The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 872: Straw bag net red ancient farming (6)

  Chapter 872 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (6)

  After listening to Xu Yin's arrangement, everyone couldn't help being excited:

   "Da Wu, do you really want to teach us?"

   "Da Wu, do you know how to knead pottery? I heard that it is only the craft of the Da Wu of the Guangming Tribe."

   "Dawu, how did you make the wooden barrel you brought? This water is much lighter than the stone pot, can you teach us?"

  When mentioning wooden barrels, Xu Yin thought of mineral salt: "Oh, you have to borrow two of me to dig more mineral salt and cook the salt."


   "Master, the one you brought is salt?"

   "My God! We've got salt to eat!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Yes, comrades, there is an entire salt mine, and our small tribe with less than 20 people can’t eat it all in a lifetime.

   Gathering, boiling salt, weaving, kneading pottery, hunting, breeding... All jobs require labor, and there is really not enough manpower!

  Xu Yin stood in front of the cave, raised her hand to cover her forehead, and looked at the bright sun. She was glad that it was summer and she had time to arrange autumn storage and winter storage for her.

   When the next spring begins, she plans to take everyone to open up wasteland and farm.

  If I can find suitable clay, I plan to build a kiln and burn bricks to build a house.

  Of course, you have to increase your force value first, preferably something that the entire tribe can learn and use.

   Otherwise, how would you protect your homeland?

  After assigning tasks, the tribal people split up and acted energetically.

  The old and the young could not do hunting and gathering, so they sat in front of the cave and learned to weave.

After the first batch of vines came back, Xu Yin taught them how to weave clothes first, and then taught them how to weave bags when everyone had veils to wear. The woven bags were used to collect and assemble wild fruits, wild vegetables, and Panax notoginseng. The transportation efficiency of wild fruits and wild vegetables is much higher.

Xu Yin also found a kind of rattan which is stronger than soft rattan and softer than tree branches. She led the people left behind in the tribe to weave baskets and baskets of different sizes. The practicality is higher than the bag.

  The collection team is responsible for wild vegetables and fruits for three meals a day.

  In the past, when encountering unfamiliar plants, they would ignore them. Now if there are big witches, they will wrap them in non-toxic leaves and pick them back.

   Not to mention, Xu Yin really found several edible ones.

  One is a potato-like tuber, but it is larger than ordinary potatoes, and the skin is black. Let’s call it potatoes, black potatoes.

Tribal people have dug it before, but it is black at first glance. I have vaguely heard that someone in other tribes died of foaming at the mouth after eating this thing. They were worried that it was poisonous, so they dared not touch it. Get out of the way quickly.

  Xu Yin wrapped it with bark. After cutting off the skin with a stone knife, she found that the flesh was the same color as a potato. So I caught a pheasant and fed it diced "black potatoes" alone for seven days. I found that the pheasant was not only not poisoned, but liked to eat this black potato very much. Mix it with other grass seeds and fruit pulp and sprinkle it in front of it. It actually picks "black potatoes" to eat first, and then eats other feeds.

  This shows that black potatoes are not poisonous, and the poison is probably the cause of germination. As long as you don't eat sprouted black potatoes, you'll be fine.

   Hearing what Dawu said, the collection team began to search for this kind of black potatoes all over the hillside.

  After digging it back, according to Xu Yin's instructions, peel the skin and stew the meat, or throw the whole meat by the campfire, roast it with the residual heat of the charcoal fire and peel it to eat.

  The taste of black potatoes is completely different from that of meat, and the taste buds of the tribes are captured in the mouth.

  Since then, they have a third type of food besides protein and vitamins—carbohydrate.

  In addition to black potatoes, Xu Yin also found olives and garlic sprouts.

  Wild olives are very bitter when eaten raw, so even if the tribesmen knew they could be eaten, they seldom picked them back.

  As for the garlic sprouts here, they are three times thicker than ordinary garlic sprouts. If you chew them raw and eat them spicy and irritating, your stomach can’t stand them easily. Some people eat garlic sprouts and their stomachs hurt like convulsions, and no one dares to touch them again.

  If it wasn't for the big witch asking them to pick all the edible and non-edible things for her to see, Achun and the others wouldn't want to touch this thing.

   Unexpectedly, after bringing them back, Xu Yin showed them the correct way to eat olives and garlic sprouts—

   After the olives are blanched and cooled, they are marinated in cold water and salt for seven days. The salt water stimulates the fruity aroma of the olives. It tastes rich, sweet and sour, and very appetizing.

  Choose garlic sprouts that are crisp and green. Stir-fry with fat and thin slices of meat. Before it comes out of the pan, the overbearing aroma will spread. Who still has the heart to work? The saliva is coming out. Come around and watch:

   "Da Wu, what is this? It's so fragrant!"

   "Da Wu, is this the Lu Miao Miao who has a stomach ache?"

  When they heard that they had eaten Lu Miao Miao with a stomach ache, everyone took a few steps back, not daring to eat it no matter how greedy they were.

  Xu Yin said with a smile: "This is called garlic sprouts. Eating raw is more spicy, so it is easy to irritate the stomach, but frying it will not cause this problem, and it will be good for the body."


  Xu Yin was afraid that they wouldn't believe it. After frying, she picked up a chopstick with a chopstick cut from a tree branch and put it in her mouth, eh! tasty!

She closed her eyes contentedly. In the original era... no, the garlic sprouts in the original game, because they grow thicker, the garlic sprouts in this season are also a bit old, so when washing, I specially peel off the skin and pull out the tendons, and eat it after cooking. It tastes crisp and tender, more fragrant and delicious than ordinary garlic sprouts.

  Others saw Dawu eat so deliciously, so what are you waiting for!

   You scrambled to eat.

   You don’t know if you don’t eat it, and you can’t forget it once you eat it.

  Everyone's eyes shine: let's go! Get garlic sprouts!

   Now, they plundered all the black potatoes, garlic sprouts, and olives all over the mountains and plains.

   It is also good to make candied fruit if the olives are marinated too much.

   Garlic sprouts are indeed eaten in this season, and they will be too old after August.

  The black potatoes that ripen this season are mostly spring potatoes, and you may be able to dig another batch before winter.

  However, potatoes tend to germinate after being stored for a long time. The germinated ones can be planted, but they cannot be eaten.

  Xu Yin repeatedly told the tribesmen, and every night when eating and chatting around the bonfire, she held a quiz—

   "How does Panax notoginseng stop bleeding?"

   "Under what circumstances should you absolutely not eat potatoes?"

   "How to eat garlic sprouts without stomachache?"

   "How do olives taste best?"

   "Why boil salt?"

   "Why drink boiled water?"

   "What nutrition does a potato have?"


   and so on.

   She asked, and the others rushed to answer.

   If you answer correctly, you will be rewarded with a blessing from the witch, if you answer wrong, you will be punished by getting up early the next day to cook for everyone, or composting everyone's shit.

   After a few rounds, it will be difficult for everyone to remember.

   Waiting for the weaving team to get better and better, and the collection team had enough containers, Xu Yin took them to the woods where the winged tigers lived.

  She didn't have time to investigate the mountain where the tribe is located, but it was at the door of the house anyway, so don't worry, and pick the notoginseng from the forest first.

  She estimated that this season should be June and July, because the Panax notoginseng flowers are the same as the leaves and are still green, but this is the best harvest season for Panax notoginseng inflorescences.

  (end of this chapter)

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