The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 885: Straw bag net red ancient farming (19)

  Chapter 885 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (19)

   After daybreak, some of them left one after another.

  Among the people left, most of them are still women. There are about forty people, and there are only seven men.

  Flogging, beating, and starvation were commonplace. After several years of torture, he was no longer as strong as he was in his early years.

  Xu Yin felt the pulse for them one by one, and prescribed the corresponding medicine.

  However, some herbs have not been found yet, and the effect of alternative medicinal materials is not so good, so we can only adjust slowly.

  She collected a batch of herbal medicines nearby, and she could barely make up a few prescriptions for recuperation. After decocting medicines, someone sent them to them. They drank them first, and then adjusted the prescriptions when they found more effective herbal medicines.

   She told A Dong the purpose and specific formula of these prescriptions.

  A-Dong was stunned at first, but after realizing it, he prostrated himself on the ground excitedly: "Thank you, great witch, for giving me the magic medicine!"

Xu Yin was helpless: "This is not a magic medicine, but an ordinary herbal medicine. I have saved a copy of the sample. You can pick it up and decoct it according to the method I told you. You can use these kinds of medicines to treat the diseases you want. Remember it? In the future, if you encounter similar cases, you can also take medicines as appropriate. But for different diseases, you can’t use it indiscriminately. If you are not in a hurry, just ask me.”

   "Thank you sorcerer!"

  Others were also moved to tears.

  【Congratulations to the player @芳草阴阴阴 for leading the tribal people to unlock the hidden mission - "The kindness of the doctor who continues the fire of human civilization", and obtained a wealth value of 500. 】

  【Want to know the ranking of the wealth list? A wealth value of 200 can inform the player of the ranking, and a wealth value of 600 can browse the wealth list for three seconds. 】

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Don't try to steal money from my sister!

   A dime, no, not a dime!

  However, she vaguely sensed the setting of wealth in this game. It seems that if it is helpful to the stability, construction, and development of the tribe, there will be rewards.

  Xu Yin's fighting spirit was ignited.

   Isn't it infrastructure, she can!

"Da Wu, we explored the surrounding area. The location is really good. The caves are located on the south-facing mountainside. The terrain is high, so it won't be very humid when the rainy season comes." Big Eagle turned around and reported, "Ah Dong said that in spring, the snow on the top of the mountain will flow down, and there is no shortage of water in the dry season.”

  His eyes became hot.

  The Xu tribe has few people, so safety is the first consideration when choosing a site. There is not enough labor, and the caves dug are relatively shallow. How can the location of the Yuyi tribe be good.

  Kun also said: "This place is really good. It can be attacked and defended. Those caves are dug very large and can accommodate many people."

   Can it be small? The Feather Wing tribe enslaved those poor people, dug every day, every year, and dug for many years, and dug several caves that could accommodate dozens or hundreds of people.

  If it weren’t for the fact that this mountain is magnificent and stretches for hundreds of miles, digging one at a time would not affect the firmness of the entire mountain. If you change to a smaller mountain, according to this method of excavation, the excavation will not collapse.

  Some of these caves are wide and some are deep—the spacious ones are suitable for living in winter, because they are close to the entrance of the cave and the inside of the cave is dry and warm; the deep and secluded caves are suitable for living in summer, refreshing and cool.

  Xu Yin was worrying about the lack of available land around Xu's tribe.

Ask the woods to borrow land, it means cutting down a lot of trees, unlike here - there is a big cave halfway up the mountain, and the cave looks out to a relatively gentle hillside, and there is no shelter, and there are relatively short shrubs, which are suitable for building bamboo buildings . At the foot of the mountain, there are clusters of trees and rich vegetation, so you don't have to travel far to collect anything.

  The Feathered Wing Tribe finally did a good job in choosing a site.

   "After we go back, we will have a meeting, and everyone will vote with a show of hands. If more than half of them want to move here, then move!"


  The Xu tribe does not need to vote at all, and the people listen to their great witches.

  Xu Yin said to move, and they moved; Xu Yin said to consider, and they waited for the big witch to make a decision.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  After much consideration, give a firm answer: "Move!"

  The Xu tribe is about to move.

  Move to an excellent location where you can attack, retreat and defend, the rainy season is not humid, and the dry season is not short of water.

  Kun looked at the busy figures on the other side of the river from a distance, with indescribable envy in his eyes.

  If Xu’s tribe is not their savior, he will definitely take his tribe to fight for it, after all, such a good position...

   Having said that, if Xu's tribe hadn't rescued them and killed the 60-member hunting team of the Yuyi tribe, there would have been no chance to disband the Yuwing tribe on the spot.

  After all, all of this is the chance of the Xu tribe, and it really has nothing to do with their cross-river tribe.

   "Da Wu, the Xu tribe will definitely grow stronger in the future."

   Regardless of how small their population is now, even if they join the rescued group, there are only sixty or seventy people, not to mention more than half of them are weak women.

  But he has a vague feeling that the Xu tribe will not stop here, and will continue to grow.

  Min stroked his white beard approvingly: "We can only be friends."

   "What did the great witch see?"

   "Bright, not in the Southern Bright Tribe."


  Xu Yin took her tribe to relocate to the original Wing tribe.

  All the caves have been carefully cleaned, and plant ash has been sprinkled for disinfection.

  Everything settled well, she organized a housewarming party, which was not only a hot pot, but also a welcome for new members.

   "Our big family has more and more people, and our life will definitely get better and better in the future! Come! Raise the pottery cups in everyone's hands, bid farewell to the difficult past, and welcome a bright future!"

  Those who had been imprisoned cherished their cups and wept with joy.

   Following Xu Yin, he raised his arms and shouted:

   "Don't think about the past, don't fear the future!"

   "Don't think about the past, don't fear the future!"

   "Don't think about the past, don't fear the future!"

  Important words must be said three times!

  After that, the mental outlook of the tribal people changed greatly.

  Especially the newly joined people, sweeping away the previous frowns and worries.

  Da Wu said: The tribe welcomes them to join, from now on they are also a part of the Xu tribe, everyone is equal. As the tribe prospers, their lives will get better and better.


  The sky is drizzling with light rain, and the autumn moon is cold for a while. It is too late to build the house, and we have to stock up on supplies for the winter.

   Fortunately, the cave here is much larger than the original one. The cave is blocked by wooden boards and bamboo rows, which can separate several rooms and halls, and distribute them to everyone according to households.

  For the rescued women, a hole was allocated for them individually. Whether they like Datong shop, or divide them into small compartments by bamboo rafts, it's up to them to choose.

  Xu Yin was thinking about the Panax notoginseng tuber. After she settled down, she picked a few strong women to dig.

  In addition, she will also go to the forest where she first came to crack nuts, and stock up some more shelf-stable food for the winter.

  The big eagle took the members of the hunting team to hunt nearby.

  Since they had bows and crossbows, they rarely came back empty-handed, and basically returned with a full load every day.

  (end of this chapter)

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