The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 873: Straw bag net red ancient farming (7)

  Chapter 873 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (7)

   "This time, we only pick the inflorescences and take them back to dry in the sun. In another month, I will bring you to dig the tubers, and you should try to remember their positions."

   After Xu Yin finished speaking, she began to teach them to identify Panax notoginseng plants.

   "Big Wu, is this flower head useful?"

"Well, Panax notoginseng is a treasure all over the body. You already know that the leaves stop bleeding and reduce swelling. Its flowers also have the effect of stopping bleeding. In addition, Panax notoginseng can also clear away heat, soothe the nerves, and lower blood pressure... When you have a sore throat, soak some three If you drink Qihua, the effect is also very good."

   Once you hear that such an unremarkable little flower has so many uses, what are you waiting for!

  Everyone is actively picking.

Xu Yin popularized science while picking: "It's not necessary to pick them all, just keep a few plants for proofing. The next time I bring you to dig tubers, its flowers will be bright red or deep red. When you go out and see this kind of flowers, you will immediately I know that the tuber below is notoginseng."

  The tribal people nodded their heads like garlic, their big witch knows so much! In the past, he must have been the most capable general around Empress Nuwa!

  Picked a batch of notoginseng flowers. When returning home, Xu Yin stopped by to look at the trap she had set, and caught a pheasant that had been hungry for two days.

  The pheasant was so fierce that he wanted to yell at her, Ah Chun stepped forward and said, "I twisted its neck, so I brought it back."

Xu Yin hurriedly stopped her: "Forget what I said? If you can catch them alive, you can catch them alive. The weather is hot now, and the meat they hunted back from Dashan is enough for us to eat. We can raise the live ones first. When the weather is cold, it is not convenient to go out hunting. Eat them again."

  They understand this, "But they can fly."

   "Then cut the wing feathers."

  So, in the next step, Xu Yin taught them how to cut pheasant wings and how to raise them in captivity.

   Pheasants can fly, and they can fly higher than ordinary pheasants. Ordinary breeding sheds can't stop them at all.

  Xu Yin wielded a wooden shovel and took the lead in digging a hole more than one meter deep. A wooden fence was erected around the hole, 1.5 meters high, wrapped in thorns, and then drove the pheasants with clipped wings into it.

  The height from the bottom of the pit to the tip of the fence is at least 2.5 meters, and the fence is covered with thorns. Even if the pheasant's wing feathers grow back, it is difficult to fly out.

  By that time, they are already accustomed to being fed by humans, which is easier than foraging in the woods, and they may not be willing to fly even if they are allowed to fly.

   One can do everything, since pheasants can be raised, what about other meats?

  So, after going out to hunt, the hunting team tried their best to survive.

  Until it was discovered that the hare had been locked in the shed, it made a hole in the ground and escaped.


  Everyone was at a loss.

  Xu Yin endured a smile and said, "It's my fault that I didn't explain clearly to you. Rabbits can make holes. If you want to raise them, you can build a wooden cage and put them in the cage."

   There are no nails, and the mortise and tenon structure is too time-consuming. If you have the time, you might as well go out and hunt a few more heads.

So, everyone gave up and left a rabbit to live in the model cage made by Xu Yin, which was raised and played by the cubs in the tribe. time.

  The tribal people have never eaten smoked rabbit. It was the first time they ate it.

  Since rabbit meat can be eaten like this? What about other meats?

  The weather is hot, and the hunted meat is not put properly. It can be kept for a few days longer when it is made into smoked meat, and the taste is so good.

  Of course, this is also the relationship that the tribe has no shortage of salt recently.

  In the past, people couldn't eat salt, and drinking raw animal blood to relieve the body's demand for salt, how could they think of such a luxury.

  The mineral salt brought by Xu Yin is boiled with water to remove impurities, and then boiled to dry the precipitated salt, which is cleaner and more environmentally friendly than sea salt. With salt, roasted meat tastes much better.

What's more, Xu Yin also uses stone slabs to make teppanyaki, put a piece of animal fat on it, light a fire under the slate to roast, the high temperature melts the suet, puts thinly sliced ​​meat on it, and with a sizzling sound, the side that touches the slate immediately burns. When it is cooked, turn it over and bake for a few minutes, sprinkle with salt, and you can start.

   "Wow! The meat roasted by Dawu is delicious!"

   "I didn't expect meat to be grilled like this."

  In the past, they were all skewered on branches and roasted over an open fire. If they were not turned over in time, they were often burnt. Some parts were burnt black, and some parts were still raw. Even when baked, it didn't taste as good.

   In other words, this is due to the salt. With salt, the meat roasted by the open fire is not unpalatable, but compared with the roasted by the big witch, they lose their appetite for the large piece of roasted meat in their hands.

   Adults will eat a few mouthfuls even if they have no appetite when it’s time to eat, but the reaction of the cubs is very straightforward, pestering their parents to ask for delicious barbecue:

   "Father, the big witch can roast crispy meat, why don't you do it?"

   "Mum, I want to eat the kind of meat roasted by Dawu, it's delicious."


  Who doesn't know that the meat roasted by Dawu is delicious? The problem is they won't.

   Being entangled by the cubs, of course, they also want to learn, and they can bake and eat it after learning it. After trying a small crispy barbecue, who wants to eat meat that is both raw and charred?

  So, cautiously approached Xu Yin and asked:

   "Da Wu, can you teach us?"

   "Of course, it's easy."

  There is no technical content at all, Xu Yin held a cooking class on the spot—

  Teach them to cut off the fat of the animal meat, that is, the suet. The freshly hunted meat is still fresh, and it can be grilled directly after being smelted.

  But it’s hot, and if the suet is left overnight, it may stink.

  Xu Yin taught them to make suet first, pour the refined oil into a stone pot to cool, put it in a cool place, and dig a piece to use later.

  With oil, you can roast anything you want, except meat, wild vegetables can also be roasted.

  The tribal people were once again opened the door to a new world by their great witch.

   Didn’t expect that bland grass can be roasted and eaten? The taste turned out to be very good!

   In the past, they only ate some wild vegetables when they had trouble getting shit. Who usually likes to eat this stuff? They are not herbivores.

   Now I have learned teppanyaki from Xu Yin... No, it is slate, which ignited a strong thirst for knowledge—

  Everything is baked, potato chips, garlic sprouts, purslane, and many unknown wild vegetables.

  Among them, potatoes and garlic sprouts are the best. The potato slices are baked on the slate until both sides are browned and crispy. They taste crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, just like McDonald's potato chips.

  Boys love baked potatoes.

  The same goes for the garlic sprouts. It is oily and tender when roasted, and it is more delicious than fried.

  After discovering these two delicacies, the tribal people not only opened the door to the new world, but also opened the window to the new world—

  Not only wild vegetables, they even try wild fruits.

  Don't say it, some are indeed better than raw food after being baked, and some are unpalatable.

   But no matter what, if you eat too much oily vegetables and fruits, it is certain that the excretion will be smooth, and pooping is no longer a painful thing, which makes them refreshed.

   I sighed again: Their big witch is really smart! Know everything!

  This made them more determined and confident to follow in the footsteps of Dawu.

  The big witch said east, they will never go west, the big witch said west, they will never go east!

  Whoever betrays the great witch is an enemy of the entire Xu clan!

  (end of this chapter)

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