The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 881: Straw bag net red ancient farming (15)

  Chapter 881 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (15)

   On the way, every time Xu Yin saw purslane, she stopped to let the male winged tiger eat a few mouthfuls.

  Eating all the way, excreting all the way, before the sun sets, when it stops to light a fire in the valley between the two mountains to rest, the bloodshot eyes in its eyes have completely receded, and the lost memories have been picked up.

  It rubbed its own wife affectionately, and then wanted to rub the cub on the wife's back, but was slapped away by the mother winged tiger.

  Do you still have the face to touch a bastard?

  Facing the wall while going!

  The male pterosaur continued to rub his wife and cub cheekily, whimpering from time to time, and he was very aggrieved. He did not deliberately deny his wife and cub, but was used by cunning and vicious humans.

  The mother winged tiger slapped her paw again: You say you're stupid, but you still don't admit it!

  Everyone couldn't help laughing at this scene.

   "I used to think that the puppet was very powerful, and he was able to subdue the winged beast. Now, it seems that you are the most powerful witch."

  Kun sat next to the big eagle, poked the newly lit fire with a branch, and boasted sincerely.

   Envious eyes fell on the bow and arrow placed by Da Ying's side.

   This thing named "bow and arrow" is really lethal!

The battle against the Winged Tribe before dawn, because it was late at night, even with a torch lit, he might not be able to see clearly, but during the day when Ariel and the others used this to hunt, he could see clearly, no need to attack close-up, and it was easy from far away Hunted a four-horned beast.

  Be aware that four-horned beasts are hard to catch. If it is far away, it is not strong enough, and the thrown spear is not lethal; if it is close, it will resist with its hard horns, and the curved sharp horns can turn people over.

  A few years ago, a member of his tribe died under the two pairs of hard horns of the four-horned beast.

  After that, even if their tribe saw the four-horned beast, they stopped hunting it. Anyway, the meat is not very delicious to be honest.

  But if their tribe also has bows and arrows, instead of hunting four-horned beasts, they can also hunt two-horned beasts. The meat is delicious, and if the fur is traded, it can be exchanged for a lot of things.

  Thinking of this, he looked at the bow and arrow even more fascinated, but he was embarrassed to ask how he did it.

   "What are you thinking? You can eat it!"

  Da Ying brought several skewers of four-horned beast meat roasted on stone slabs from Ariel, and gave Kun two skewers.

  Kun subconsciously took a bite, and suddenly, his eyes lit up: "What kind of meat is this? It's so delicious!"

   "Haha!" Ariel, who was in charge of the barbecue, laughed heartily, "This is the four-horned beast hunted in the afternoon. Don't you think this meat is unpalatable in the afternoon?"

  Kun couldn't believe it: "Since when did the four-cornered beast meat become so delicious?"

   "That depends on who baked it." Ariel said triumphantly.

  Da He raised his foot and kicked him: "You said it as if it was your credit."

   After finishing speaking, he turned his head and explained to Kun: "It's a new way of eating that our Dawu came up with. Well, cut it thinner and grill it with this, it's more delicious than grilling on skewers."

  He pointed to a thin stone slab carried by Ariel from the tribe.

  Mainly because they were worried that they couldn’t find a suitable stone slab on the road. This one was something they were used to baking, and it was not heavy anyway, so they carried it out. Since they had rattan baskets, they could carry anything they wanted.

Only then did Kun realize that there was a stone slab in front of Ariel, and on the slab were slices of fat and thin slices of meat, smoking and smoking. Served over sliced ​​meat and ready to eat.

   "This pot can only give you a taste."

  Ariel gave him a slice, and dedicated the rest to the great witch.

  The temperature of the first pot is not constant enough, and the appearance of the baked meat is not very good, so every time it is the second pot for Dawu—choose the most tender meat, and the roasted color is also the most golden.

   "You can bake like this in the future, it's actually very simple."

