The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 882: Straw bag net red ancient farming (16)

  Chapter 882 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (16)

  As the sun rose again to the west, the rescue team finally climbed over two steep mountains and was about to arrive at the Winged Tribe.

  The Winged Tribe under the setting sun, at first glance, is no different from any previous evening when the sky is full of red clouds, but if you look closely, there is still a difference.

  Seven days ago, the puppet led an invincible hunting team and returned from abducting a few women from outside.

  Among these women, one came here to find her mother.

Full of desire to survive, she knelt down in front of the puppet and said: "My mother fled here from the Guangming tribe with the mysterious stone fifteen years ago in order to get rid of the bad guys. I sent a message that she is in the Hedong tribe. If you let me go, I will dedicate the mysterious stone to you when I find my mother."

  Mysterious stone?

  Hedong tribe?

is that a lie!

  These women speak sweet words, all for survival, and there is not a single truth in their mouths.

  Puppet didn't take it seriously, laughed and grabbed her by force, and then threw it to his subordinates to enjoy.

   These captive women, unless they are strong and beautiful, and he is willing to let the other party have his cubs, otherwise, he will reward them once they enjoy them. If it's so weak and ugly that even your subordinates don't bother to enjoy it, then throw it away and dig a cave.

  He never worries about women, he just goes to kidnap them when there are no more.

  The tribes around the radius, in his eyes, are just like his own tribe’s backyard, grabbing whatever they want.

  But after that day, for two consecutive nights, he dreamed of the Bright Tribe and the Mysterious Stone. After waking up, he kept thinking: Although there is no Hedong Tribe here, there is a tribe with a very similar name, that is, the Cross River Tribe.

   Could it be that the Hedong tribe that the woman mentioned is actually the Cross River tribe?

  He asked someone to bring the woman over, and wanted to ask more carefully, but unexpectedly, he heard from his subordinates that the woman was too useless, and died before the brothers could enjoy it.

  The puppet rewarded his men with a whip.

  The next day, when he was wandering in the woods with his hunting team, he met Yu who was chasing a deer and was left alone. He grabbed Yu and asked him if the tribe across the river had a mysterious stone.

  Yu is only a fifteen-year-old boy after all. He only found out about the existence of the mysterious stone when he accidentally overheard the conversation between Dawu and his father, and he also knew the importance of this thing to the tribe. So he said no, but with nervous and erratic little eyes, he knew he was lying at a glance.

  Puppet regretted not trusting that woman, but it didn't matter, the Cross River Tribe was very useless, and the members of the hunting team didn't even have half of his subordinates. At worst, he brought the hunting team to the door and crushed the Cross River Tribe.

   This time, I haven’t come back for three days.

  Sixty people, none of them came back, not even a messenger.

   This has never happened before.

  Before, puppets usually only brought thirty or forty people with them when they went out, and most of them stayed in the tribe to guard those disobedient slaves.

   People who go out will send people back early if they are delayed by something. They will either bring rescuers or take people to pick up supplies.

This time also considering the large population of the Cross River Tribe, bringing only thirty or forty people may not be able to convince them. After all, this time they are not going to masturbate, but to flatten the Cross River Tribe and make them bow their heads. .

   Because of this, the tribe only left ten members of the hunting team, and it was okay for a day or two. After a long time, I was afraid that the slaves would rebel.

  In recent years, there have been quite a few slaves who have been taken from all directions to work for them. If they resist collectively, it will be enough for them to have a headache.

   Therefore, the dozen or so members of the hunting team who stayed behind in the tribe inevitably muttered in private chat:

   "It's been two full days and nights, why haven't you come back? Nothing will happen, right?"

   "Are you in danger?"

   "But is there any danger around here that the leader can't solve? He is the one who can subdue even four-legged winged beasts!"

   Daying and Kun, who sneaked in at night to find out the truth, came quietly and brought back these news quietly.

  Xu Yin rubbed her chin: "So, there are only thirteen difficult people left in the Winged Tribe?"

   "Yes, the others have no combat effectiveness."

  Daying is full of confidence at this moment, he is sure that he will be able to rescue his sister this time.

  Kun brought news about slaves: "The Winged Tribe has taken many people from various places over the years, not only those we know, those people were locked in to dig holes for them, not only dig holes, those women..."

  He didn't even know what to say.

  In short, those people in the Winged Tribe are not worthy of being called human beings at all, they are not as good as animals.

   "I finally know why the Winged Tribe's announced population is about the same as ours, but 70% of them are tall, burly, fat and strong members of the hunting team."

  Because of the Winged tribe, hundreds of slaves are hidden. With these people doing coolies and digging caves for them, they only need to enjoy the ready-made life and spare time to hunt.

   Hunting a lot, eating a lot, can you not be strong?

"I also found out." Dahu, a tribe of Hekun, said after a while of silence, "The Wing Wing tribe only picks out young women who are alone. Those who are obedient will give birth to them, and those who are disobedient will be locked up to do coolies. I suspect that, A few years ago, the missing woman in our tribe was not taken away by a wild beast or fell off a cliff, but by the Winged Tribe. Big Eagle’s sister happened to be seen when she was taken away by a puppet three years ago. In fact This has happened many times, we just don't know it."

  Others were taken aback for a moment, and then became furious: "If this is the case, the Winged Tribe should be damned!"

Xu Yin stood up: "Since this is the case, there is no need to rescue A-Dong quietly. Rescuing one is a rescue, and saving dozens is also a rescue. Let's just disband the Winged Tribe on the spot! This kind of man-eating tribe, There is no need to exist anymore."

  The mountain wind blew her rattan grass skirt around her waist, making a rattling sound.

  Her soft but firm voice, like an ancient bell ringing from the distant sky, gave them endless hope and courage.

   "Yes! We have killed all sixty people, why are we afraid of only thirteen people?"

   "Kill them all! Let the dirty and ugly winged tribe disappear from this world!"

  Xu Yin thought of a plan, first threw a few torches in, just in the place where the Winged Tribe was stockpiling dry firewood, the blazing fire lit up half of the sky.

  People from the Winged Tribe came to fight the fire cursing.

  Therefore, not far from the dry firewood pile is the cave where supplies are stored. If the fire is not extinguished, what should I do if it burns into the cave?

   Taking advantage of this time, Daying and Kun rushed in with a few people each.

  The whole tribe was in chaos, with sounds of fighting, cries for help, and wailing everywhere.

  The male winged tiger seemed to remember that this was the place where it was imprisoned and used. It soared into the air and swooped down again. While the tiger roared, it used its sharp claws to kill a few sneaky enemies who were trying to escape.

  Xu Yin hugged the cubs and rode on the back of the mother winged tiger, giving Kun and the others a raid and helping them deal with the enemies who raided from behind.

  The faint moonlight shone on her, as if she had been coated with a halo, like a **** who came to save all living beings.

  (end of this chapter)

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