The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 871: Straw bag net red ancient farming (5)

  Chapter 871 Straw bag net red ancient farming (5)

  Xu Yin rummaged through the two pockets, and there was only one Panax notoginseng stuck in the hollow hole, and gave the winged tiger a sniff:

   "Here, it's just this smell, remember? Zai Zai stay here, it's important to save people, you go and come back quickly!"

  The pterosaur licked the two cubs, rubbed against Xu Yin, spread its wings, patted them twice, soared into the air, and flew back to the woods where it lived to help her pluck the Sanqi leaves.

  By the time Yihu came back with a mouthful of notoginseng leaves in his mouth, Xu Yin was already delivering the baby to Daying's daughter-in-law.

  The fetus is too large and the cervix is ​​too small, because the delay in giving birth will cause the mother to be weak, and if she does not give birth, there is a high possibility of stillbirth, which is dangerous for adults and children.

  Xu Yin no longer hesitated, cut the birth canal opening with a sharp stone knife sterilized with boiling water, and helped Daying's daughter-in-law give birth with the help of massage techniques.

  As soon as the baby came out, she asked an older and steady woman to wipe off the blood on the baby, and she was responsible for dealing with the aftermath of the mother.

  After delivering the placenta, cleaning up the lochia and excrement, use a herringbone needle to wear the fine rattan grass, and suture the incision.

   Just in time, Maverick came back with Sanqi leaf, crushed it and applied it on the stitched wound to help stop the bleeding.

  After finishing all this work, she let out a long breath, raised her elbow and wiped the profuse sweat from the heat.

   "Great witch!"

  Daying came to thank her with the baby in his arms.

  The burly man with a height of over 1.9 meters, even though he was beaten to save his sister three years ago, was bruised and dying, he never shed tears, but now his eyes are red:

   "Thank you for saving Dawa and the child. From now on, I, Daying, will be your most sincere people. Whoever dares to disrespect you, pass me, Daying first!"

Xu Yin waved her hand: "I'm fine. Your wife is also working hard and cooperating. She has worked hard. Go and see her. Also, is there any high-protein food in the tribe? Meat and eggs are fine. She wants to feed her children." , let her eat nutritiously."

  Da Ying nodded: "Yes, if not enough, I will go hunting."


  Xu Yin bowed her waist to deliver the baby. She didn't notice it when she was so busy, but now she relaxed and was so tired that she couldn't straighten her waist.

  She walked outside, supported her lower back with her hands, stretched her neck and looked up at the sky, letting her spine and cervical spine relax for a while.

   "The Great Witch."

  The women in the tribe came over and looked at her with reverence.


  Xu Yin was at a loss.

   "Great witch, so you are a witch doctor. Is the hand you showed witchcraft? Woohoo! It's amazing and amazing!"

   "Da Wu, did you give Daying a magic medicine? It stopped the bleeding within a short time after applying it. It's really amazing!"

   "Now our tribe is saved!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   No, why did she become a witch doctor? Seek medical treatment, why add the word witch?

  As for Sanqiye—

She didn't want to deify herself, and said truthfully, "That's not a magic medicine, it's a very common herbal medicine, and it's really effective in stopping bleeding. However, the most effective is not the leaves, but its tubers. I'll take you to dig them later. After washing and drying, it is ground into powder, which is an excellent hemostatic powder."

  The essential ingredient of sore medicine for martial arts practitioners is notoginseng powder.

  Women may not understand, but their big witches are very powerful anyway.

   "Dawu, I wish you had come earlier."

  The women couldn't help wiping their tears when they thought of the clansmen and relatives who gave birth to cubs and died in the past.

  In today’s situation, if the big witch didn’t come, the big eagle’s family would probably...

  Xu Yin patted them on the shoulder reassuringly: "It will get better. If you are interested, I can teach you, and you will not be helpless in such difficult situations in the future."


  They were stunned:

   "This is the witchcraft of the witch doctor, how can it be passed on to us casually?"

  Xu Yin smiled: "When you learn it, you won't find it amazing."

  The women happily went back to tell their partners the good news. For a while, everyone in Xu's tribe showed joy.

  From today, they are no longer leaderless, they have a great witch who has compassion for the world, and the great witch will pass on her magical witch doctor skills to the tribal people.

   "Our big witch is so good!"

   "Thank you Empress Nuwa for assigning us the best great witch in the world!"

  After being grateful, the men and women went home and gave their cubs a lecture:

   "The great witch has been so kind to us, we must listen to her in the future, and we are not allowed to do things that make her angry. Whoever makes her run away in anger will break his leg."


  Xu Yin saw that the people of this small tribe were quite interesting. There were fewer people, and it was difficult to carry out many tasks, but there were few benefits, at least they were very united.

  She found a time, gathered everyone together, held a meeting, and met people by the way.

   She already knew Daying and his wife, and the mother needed to rest, so she asked Daying to accompany her daughter-in-law and child. There were only fifteen people including her at the meeting.

   "Dawu, my name is Dashan, this is my partner Leah, and this is our cub Dashu and Xiaohua."

   "Dawu, my name is Dahe, this is my mother, and this is my younger brother."

   "Big witch, my name is Ariel, this is my father, this is my bonded partner Ah Chun, this is my younger brother and younger sister..."

   "Great witch,..."

  After a round of introduction, Xu Yin roughly remembered it.

  She sighed in her heart: How little labor is there!

   No wonder this tribe is so weak and poor. Except for Daying, Dashan, Dahe and Ariel, the others are either old people, women and children, or underage children.

  Xu Yin looked around the shabby tribe and said after serious thinking:

"We have a small number of people, so a lot of calculations have to be made in advance. In our tribe, except for the young children, there are only fifteen people who can do the work. I am divided into three groups. The first group stays in the tribe and is mainly responsible for weaving and kneading pottery. Leah is in charge;

  The second group is the hunting team, led by Da Ying, and its members are Da Shan, Da He, and A Lie. But right now, Daying is taking care of his wife and children first, so he doesn't need to go out for the time being. Remember, the current main task of the hunting team is to hunt pheasants and hares. If you encounter a single deer, you can encircle them. Don’t touch other large beasts for the time being. If the pheasant can be caught alive, I have other arrangements to bring it back; in addition, you are the strong labor force of my tribe, and I need you to cut some wood back if necessary.

  The third group is the collection group, which is in charge of Achun, and the main members are Aqiu, Xiaohua and Xiaxia. Others can come along if they want. In addition to the notoginseng I told you before, if you find other strange plants, if you are not sure whether you can eat them, you can bring them back for me to see. In addition, the more you pick up this vine, the better. "

  Xu Yin pointed to the hollow clothes on her body: "Pick it up, and I will teach you how to weave clothes."

  Before the discovery of cotton and linen, we can only rely on vines to weave some body clothing, otherwise it will be really hot eyes.

  Women can still wrap a piece of animal skin anyway, but men think it's too hot, so they just tie a piece of leaf on the unspeakable part at will.

  When the wind blows, the leaves are blown up, just like not wearing clothes...

  (end of this chapter)

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