The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 869: Straw bag net red ancient farming (3)

  Chapter 869 Idiot Net Red Ancient Farming (3)

  Xu Yin really wanted to rub them.

   After all, who can resist such a round and cute plush!

  She moved her finger, but she didn't dare to do it. Even if the cubs don't refuse to be masturbated by her, their mother is still staring at them.

  Xu Yin waved to the family of three: "I'll go find something to eat, see you later!"

  She held a wooden stick and tapped along the way, occasionally looking up to see if there were any bird nests in the trees.

   There really are!

  On a tall tree branch, there is an oval bird's nest.

  She did a little light work, climbed up the tree branch, took two goose egg-sized bird eggs, and stuffed them into the big pocket of the hollowed-out clothes.

  After getting off the tree, she was about to continue walking, and found that there was also a hole at the bottom of the tree, but the entrance was relatively small, and people couldn’t get in. She took a look inside and saw what she found—

   Half of the tree hole hides nuts such as hazelnuts, walnuts, and chestnuts.

   She must have broken into some squirrel's nest, right?

  Looked up at the tall trees around. Since there are animals hoarding these things, it must not be a scarce commodity, and they should be found nearby.

   It’s just that these trees grow too tall. Standing under the trees and looking up, you can’t see what the leaves look like or whether they bear fruit.

   Climb up to distinguish it, how long will it take?

   Besides, judging from the color of the leaves and the temperature of the body, it should be summer now, and she also carefully identified the nuts in the tree hole, which should be old goods from last year.

  Thinking about it this way, she is not in a hurry to climb the tree, and she will climb the tree to pick nuts in autumn.

  Walking around the neighborhood, I picked up a handful of the same yellow fruit as yesterday, and was about to go home when I bumped into a pheasant that was out of its nest looking for food.

  The pheasant flapped its wings to escape, but was hit by a stone thrown by Xu Yin.

  Back to the tree hole, she threw the pheasant in front of the Maverick, and then got busy with her own breakfast.

   Picked up some dry firewood, ground a thin branch, drilled a few sparks in a few minutes, lit a bonfire, put the bird's egg next to the bonfire, and roasted it with the edge temperature.

   Maverick killed a chicken with a few mouthfuls, feeling better than last night, licking the cub's fur, and looking in the direction of Xu Yin from time to time.

  Xu Yin looked at the eggs and wondered where to get drinking water.

   Just walked around, but found no water source.

  Wild fruit can temporarily quench thirst, but it is impossible not to drink water all the time.


  With a thought, she logged into the system interface to check whether [Floating Light, Misty Rain] can be used in this world.

   Sure enough, it shows that it can be activated!

  However, she was a little uncertain.

   Inspired [Floating Light and Misty Rain], I wonder if it will leave clues in the program?

   But if you think about it carefully, casting skills is different from inexplicably having more things in your hands, right?

  It’s like her lightness skill and her permanent divine power. Compared with other people, it’s nothing more than a bit faster and stronger power, but it doesn’t make the game world more items that don’t belong here.

  The same goes for floating light and misty rain. The realistic game world will also rain. It is a natural phenomenon, not something created out of nothing.

  Thinking about it this way, Xu Yin stopped being entangled, and planned to go around after she was full. It would be best if she could find a water source, and if it couldn't, it would rain.

  When the eggs were baked, she ate one with juicy yellow berries, and saved the other for supper.

   On days when there is no stockpiling of food, three meals a day are reduced to two meals a day, and it is not easy to worry about tomorrow's food after the meal is over.

  After eating, she picked up the stick and planned to explore in another direction of the woods.


   Maga gave her a low whistle.

  Xu Yin looked at it in wonder: What's wrong? Something to explain?

  The two cubs rolled on the spot and rolled into the bushes behind the grass.

  This action seems to have been done countless times, and it is very slippery.

  After they were hidden, the winged tiger stood up, shook the fur on its body, waved its uninjured right wing, walked a few steps towards Xu Yin, and then lay down beside her, as if inviting her to get on its back.


  Xu Yin approached it tentatively: "You want to carry me to find the water source?"

   Maverick whimpered softly.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Sisters, then I am impolite?

  She stroked the winged tiger's back tentatively, and saw it tilted its head and gently rubbed against her waist.

  She no longer hesitated, turned over and sat on the back of the tiger.

   "Sisters, your wings haven't recovered yet, be careful."

  Winged Tiger carried her on his back, and walked through the forest unhurriedly, showing the aura of the king of all beasts. The little beasts in the forest fled in all directions, and all of them gave way.

  Xu Yin has ridden horses, cows, camels and elephants, but has never ridden a tiger, especially a tiger with wings.

  At this moment, she actually felt that this small world was pretty good, at least she experienced the happiness that other small worlds could not experience.

  I will tell people around me in the future: My sister once rode a Maverick, who will believe it?

  Xu Yin happily laughed all the way.

   Gradually, she discovered that there were many Chinese herbal medicines she knew along the way, so what are you waiting for!

   "Sisters, let me come down for a while, I'll pick some herbs and go back." She patted Maverick's back lightly.

   Maverick got down on the spot, let her down, and when she had had enough, continued to carry her forward.

  As the trees became more and more sparse, she finally saw the sunlight shining in the forest, with mottled light and shadow.

   After a while, she heard the sound of gurgling water.

  The scene in front of me is also suddenly clear—there is a cliff in front of me, and a small waterfall hangs on the cliff. The sun shines on the waterfall, and a rainbow can be seen vaguely.

  The water of the waterfall converges into a stream, winding down along the terrain.

  In the muddy grass on both sides of the stream, the footprints of several animals can be seen with the naked eye. It can be seen that many animals come here to drink water.

   After Maverick put her down, he walked to the stream to drink water.

  Xu Yin came to the waterfall, washed her face with running water, took a few handfuls of water, and drank a full meal.

  The water quality is clear and sweet, except that it has no spiritual energy, it is no less than the spiritual spring water she picked up in the cultivation world.

   Just how to stock up?

   Or, move to live near here?

   But there are too many animals here to drink water, who knows if there are any beasts.

   If you don’t see Mavericks, they all set up their nests in the woods.

  Finally, she chose to have a full meal, washed her hair, took a bath, sat on the stone by the waterfall, basked in the sun for a while, and when her hair was almost dry, she rode back on the back of a tiger.

  Go back and think about how to store water.

  After that, Xu Yin rode a Maverick to the waterfall to drink water and wash up the next day.

In the rest of the time, she sharpened stone knives, chopped tree trunks, chiseled wooden barrels, and set a trap in places where pheasants were haunted. From time to time, she would catch pheasants and hares and return. Supplementing nutrition can be said to be busy from opening eyes to dark.

  It wasn't until the day when Maverick's injured wing healed that she worked slowly and meticulously to polish a water storage bucket that could be carried.

  Brought a wooden barrel just out of the oven, rode on the Maverick, intending to carry a bucket of water back and store it in the tree hole, but the Maverick took her and the two cubs into the air.


   Good guy!

   After riding like a cow and a horse for a long time, I forgot that it can fly!

  But sisters, you can fly if you want, at least make a sound! Almost fell off.

  Xu Yin put out one arm to wrap around the Maga's neck, and the two cubs were very bold, lying on their mother's back, yelling happily.

  At this moment, she really realized that she was not riding an ordinary tiger, but a winged tiger that could fly and soar.

  Riding a winged tiger soaring between the heavens and the earth, how many lives can this Niu sister live.

  (end of this chapter)

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