asked where they picked them.

  Blanched sweet potato leaves in water and cold salad taste good, but sweet potatoes are a good thing!

  The other party scratched his head: "I picked it on the way here, and I turned over the valley of that mountain."

  He pointed to a large mountain not far away.

   There are not many sweet potato leaves, so Xu Yin gave him a pair of straw sandals.

   "The fair is over, can you take us to this place? I'll give you two extra pairs of straw sandals and a bottle of salt."

   "Okay, okay." The other party agreed.

  After the beginning of spring, wild vegetables are everywhere, and there is nothing to replace them.

   If you lead the way, you can get two pairs of straw sandals and a bottle of salt. He has made a lot of money!

  In less than four days, the things that Xu Yin and his team carried back were sold to the point where only a few rattan baskets and baskets remained.

  Xu Yin's thinking went wrong. She thought that Xu's tribe lacked containers, and there should be a market for rattan containers. She didn't expect that some tribes from the south would also sell such rattan containers. She thought they might also be gamers.

  Everyone wants to accumulate wealth.

  It’s okay if you can’t sell it. The rattan basket is filled with all kinds of animal skins, some uneaten wild fruits, and wild vegetables.

  The cross-river tribe also sells well. The pottery was sold together with the Xu tribe, and it was also sold out in less than a day. There were still some wild fruits, animal bones, and headdresses made of colorful long pheasant feathers.

   There is no need for so many people to guard these things. Xu Yin asked everyone to go to the market in batches, and she also went for a tour.

Seeing that she came back with some beautiful stones, Ah Chun thought that Da Wu liked them. When it was her turn to go to the market, she saw someone holding similar stones in their hands. They also exchanged a small bottle of salt for a few pieces. Send it to Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Miss exchanged for the rough emerald stone that opened the skylight, and I don’t want the pebbles.

   "Ah Chun, there is not much salt left, don't change it."

  Although a bottle is only 30 to 50 grams, she feels that she has made a profit in exchange for jadeite rough stones, but it is obviously a loss in exchange for pebbles.


   After shopping around, Xu Yin returned to her booth when she didn't see anything she liked.

   Discuss with the big guys, do you want to go to the river to fork some fresh edible fish? How about selling grilled fish on the spot?

   There are still five days before the end of the trade fair, and the market is very lively with people coming and going.

  Especially this year is a three-year gathering. Some tribes are far away. It takes several months to go back and forth. Therefore, they don't come every year, and there are not so many surplus materials. They only come to trade once after saving for three years.

  Like some rural areas, there are still large and small collections, which is almost the same.

  There must be more people in the big set than in the small set.

  Xu Yin's mind is turning quickly, what a good street stall economy, what a pity to waste it.

   Dashan and the others are worried and bored.

This year's transaction went unexpectedly smoothly. In previous years, until the last day, it was not always possible to replace all the things I had carried back with what I wanted. This year, there were only a few rattan baskets and rattan baskets left in less than three days. Discuss whether to go back early, but heard their big witch say, fork some water beasts to sell.


  Did they hear it wrong?

   "Look, there are more and more people these days, and they have to eat after shopping for a long time. It's so troublesome to cook by yourself. Let's bake some fish and sell it. There must be business."


  Xu Yin asked Achun and Axia to continue looking at the stalls, and Dashan and the others went to fork water beasts.

  Kun and the others asked: "What about us? We agreed to work together."

Xu Yin didn't leave them behind: "You guys go hunt some animal meat and come back. Grilled fish alone is too dry, so I'm sure I'd like to have another bowl of animal meat soup. If you hunt a lot of animal meat, you can also make some beggar series, and we will split the profit half and half. "


  Grilled fish with meat broth?

  Da Wu is really thoughtful.

   "But we are all gone, what if someone comes to make trouble?" The men were worried.

  The rattan baskets containing animal skins are piled up behind the booth.

  There are many jealous people in the whole market. After they left, were there only a few women left who could handle it?

  Xu Yin raised her eyebrows: "Am I a vegetarian?"

  Everyone: "..."

   Almost forgot, their big witches can defeat a hundred with one.

  But they know about it, outsiders don't.

   No, seeing that there are only a few women left in their booth, the men seem to have left the central tribe to go hunting, and they won’t be coming back for a while, so they can’t help thinking badly.

   At noon, the flow of people visiting the market was the least, and they all went back to their respective camps to light fires and cook.

  A Chun built a bonfire in the open space next to the booth, and set up a clay pot to stew potato and animal meat soup. There were also black potatoes around the bonfire.

  A group of people came to the booth, about a dozen people.

   "Boss, this is it!"

   "The Zhixue powder, I have seen people use it, and it works quickly. It really looks like a magic medicine."

   "There are also things called pottery. Just these two things. I bought several pieces of high-quality long-haired animal skins, and I don't know how many ordinary animal skins were collected."

  Hearing the words, the man in the head narrowed his eyes, raised his chin and asked Ah Chun:

   "You cook the soup in clay pots, right? How did you change it? Let me have a look at the long-haired animal skins too. Is the magic medicine really gone? If you have it, take it out for me!"

  Achun looked serious: "Sorry, this is the pottery pot we use ourselves, and we don't change it. We don't change the animal skins either. This is the only thing left for our tribe to trade. Is there anything you need?"

   "I said, I want pottery, animal skins and magic medicine, who wants these things!"

  The other party raised his foot and kicked away several rattan baskets contemptuously.

  Xu Yin stood up and looked at the other party a few times: "Are you here to find fault?"


  The other party probably didn't expect her to stand up.

It seems that she is the most inconspicuous existence in the tribe. She is not as tall as Achun and Axia, let alone compared with men. Because of her fair complexion, she looks a bit weak. Such a woman, he slaps her can kill.

  He sneered: "Sensible, obediently hand over the pottery and animal skins, and tell me the origin of the magic medicine and pottery. I may consider letting you live, otherwise..."

   Ah Chun gave him a sympathetic look.

   Sure enough, before he finished speaking, the whole person flew out like a parabola.

   After a long time, I heard a scream after a heavy object hit the ground.


  The group of people who came to find fault were stunned, and it took a long time to react, and ran towards the man: "Boss! Boss!"

  Their leader suffered a comminuted fracture and completely lost his combat effectiveness. In turn, they needed to be carried back to the witch doctor for treatment.

   This group of people was shocked and angry, and rushed back to settle accounts with Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin put her arms around her chest and looked at them: "It seems that you are really of one mind."


   "Let's go together! See how she sneaks up!"

   "Yes! The leader was attacked by her!"

   "The Great Witch."

   Seeing Xu Yin walking out, Ah Chun subconsciously called out.

   There are so many people, I am still a little worried.

   "Don't worry, I can handle it, and if I can't, I'll replace you."

  Ah Chun: "..."

   Even the big witch can't do it, how can she do it?

  (end of this chapter)

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