The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 879: Straw bag net red ancient farming (13)

  Chapter 879 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (13)

   "Boss, the Cross River Tribe dared to sneak attack, it seems that we treated them too well!"

   "Exactly! Leader, what are you waiting for! Attack directly!"

   "Get my baby out!"

  The puppet's face was livid, he gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and ordered his subordinates.

  He came this time, not only brought enough manpower, but also brought a quadruped winged beast that was trapped and hunted some time ago, making full preparations to annex the Cross River Tribe.

  Yu on the side didn't know which sentence he heard, and his face turned pale in an instant: "Father! Run away! Leave me alone!"

"Shut up!"

  Puppet's men viciously raised the stone knife in their hands, and slashed at Yu.


  Kun's mind went blank, and he was about to rush to the rescue.

  The next second, the stone knife that was only a few centimeters away from Yu's neck was shaken a few meters away with a bang, and the owner of the knife was also hit by an arrow in the arm.

  He roared in pain, staggered back a few steps, and fell to the ground.

   "Who is sneaking up on us!"


   "I see the raider! There!"

   Someone followed the direction of the arrow and saw Xu Yin on a big tree not far away.

   Before dawn, the darkness blurred her face, and she could only vaguely see a figure standing on a branch close to the canopy, holding a strange thing in his hand, aiming at them.

  The members of the Wing Wing Tribe were startled and angry, and they all scolded their mothers in their hearts: Not to mention the sneak attack, how can you fight at such a distance and standing so high? It's too bad for martial arts! Come down and fight face to face if you have the ability!

   Fortunately, their leader still has a nirvana that is useless—

  A ferocious Maverick was lifted up while sitting in a wooden cage.

   Enduring the severe pain, the puppet took a piece of meat with a strange smell with his uninjured hand, and asked his subordinates to feed it to the winged tiger.

   "Baby, it's time for you to play. Go! Go play your chase game! Eat these stupid people, all in your stomach."



  The man who was about to feed the male winged tiger with the meat was hit by a black shadow that landed at a high speed, and died of vomiting blood on the spot.

   "Boss! It's that female winged beast!"

  Puppet saw the mother winged tiger clearly by the firelight, and felt a feeling of regaining it: "Take it! Take it for me! What are you waiting for!"

  I almost caught it last time, the spears in the trap pierced through its wings, so I was still run away by it.

   Thought he was dead, but he was still alive.

  I can't let it go this time.

   If he took it for his own use, then he would be the master of the two-headed winged beast. In this world, who else is his opponent?

  The puppet's scarlet eyes reveal a strange madness:

   "Catch me alive!"


  However, those who leaned over were either blown away by the wings of the female winged tiger, or shot by Xu Yin's sharp arrow.

  In just a few breaths, the Winged Tribe lost more than 20 people, and the puppet was shocked and angry.


At this time, the male winged tiger ate the meat that fell at his feet, knocked open the wooden cage door, shook his hair, raised his head to the sky and screamed, his eyes were bloodshot, and rushed towards the people of the cross-river tribe, and was stretched by the female winged tiger The wings stopped.


   Being captured by the enemy, it’s fine if you don’t turn the enemy’s nest upside down, but you have become an accomplice of the enemy?

   Stupid as hell!

  The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. It jumped up and bit the male winged tiger's chin hard.

  The male pterosaur was bitten and stunned.

   Biting its kind, giving it a very familiar feeling, but can't remember who it is, who is it?

   Its head hurts so bad it's about to burst.

  The female winged tiger took a bite to vent her anger, then spread her wings and slapped the male winged tiger hard, to wake you up, idiot!

  Seeing the two Mavericks fighting, no, they were beaten unilaterally, everyone was shocked.

   Puppet frowned: A beast is a beast! Something went wrong at a critical moment.

   "Forget it! Don't live, kill it!" You can also take it back to eat meat.

  However, Xu Yin would not let them get close. Anyone who wanted to sneak attack on the mother wing tiger was dealt with from a distance.

