The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 883: Straw bag net red ancient farming (17)

  Chapter 883 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (17)

   "Sister Linna, there is chaos outside! It seems that someone broke in and is fighting with the people of the Winged Tribe."

   "Sister Linna, let's find a chance to escape! Get out of here while taking advantage of the chaos."

   Hearing what her companion said, Zhuo Linna grabbed the hemp rope on her hands and feet, **** it! Without a stone knife, it is impossible to untie the ropes that trap them.

  The three of them were captured by puppet people seven days ago. After being captured, it seemed that the leader had gone out on business and had no time to deal with them, so he locked them in this dark, smelly small cave.

  When she first entered the game, a total of six companions followed her, and they all chose the Sunset Tribe by the Great Lakes.

  Zuo Linna chose the role of the Great Witch, and the other six partners were all female men from the Sunset Tribe.

  However, the ancient times were far worse than they imagined. There was no clothing to cover the body and no protective shoes on the feet. On the first day, one of the companions was bitten by a poisonous snake, died, and was forced to quit the game.

   On the third day, another companion was injured by a four-horned beast while hunting. Because there were not enough medical conditions, the wound was infected, and the high fever persisted, and he died within a few days.

   There were two other companions, one was killed by a piranha in the lake, and the other fell off a cliff after encountering a Maverick while escaping.

  In less than half a month, she lost four companions.

  She wondered if the tribe got the wrong name? Can the setting sun not be damaged? If I had known it earlier, I would have taken the "Rising Sun Tribe".

bother! Another day to change your name!

   Fortunately, she changed her survival strategy later on, and it took a while longer.

   Unexpectedly, not long ago, when she was hunting outside with a hunting team, she encountered people from the Winged Tribe. Unfortunately, they were caught and brought here.

  In the past few days, they have been terrified, worried that like other women, they will be arrested and used by men to vent their desires.

  Even Jolina felt uneasy.

  She used to be a strong woman who was not afraid of the sky and the earth, but when she came here, she found that a lot of knowledge was not needed at all, and she lacked the tools to use it, which made her feel powerless.

   At the same time, he hated the Winged Tribe and gritted his teeth.

  If they hadn't been caught by them, she would be fine at the moment, leading the tribe to become stronger little by little, and maybe she would really have a chance to fight for 100 million star coins.


  Fortunately, it's just a game. If you die in the game, you just quit the game.

  She has survived in the game for more than a month, and now she quits, she will lose her bonus, but she won the bet with the idiot!

Thinking that the idiot might have quit the game within three days, she was not so angry again, and let the idiot praise her every day in the live broadcast room after returning. Thinking of this, she felt comfortable all over, and the pain of being bound by the hemp rope was negligible .

   "Just wait, if the enemies of the Winged Tribe really come to take revenge, I hope they succeed, then we still have a chance to live."

   Zhuo Linna said easily.

  Her two little followers are no longer anxious.

  At the same time, in a cave far away from here, a group of skinny women tied with hemp ropes dragged their exhausted bodies to work in the cave.

  The guards were swinging a long whip with thorns and thorns in their hands, and if they saw something that was not pleasing to the eye, they would whip it hard.

   "Hurry up! Take your time! If you don't dig this hole today, you will have nothing to eat!"

  Amidst the ferocious yelling, a whip was swung on A-Dong's back.

  The pain made her back stiff.

   But she didn't show any vulnerability.

  These people, their hands and feet were tied with thick hemp ropes tied with dead knots, and they had to hold a blunt piece of stone to chisel the wall of the cave and dig holes non-stop.

  Their hands, which have been in contact with rough stones for a long time, are full of scars, worn-off fingertips and chapped hand skin, oozing pus and blood.

  Their bodies are also covered with cuts and bruises, and often because of lack of energy and not being given food, even holding a stone has exhausted the strength of the whole body.

   She doesn't know what other women think, but she won't give in anyway.

   She has endured it for three years, and she is not afraid of another three years.

  One day, she will kill that brute.

Thinking of three years ago, when the puppet captured her and wanted to take her by force, she kicked and scratched her to the very core of her life, and after being whipped cruelly by him, he threw her into this so-called disobedient coolie group. Digging holes, shoveling stone chips.

  She secretly hid a piece of stone, and quietly sharpened it in the dead of night at night. She had already sharpened it very sharply, and waited for the best time to escape and kill that beast.


   Another whip hit her, and A-Dong glared at her fiercely.

   "What are you looking at! Look at it again and dig out your eyeballs! Don't rely on the fact that you were brought back by the leader. He will throw you here differently? Don't even bother to look at you?"

  The guard man rubbed his fat chin: "Speaking of which, if you are willing to follow me, I can reluctantly go to the leader to ask for mercy and give you to me. If you are thin, you can be thinner, at least you can look good..."

   A-Dong ignored him blankly.

  The man became furious, and swung his whip to beat him down again, but was held tightly by a force.

   "Who disturbs my good business?"

  He turned his head in wonder, and immediately turned pale with shock. Before he could speak, the big eagle wrapped his hands around his neck and rolled his eyes.


  A-Dong was surprised and happy when he recognized the big eagle, and then panicked: "Brother, why are you here? You can't stay here for long, it's too dangerous! What if they..."

   "It's okay, the Winged Tribe has completely disintegrated, and no one will bully you anymore."

Daying stepped forward to cut off the hemp rope that bound his sister's hands and feet. Looking at her skinny sister, whose complexion was pale due to not seeing the sun for a long time, her face was bloodless, and her fingers were **** from grinding, her eyes were red, and she stepped forward to hug her. She, patted her on the back reassuringly:

   "It's all brother's fault. He didn't protect you well and made you suffer."

   "The Winged Tribe disintegrated? Then we have a chance to escape?"

   "Really? You won't be killed by them, right?"

In this cave alone, there are twenty or thirty people who were captured by the Winged Tribe to work as coolies, and most of them are women. Some of them have big bellies and are disobedient. Dry coolie.

  Da Ying couldn't bear to watch more, and cut off the hemp ropes that bound them one by one. As for whether to believe it or not, let them go out and see for themselves.

  Ariel and the others rescued several other cave people.

Over the years, the people from the Winged Tribe led by the puppet have almost caught up with the population of their own tribe. Most of them are women. They only pick healthy and beautiful women from each tribe, and attack them when they are alone. . Occasionally, when encountering a man who is an eyesore, he will be kidnapped and tortured.

If the women are obedient, let them give birth to cubs, and then do some easy work outside the cave; This is not obedient, and they even run away, resist, and throw them to dig a cave after being severely whipped. After digging one, they will dig the next one.

  (end of this chapter)

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