The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 880: Straw bag net red ancient farming (14)

  Chapter 880 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (14)

  The people of the Cross River Tribe were stunned.


   Not much use?

  They have been enshrining it as a treasure for more than ten years, which almost wiped out the entire tribe. At the end of the day, tell them it's not much use?

   A complete subversion of their three views.

  Min was also shocked.

  He was extremely grateful to Xu's tribe for willing to give the hunting team all they could to help. Thinking that his tribe had nothing to offer to repay the other party's life-saving grace, he gritted his teeth and gave the mysterious stone to Xu's tribe.

  After all, if the Xu tribe hadn’t come to the rescue today, not only would they not be able to keep the mysterious stone, but they would even die under the brutal slaughter of the Winged tribe.

   I didn't expect...

   "Do you know the mysterious stone?"

   After a long time, Min recovered his old voice, which trembled a little.

Xu Yin raised her eyebrows: "The mysterious stone? No, it's not mysterious at all, it's just hematite, but it's useful only if it's in large quantities. To be honest, it can't even smelt a kitchen knife for such a small piece. It can be used as a sample and has no practical use."


  The people of the Cross River Tribe twitched their mouths when they heard this.

  Heart said: Alright! You have already said that it is useless, we have all heard it, this time the ears are not blocked by cerumen, so there is no need to emphasize it again and again.

  Min's old face was red again and again, he should be thankful that his face was covered with white beard, covering his wrinkled old face.

  He cleared his throat: "In that case, this stone..."

   "This stone can be divided into two." Xu Yin said with a smile, "You keep half, we keep the half, and look for it later. If you can find the hematite mine, it will be of great use."


  The people of the Cross River Tribe were extremely speechless.

  There is another reason why the mysterious stone is mysterious—it is as solid as a rock, and it cannot be cut by ordinary stone knives.

  However, in the next second, their jaws almost fell to the ground in shock, and they needed to reach out to catch their eyeballs—

  Xu Yin easily split the piece of hematite, breaking it with bare hands, it was really divided into two.

She returned half of it to Min: "Let the tribal people remember the texture and color of this stone, and pay attention to it whether you go hunting or gathering in the future. I found the iron mine, and I will teach you how to forge iron. "


  Min took the stone with complicated thoughts.

   It’s okay to say that it is not mysterious, but it was broken in the blink of an eye.

  Such a hard stone, let alone breaking it, would be painful to the touch.

  Xu Yin handed the other half of the hematite to Daying, slapped off the ore powder in her hand, got up and said, "The sun is coming out soon, since I plan to rescue A-Dong with all my might, let's start now!"

   "We will go with you!"

  Kun stepped forward and said, "Thank you tonight! Are you going to the Winged Tribe to save people? I'll pick some people to go with you."

  The fact that his son was able to come back intact and that none of the tribal people were injured or injured was entirely due to the Xu clan.

  Min nodded: "Go, so we can take care of each other."

  I originally thought that the mysterious stone could be used as a thank-you gift, but now I know that it is just a slightly special stone, which is only useful in large quantities, and such a small piece is too much to use.

  Zheng was worried about how to repay the kindness of saving his life. Hearing that they were going to kill the Winged Tribe to rescue the kidnapped tribesmen, he readily asked Kun to form a temporary rescue team to go with them.

  Xu Yin left Dashan to protect the tribal people, and she took Daying, Dahe and Alie to the Winged Tribe.

   Seeing Kun leading a rescue team of more than a dozen people to join them, Xu Yin twitched her lips.

  Look, how pitiful the small tribe is, and there are not many people.

   There are four strong laborers in one collapse, and one has to be left to guard the elderly, weak, women and children. Instead, it was the brother tribe who assisted with friendship and sent a dozen people over.

   Fortunately, the invention of the bow and arrow can somewhat make up for the lack of people.

Like now we need to climb two mountains to rescue Daying's sister, leaving Dashan alone is enough, because although Dawa, Achun, and Lia are women, they can also use bows. In young adults.

   "Those two..."

  Kun pointed to the two quadrupeds who were still fighting.

   In fact, it is not a fight, it is clear that the female winged tiger unilaterally beat up the male winged tiger, but the male winged tiger has been beaten completely without temper, lying on the ground without saying a word.

   "Oh, the female winged beast is the mount of our great witch." Da Ying took a hand at Versailles without a teacher, "Her name is 'sister', very human."

  Xu Yin staggered, when did "sisters" become its name?


  Xu Yin whistled.

  The female winged tiger folded her beating wings, turned around and ran to Xu Yin's side.

Xu Yin followed its back and discussed with it: "Don't beat it, it's probably being used too. Seeing that its eyes are red and blurred, it is very likely that it has eaten hallucinogenic herbs. Feed it some later. Purslane, if you drink more water and excrete more, you will regain your sanity."

  After that, everyone witnessed a miraculous scene:

  When Xu Yin went back to the tribe to pick up two fluffy cubs, she took a few handfuls of purslane from the woods, which she had discovered before, and occasionally picked vegetables to eat.

   Purslane has the effects of detoxification, cooling blood and diuresis.

   After eating the purslane she fed, the bloodshot eyes in the male pterosaur's eyes receded a little.

   "Let's go! Go save Daying's sister!"

  When dawn broke, Xu Yin sat on the back of the Maverick with the two fluffy in her arms, and led the rescue team to set off.


  The female pterosaur raised her head to the sky and let out a long roar.

  Although the male winged tiger was still at a loss, the familiar smell of the same kind made it follow up spontaneously.

  Others saw that it did not actively attack people, but followed the female winged tiger docilely, so they let go of their worries and became less afraid.

   Obviously, they didn't sleep half the night, especially those from the Kun and other tribes who crossed the river. They didn't close their eyes all night, but everyone's mental outlook was surprisingly good.

  When they climbed the first mountain, Xu Yin asked them if they needed to take a break?

   said no need.

  Too excited, who can sleep?

  Thinking that they were oppressed by the Winged Tribe in the past, they watched their own people being taken captive, but there was nothing they could do. Now that they have defeated the hunting team of the Winged Tribe, they can still kill their base camp and rescue their own people. Don't mention how excited they are. He was so energetic that he climbed two mountains, let alone climbed ten.

   "Okay then, let's move on."

  Xu Yin is not sleepy, really sleepy, it is not impossible to take a nap on Maverick's back.

   Facing the rising sun, a group of people walked over mountains and mountains towards the east non-stop.

   Although there are only two mountains separated, the mountains are steep and the jungle is dense. Everyone has only two legs and no other means of transportation.

  Xu Yin has a winged tiger, but she doesn't know the way, so she chooses to walk with everyone.

  The big eagle led the way, and the others walked in the middle. She hugged the two cubs and sat on the back of the Maverick in the rear.

   Oh, there is a male winged tiger following behind.

  (end of this chapter)

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