Seeing more and more fallen subordinates, the puppet became mad: "Don't worry about it, attack directly! Today I am angry! Now even if the mysterious stone is sent to my eyes, there is no need to discuss it. If you don't cross the river The hatred in my heart cannot be relieved when the tribe is destroyed!"

   With a wave of his hand, he motioned for the rest of the people to rush in after him.

He thought that the people who attacked him were people from the Kuahe tribe, and when he thought that the Kuahe tribe, who had been silent all these years, possessed a mysterious weapon that could shoot people from a long distance, he couldn't restrain his blood from rushing up. The tribe across the river captured their great witch and asked him how to make the mysterious weapon.

  He fantasized that after having the mysterious weapon, the Winged Tribe must become the existence of other tribes bowing their heads.

   Unfortunately, he can only daydream.

   Before breaking through the wall led by Kun, the subordinates around him groaned and fell limply to the ground, with a sharp arrow sticking out of their backs.




   More and more sharp arrows flew from behind.

   Some shot them in the back, some shot in their legs.

   For a while, the wailing continued, and the puppet quickly pulled a subordinate to stand in front of him, terrified and fanatical in his heart: He must get the production method of the mysterious weapon!

  With the help of long bamboo rafts across the two banks, a five-man bow and arrow team rushed from the other side of the river, followed by two people, carrying bulging quiver, and handing arrows to the team from time to time.

  Seeing clearly that the person in the head is the Eagle who was trampled, humiliated, and beaten so badly by him three years ago, the puppet was astonished.

   "Why are you! Where did you get the mysterious weapon?"

   Then he said: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill your sister when I go back?"

   "I don't have this chance, puppet."

  The eagle slowly narrowed the distance with the puppet, drew the bow, and aimed at the puppet.

   The puppet threw down his hand, turned around and ran away.

  Suddenly, an arrow hit his back vest.

  The penetrating power of the close attack makes the arrow penetrate the back and pierce the heart.

  Puppet clutched his chest, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he fell limply to the ground.

   Seeing that the leader was gone, and there were less than ten people left in their own ranks, the members of the Yuyi tribe panicked and wanted to run away.

  But how could the hunting team led by Daying and Kun let them go.

  If you let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be future troubles.

   What's more, some of their clansmen were imprisoned in the Feather Wing Tribe. Wouldn't it be possible for them to have the opportunity to tip off the news and even threaten their clansmen by letting them go back?

   Yes, one is not left, and all are killed.

  Xu Yin is actually very unaccustomed to such **** scenes, but this is an era of the jungle, she can't change it temporarily, she can only adapt.

   Besides, this is a game world after all, and these people are all NPCs. If they travel to the real primitive era, the living environment they will face will be bloodier and crueler than the scene in front of them.

   After cleaning up the scene, Min invited Xu Yin into the cave to talk.

  His head is still buzzing.

  When the sharp arrow appeared, he finally knew why Xu's tribe was their vitality.

Looking at the bow and arrow that Xu Yin casually carried on his shoulders, it was obvious that his premonition was correct—the Xu clan was indeed the lifeline for turning the crisis tonight, because they had a new weapon that could kill enemies from a long distance .

  He was extremely grateful and grateful.

   Fortunately, the Xu tribe is a tribe that values ​​peace, and they did not use new weapons to deal with their cross-river tribe. I am grateful that they did their best to rescue the cross-he tribe when it was in crisis.

   After expressing his gratitude, Min Rangkun held out the mysterious stone that almost made their tribe disappear in the long river of history.

   "Red-brown stone?"

  Da Ying and the others who were sitting on the ground stood up excitedly, glanced at Shi Shi, and then at Xu Yin:

   "Da Wu, is this the stone you mentioned last time?"

   "Do you know each other?"

  Min froze for a while, his old face looked a little funny because of the daze.

  Kun and other cross-river tribesmen were also quite surprised.

   After carefully identifying it, Xu Yin nodded with a smile. This is indeed hematite, but—

   "Such a small piece is not very useful."


   No, no use? ? ?

  (end of this chapter)

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