The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 884: Straw bag net red ancient farming (18)

  Chapter 884 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (18)

  After all, the Winged Tribe has a reputation for being brave (fierce), brave (violent), good (good) at war, and there are often people from the south who come to join them. As the population grows, the demand for caves is also increasing day by day, and they are unwilling to do this kind of hard work, so they came up with such a dirty trick—it can not only satisfy their animal desires, reproduce offspring, but also provide free labor for them. They enslave at will.

  After staying for a long time, I was desperate, thinking that I would never be able to escape the dark cave in this life, and would be enslaved by the Winged Tribe until the end of my life.

  Unexpectedly, there will be a day when the rope will be untied and you will go out to enjoy the sunshine freely.

  These poor people were so excited that they couldn't speak. When they came back to their senses, they dragged their frail bodies and knelt down to kowtow to the big eagle.

   "It doesn't have to be like this. If you want to thank us, you can thank our great witch. It is the great witch who guided us and defeated the filthy and unworthy beasts of the Winged Tribe, ushering in light and hope."

  Daying finished speaking, and left the cave with his sister in his arms.

  All the slaves rejoiced, choked, and shouted "Long live the great witch", and stepped out of this place where they were imprisoned like hell.

   Which also includes Jolina.

   "Grass, straw bales?"

  She thought she was dazzled, so she rubbed it vigorously, and it was indeed the idiot's empty and beautiful vase face.

   "Idiot bag?"

  The two attendants running behind her also stopped and looked around.

   "Sister Linna, did you read it wrong? The idiot must have burped."

   "Exactly! We relied on you to survive until now. She is a little internet celebrity who doesn't know anything about survival in the wild, so she is definitely still alive."

Xu Yin's five senses were keen, and when she heard the sound of "idiots", she looked in the direction where they were, and recognized Zhuo Linna and her little followers who had bet with the original body, curled her lips, and picked Raise eyebrows.

   When Zhuo Linna's two followers saw Xu Yin, they were all in a bad mood: Damn it! It's really a strawberry! She is still alive! ! Not only alive, but looking much better than them.

   Zhuo Linna looked away in embarrassment, her mind was churning.

   The idiot is still alive? And it's obviously much better than her life.

  Her two companions whispered:

   "That hollow rattan garment on the straw bag? Could it be that someone in her tribe can weave clothes? This is too lucky!"

"Are those straw sandals on her feet? Which tribe does she belong to? You're lucky! Huh, I really want to have a pair of shoes too. Look at my feet, there are new scars every day. A few days ago Tian was also bitten by insects several times, and the entire instep was swollen, those who knew it thought it was a foot, those who didn't know thought it was a pig's trotter!"

   "I don't care about clothes and shoes, but she actually subdued a four-legged winged beast. Winged beast! The legendary king of the forest! How did she do it? I really underestimated her!"

   Speaking of this, the two companions suddenly realized something, winked at each other, and smiled flatteringly at Zhuo Linna: "Sister Linna, we are not envious of her, she is just lucky."

   "Yeah, it's obviously bad luck. In terms of ability, she doesn't even have a finger like yours, Sister Linna."

  Zolina: "..."

  With such false flattery, I don't want to say anything anymore.

   Over there, the Eagles have cleaned up the place, and they are saying to these people who have regained their freedom:

   "As soon as the day breaks, you can leave here and go back to your own tribe. If the tribe is far away, or if you don't want to go back, you can stay here and continue to live."

The women of the Feather Wing Tribe were basically taken captive. The hunting team formed by the puppet was originally just a few scattered people who fled here from the northern tribes. Many women came to warm their beds, and if they didn't like it, they threw it to dig a hole.

It’s just that some people can’t stand the hard work of digging caves for many years, and no longer resist giving birth to puppet puppet. At first, they obediently obeyed in order to get rid of the fate of digging caves and not be whipped. After giving birth to one or two cubs, they seem to be used to it Life. I even feel that it is not worse than their original tribe, at least there is no shortage of meat.

  So when they learned that the puppets were dead, these women hated them. When Daying spoke, the hatred in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

  Their cubs are the same, arrogantly trying to kick the eagle: "Give me back my father! Give me back my father!"

   And spit on him.

  The woman who gave birth to the cub took advantage of the situation and cried: "You let my cub lose his father, you will suffer retribution! Empress Nuwa will send thunder to punish you!"

"Who is the father your son is calling? You don't even know, do you? You still speak for those beasts? Do you have a conscience?" A rescued woman complained loudly, wiping her tears, "Don't forget Yes! You were also captured by those beasts back then, have you forgotten your father, mother, and your people in just a few years?"

   "Exactly! The Winged Tribe deserves to be wiped out, such a tribe that is not as good as an animal deserves to exist!"

   "Not worthy to exist! Not worthy to exist!"

  Those women were so frightened that they pulled up their cubs and ran away in a hurry.

  Worried that they will be targeted if they stay, it is better to go to other tribes together.

  The rest of the people are very grateful for the rescue operation tonight.

   Even the three of Zhuo Linna, no matter how unconvinced they were, had to admit that Xu Yin's tribe saved them.

   "Can we join your tribe?" a thin woman with a big belly asked weakly.

  They have been captive for many years, and I am afraid that they will not be able to integrate into the original tribe when they go back. Moreover, she is pregnant with cubs, which may not be able to support them to return to their own tribe. It is better to stay here and start a new life.

   Daying, Kun and others looked at Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin met their anxious eyes and nodded: "Yes, if you don't want to go back to your own tribe, you can stay here and live. We will help each other in the future. As long as we live, there is hope."

  After she said this, some chose to go back, and some chose to stay.

  The people who went back were basically those who had been taken captive not long ago, or those who were concerned about them by the original tribe.

   Zhuo Linna undoubtedly chose to go back.

   It has only been a few days since she was taken captive. The most important thing is that she doesn't want to be favored by the idiot, stay here and accept her help.

   On the contrary, being rescued indirectly by her this time, I felt like I was "bearing the inferior", and felt very humiliated, and secretly swore in my heart: Next, I must win the idiot!

  She chose to leave, and the two attendants had to accompany her.

  Actually, they really wanted to stop the straw bag and ask her how to weave the hollow clothes on her body and the straw sandals on her feet.

  But she knew in her heart that Zhuo Linna would definitely not let them ask, so she turned her head three times when she walked.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  How to drop? Did I save you all by mistake? Look at this reluctance, do you want to continue to be enslaved with a hemp rope?

  (end of this chapter)

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