  Kun nodded when he heard the words. He tasted it very carefully this time. It is also roasted meat, roasted across a stone slab, and roasted directly over an open fire. The taste is indeed very different.

   A thin slice of barbecue made him feel unprecedented happiness.

  The salty taste in the fresh fragrance...Ah! That's right, he actually tasted like salt!

  He suddenly raised his head: "Your tribe..."

   "Come on, try this again."

Dahe dug out a charred black thing from the bonfire, knocked off the coke-like shell, split it into two with a stone knife, and gave half to Kun: "This is a food that was just discovered not long ago. The witch named it ' Black potatoes', don't look ugly, taste very good."


  Kun couldn't believe it, how could something so dark be delicious? It won't be poisoned, right?

   "Eat at ease! You see, we have been eating for many days, and nothing happened."

   "Kun, it's really delicious!"

  Other people in the Cross River Tribe took a sip and couldn't help but gorge themselves.

  At this time, Xu Yin set the wild chrysanthemum tea on another bonfire. She asked Daying to bring out some pottery bowls for everyone to drink.

   "It's too hot today. The woods I walked during the day were airtight in several places, and the wind picked up again at night. When it's hot and cold, it's easy to suffer from heatstroke and catch a cold. Drink this tea to prevent it."

   "Good big witch."

  Da Ying gave everyone a bowl as promised.

  Of course, there were not so many pottery bowls brought out, so everyone poured out a bowl and shared it, and then filled it up after drinking.

  The people of the Kuahe Tribe and Xu Yin were separated by two bonfires, and they didn’t see the clay pot for making tea clearly. Now when they saw the pottery bowl, they were so surprised that their eyes almost popped out: “This is…”

  They didn't know Tao, but they knew that it was more expensive than gold in a stone bowl. It was not only light, but also smooth. It felt smoother than their skin.

  They looked at each other with indescribable confusion in their eyes:

  What happened to the world? Why do they not recognize many of the things that the Xu tribe brought out?

  From bows and arrows, to pure salt, to unfamiliar food and baking methods, as well as those light and novel utensils, everything is so precious.

  But in the eyes of the people of the Xu tribe, these things seem to be very common.

   Is it because the Xu tribe is developing too fast, or is it because the Kuahe tribe has always been closed and lagging far behind?

  Kun suppressed the confusion in his heart, and planned to discuss it with Da Wu after returning home.

  Anyway, the secret of the mysterious stone is not mysterious at all in the eyes of the great witch of the Xu clan, so why bother to stay behind closed doors like before?

  Look, I haven't interacted with other tribes for more than ten years, how many good things I missed!

  If you are worried about other tribes, you can just make friends with the Xu tribe.

  After last night, Xu's tribe is absolutely trustworthy!

   And they, the Cross River Tribe, are also trustworthy, and they will definitely not take possession of them by robber tribes like the Winged Tribe. They are willing to take out the most valuable things in the tribe and trade these novel things with the Xu tribe.

   It's just... Except for the mysterious stone, he really couldn't think of any treasures in the tribe that would make the Xu tribe's eyes shine and would be willing to make deals with them.

  Even the mysterious stone didn't catch their eyes.

   Through the jumping firelight, Xu Yin saw the pensive and distressed expression on Kun's face, and smiled with downcast eyes.

  No way, my tribe is too small, if I want to survive for a long time, I have to find a few trustworthy tribes to ally with.

  Cross-river Tribe didn’t know each other before, but with the friendship last night...Xu Yin made some calculations in her heart, and felt that it could still be developed.

Their Great Wu Min is an old man with great wisdom who can foresee the crisis. If they can form an alliance with him, they may learn from him how to peek into the stars and predict the future. Is there any interoperability?

Looking at the members of the hunting team like Kun, they are obviously very interested in bows and arrows, but they are only envious, and they don’t greedily want to take it for themselves, or ask how to do it, or ask themselves to teach them how to do it. , which makes people feel good.

  She didn't want to form an alliance, but in the end it was to bring hatred to herself.

  (end of this chapter)

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