The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 870: Straw bag net red ancient farming (4)

  Chapter 870 Straw bag net red ancient farming (4)

   "Sisters, where are we going?"

  After appreciating the beautiful scenery of the woods from the air, Xu Yin saw that it was still gliding forward, so she couldn't help asking, the wooden barrel made her waist uncomfortable.

   The Maverick flew another flight before landing.

It brought her to a cave with a very hidden entrance. After entering, she walked around for a while, and when Xu Yin felt a little cold, she came to the end of the cave, only to realize that this was not an ordinary cave, but A salt mine cave with mineral salt attached.

   After Maverick put her down, he stepped forward to lick the mineral salt on the cave wall.

  Xu Shi saw that she was frozen in place, and tilted his head to look at her, his eyes seemed to ask: Eat! delicious! If you don't eat, your body will feel uncomfortable. You called my sisters to bring you here. I would not tell this good place to ordinary people.


  Just as Xu Yin was about to speak, a blooming firework rose in front of her eyes, and the next second—

  【Congratulations to player @芳草阴阴阴 for finding a thousand-year-old salt mine and obtaining 1000 wealth points. 】

  【Want to know the ranking of the wealth list? A wealth value of 200 can inform the player's ranking, and a wealth value of 600 can browse the wealth list for three seconds. 】


  Almost forgot, she was in the game.

   Those who were so busy a few days ago that they hit the back of their heads with their heels thought that this was the real world, and it was indeed quite realistic.

   Having said that, is this wealth value just what you need to use to PK with other players after a year?

Finding a salt mine rewards 1,000 wealth points, which seems like a lot, but it costs 200 wealth points to take a look at your ranking, and 600 wealth points to browse the list for three seconds. It's like a skinny week.

  Although Xu Yin has no ambition to fight for the 100 million star coins, the hero and heroine are still there. Besides, other players are not vegetarians. Many of them, like Zhuo Linna, have rich experience in survival in the wild.

   But who doesn't want rewards!

  As for the ranking and who are the shortlisted people, she is not interested in knowing.

   If you read it, your ranking will not rise, and maybe it will fall after deducting the corresponding wealth value; if you don’t read it, it will definitely not fall.

  So, just roll up your sleeves and work hard!

  Mine salt actually contains a lot of impurities, Mavericks can lick it directly, but she dare not.

  She took down the stone knife wrapped in vines and tied to her calf, dug out a few pieces of whiter mineral salt, put it in a wooden barrel, and planned to boil it after removing impurities before drying it to eat.

   I don’t know if there are aborigines around here... Oh, they are not called aborigines, they should be called NPCs. If you sell their salt, I wonder if you can exchange some animal skins or other warm materials with them.

  Although it is summer now, people should plan ahead.

I don’t know if it was her idea that triggered the game plot, or she was really lucky (crossed out), when she got out of the cave and was still wandering around, she met a group of leaves, wearing pheasant feathers, holding a spear, chasing a Primitive man alone howling deer.

  However, the wild deer ran very fast, and a group of people were too tired and out of breath to catch up. When they were downcast, they saw Xu Yin, and their eyes lit up: "Great Witch! I finally waited for you, Big Witch!"


what's the situation?

  Xu Yin was dumbfounded.

  【Congratulations to the player @芳草阴阴阴 for ending her wandering journey and finding her own tribe, leading the tribal people out of the predicament of survival and leading a stable life! 】


   This group of NPCs with a total number of less than 20 people are her tribe's people?

  She is the great witch of this tribe?

  Oh, "Great Witch" is the character that the original body chose before entering the game.

  She believes that only by becoming the leader of the tribe can she hope to earn enough wealth to defeat other players and win 100 million star coins.

   But Xu Yin has no intention of becoming a leader, can she quit the tribe and form her own country?


  The game settings are so easy to change, unless all the people of the entire tribe die.


  Xu Yin had to follow them back to the tribe.

  The winged tiger was walking beside her with two cubs on its back.

   Accompanied by Yihu, Xu Yin felt much more at ease, and asked about the situation of the tribe while walking:

   "What is the name of our tribe?"

   "The Xu tribe was taken by the great witch, did the great witch forget?"

   "...cough, I haven't forgotten, how many people are there in our tribe?"

   "Currently there are seventeen people, but thanks to the great witch, the family of Daying will give birth soon, and there will be eighteen members soon."

   "There are other tribes near our tribe?"

"Yes. The nearest to us is the cross-river tribe on the other side of the river, but they are very exclusive. Except for the trade fair before winter, they are unwilling to contact the tribe outside. There are also the wings outside the two mountains. Tribe, but they are very cruel. At the trade fair three years ago, their people kidnapped Daying’s younger sister. Daying took people to rescue her, but she was beaten to death and carried back, and she was injured for a year. We Not their opponent at all."

  The Maverick seems to be very sensitive to the name of the Feather Tribe, and its wings trembled slightly.

  Xu Yin turned her head to look at it: "Sisters, the one who hurt you that time was someone from the Winged Tribe?"

   Maverick whimpered softly.

  Xu Yin patted it on the back: "Next time I have a chance, I will help you get revenge."

  Her tribal people look at her eyes with the same awe as they look at Mavericks.

   Their big witch is really powerful! Even subdued the quadruped winged beast.

  The name of this four-legged winged beast is a bit strange, it is called "sisters".

   "By the way, big witch, the leader of the Winged Tribe has always wanted to subdue a four-legged winged beast. If he knew that you surrendered before him, I wonder if he would hold a grudge."

  Xu Yin was thoughtful when she heard the words: In this way, the injury of the winged tiger was caused by the people of the winged tribe trying to subdue it. This is more disgusting and disgusting than ordinary hunting.

   "I see, you should also pay attention to safety." She said to the tribe's people, "If you meet someone from the Winged Tribe, run away if you can't beat them."


  The Xu clan, with less than 20 members, is stationed in a cave at the foot of the mountain.

  The people in the tribe are on their backs at the moment.

  Daying's daughter-in-law suddenly broke her amniotic fluid and was about to give birth.

  But no matter how hard the clansman who helped deliver the baby tried, it was still a while before the cub came out of the mother's womb.

  Daying's daughter-in-law was so hoarse in pain, she was so exhausted that her consciousness was almost blurred.

  Xu Yin never expected that the first thing she did when she arrived in the tribe was to help deliver the baby.

  Fortunately, she has experience in childbirth in many ancient small worlds, and she has also studied traditional Chinese medicine systematically.

   "The cervix is ​​too narrow. Boil hot water! Disinfect the stone knife!"

   "Prepare all available utensils with hot water."

   "Do you have fishbone needles and thread for sewing animal skin skirts? No thread? What is there? Fine vine grass? That's fine vine grass! The thinnest and toughest one is the same, and it will be sterilized with hot water for later use!"

   "Give her some water."

   "Lift her to the vent. On such a hot day, deliver the baby in a stuffy inner cave. Do you want her to suffer from heat stroke?"

  After issuing instructions one after another, Xu Yin said to Yihu again: "Sisters, I need you to help me pick some Panax notoginseng leaves that I fed you earlier."

   Maverick: "..."

  Are you taking tigers too seriously?

  (end of this chapter)

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