The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 891: Straw bag net red ancient farming (25)

  Chapter 891 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (25)

  How can the big witch go?

  Da Ying hastily explained: "Da Wu, the road is long..."

  He wanted to say that the things he brought to trade this time were all precious, and he might be in danger.

  But thinking about the strength of the big witch, is there anyone in the world who can defeat their big witch?

   Anyway, he couldn't find it.

   Therefore, the persuasion that came to my lips was taken back.

  Xu Yin really wants to see and see.

  Who knows if you will wear the real original world in the future, experience still needs to be accumulated.

Fortunately, after this period of training, the newcomers of the tribe, both men and women, have learned to use bows and arrows, especially the seven thin and weak men, after a period of conditioning and training, it is no problem to draw bows and arrows. The accuracy is higher than that of Ariel.

  Xu Yin ordered three of them with relatively better stamina, plus Da Shan, A Lie, A Chun, and A Xia, and made up eight people to form the trading team this time.

  She left the Chihu family behind to protect the tribal people.

  However, in order to prevent another malicious weed trap from subduing the Maverick, before departure, it took two days of overtime to prepare the antidote for the hallucinogenic weed with Chinese herbal medicines such as purslane.

   Wearing it on the body will not be poisoned by the hallucinogenic weed.

  The tribal people, up and down, all wore the detoxification bracelets and detoxification collars made by Xu Yin, and of course the Yihu family also participated.

   At the same time, Big Eagle took the men and set up a protective trap around the tribe, with hallucinogenic grass planted in the trap.

  If the guests are upright and come to visit from the upper mountain pass, they will not fall into the poison of the hallucinogenic weed in these traps, but if they want to sneak in to do bad things, they have to weigh it carefully.

  After everything was ready, Xu Yin set off with the seven Dashan people.

  Ever since she knew that the trade fair was in the lower reaches of the river, Xu Yin planned to take the water route.

  Each person carries a large rattan basket on their shoulders, which is full of items to trade on this trip and dry food along the way.

  A Lie originally wanted to carry the barbecue slate on his back, but Xu Yin twitched the corners of his mouth, dissuading him:

   "If you hunt animal meat on the way, I'll teach you another way to eat it, which won't be as bad as stone barbecue."

  Ariel put the slate back when he heard that there were more novel foods.

   They walked for two days first to join the trading team led by Kun at the Cross River Tribe.

Sharpening knives and chopping firewood, Xu Yin led everyone to tie up a few bamboo rafts and put the heavy rattan baskets on the bamboo rafts. There were four people on each bamboo raft. People stare at the piranhas in the water, and stab them with spears if they dare to jump up to bite people.

  Going down the river on a bamboo raft is much easier than walking, and the key speed is even faster. It took half a month to go down the river, but it took seven or eight days, and the journey was shortened by half.

  Except for Xu Yin, everyone was very excited, chattering and praising the bamboo raft all the way.

  【Congratulations to the player @芳草阴阴阴 for leading the tribal people to unlock the hidden mission - "ancient water transport" and get a wealth value of 500. 】

  Xu Yin is concentrating on observing the fish in the river, wanting to see if there are any fish species she knows. She eats meat every day, and she is really greedy for fish.

  Suddenly, she raised her eyebrows when she heard the electronic sound of the wealth value arriving in the account. She was the first person to invent the bamboo raft in this game?

  If a canoe, a small fishing boat, or a large fishing boat is built, will there be corresponding rewards?

  However, relying on stone knives to build a ship is too tiring, and she is too lazy to try.

  Suddenly, a slender fish with no sharp fangs exposed from its mouth swam leisurely past the side of the bamboo raft. Xu Yin no longer thought about the boat, and dropped her spear with her hand, and forked the lively big fish.

  Hey, there's fish tonight!

   "Big Witch?"

  Achun, who was on the same bamboo raft as her, was puzzled, why did the witch fork the water beast?

  Xu Yin asked her: "Is this an edible fish?"

   "Eating is edible, but..."

   "As long as you can eat it."


  Looking at the sky, the sun was slanting to the west, and it would soon fall into the valley. Xu Yin told the bamboo raft in the front to dock when it passed a relatively shallow river beach.

  After docking, the men were responsible for picking up dead branches and firewood to make a fire, and the women took out the clay pots and bowls in the luggage basket, boiled water and cooked food.

  Xu Yin is in charge of grilling the fish.

  She scraped off the scales of the fish, cleaned the intestines of the fish, rubbed the inside and out of the spices to remove the fishy smell, smeared with salt, stuffed wild onions in the stomach, strung them on a branch of moderate thickness, and grilled them over the fire.

  Ah-Chun couldn't hold it back anymore, and reminded: "Dawu, this water animal meat is not tasty at all, it's fishy and smelly, and it's very bitter if you're unlucky."

  Xu Yin flipped the grilled fish in her hand, with a lazy expression: "Try my grilled fish later, it shouldn't be bitter."

  Ah Chun opened his mouth, not daring to shake Dawu's confidence.

Xin said that in previous years, when it was winter, when animal meat could not be hunted, he would go to the river to dig ice to catch some edible water animals, but it was really not delicious. Just as delicious.

   How should I comfort Dawu later? She will be terribly disappointed.

Ah Chun thought hard, but couldn't think of a good way, and finally said to A Xia secretly: "When we eat later, let's grab the water beast meat and share it. I'm afraid that the big witch will be hit by such an unpalatable food. Just don't let her taste it."

   Axia recalled the taste of water animal meat, and his whole body was not feeling well, and he shuddered: "Just the two of us? There are too many, and I'm afraid I'll throw up before I finish eating."

   "Then let Alie and the others share?" Achun said, "The man has a big appetite. After killing the water animal meat, he can eat two more pieces of roasted animal meat, which can also suppress the disgusting taste."

  Anyway, Ariel is her contract partner, so she should listen to her.

  So they went to discuss with Ariel.

   Ariel turned around and wanted to run after hearing this: "Why do you find me for this kind of thing? Can't you go to Dashan?"

   "The mountain also eats, or do you mean that you can kill a piece of water beast meat by yourself?"



  He didn't want to eat a bite!

  He only wants to eat roast meat and fried eggs.

   "It's done! It's ready to eat!"

  Xu Yin saw that the heat was almost ready, and the skin would be too burnt if it was baked again.

  She took the grilled fish off the fire and greeted everyone: "Come here, try my grilled fish skills, I hope I don't go back."


   Ah Chun glared at A Lie: "It's all your fault! You're just slowing down."

  Ariel's heart trembled, his partner got angry, and he refused to have a baby with him, what should I do?

   had no choice but to bite the bullet and stepped forward: "Dawu, let me taste the water animal meat, give me anything that is delicious?"

  Xu Yin glanced at him: "If you like it, you can fork it again tomorrow. This is the one for today. Let everyone try it."

  I said in my heart that my sister has been greedy for a long time, and it’s enough to share with you, what’s the matter? Still want to eat it alone?

  Ariel looked back at Ah Chun: Did you hear that? It's not that I don't want to help, it's that Dawu wants everyone to try it.

  Achun and Axia looked at each other, and walked to the campfire with their legs almost stiff.

  At this time, Kun, Dashan and others who had been wandering nearby and hunting came back.

  (end of this chapter)

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