The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 864: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (50)

  Chapter 864 Black and red top-notch scheming stepsister (50)

  He stretched out his hand and pulled her into the box.

He was the only one in the room, but on the wooden coffee table, there were two teacups. The tea had just been poured into the cups. It's what she likes to eat.

  What else does Xu Yin not understand?

  Looking up at him with a half-smile, "Does Sister Ru know you're here?"

   "No one knows I'm here except you and Jiani."

   "Your assistant..."

   "I drove here by myself."


  Xu Yin glanced at him with a smile, she was so courageous.

   "Aren't you busy recently?"

   "Busy." He brought her a cup of tea and looked up, "But no matter how busy you are, you can always find time, otherwise you won't be able to catch up with your girlfriend."

  Xu Yin bowed her head to drink tea, but did not answer his words.

  He Shi smiled, not objecting, which means there is hope.

   "Listen to you a song."

   "Is this your new song?"

  Xu Yin heard her brother mention that He Shi will release a new song this month, and the release date seems to

   "Then you still run out?"

  He Shi clicked on the mobile phone player: "Don't worry, the manager agreed."

  Agent: If you don’t agree, why don’t you come out? That being the case, what kind of villains are you doing?

   On the day of the sulfuric acid incident, although there was no official announcement, fans all recognized Xu Yin. It is said that if news of a love affair or marriage is exposed in the congratulations one day, the target is the "auntie" and they are all ok.

  In the quiet tea room, the prelude to the song flows slowly.

  The two sat side by side on the tatami, Xu Yin hugged a pillow in her hands, and He Shi supported his knees on his elbows, looking out at her beautiful side face.

  His singing voice is deep and affectionate, which is different from his usual speaking.

  Xu Yin listened to the slightly bitter lyrics, and turned to look at him. Coincidentally, he was also looking at her.

  Outside the window, the sun is shining and the red leaves are like fire. They are as enthusiastic as the witnesses of the two.

At some point, he held her hand, held her moist and tender catkins in his palm, followed the melody, and sang the last line in a low voice: " take a shallow look, I throw away the helmet Armor, lost the layers of camouflage stacked up for half a lifetime."

  Half poured out and half confessed, revealing all his thoughts in front of her.

   After the song was over, he pressed the pause button and looked at her with burning eyes: "Is it okay?"

  Xu Yin pulled her hand from his palm, and interlocked his fingers instead: "You have thrown away your armor and armor. If I don't want you, wouldn't it be miserable?"

  He exhaled lightly, and immediately felt happy physically and mentally. A series of low smiles escaped from the corner of his mouth, and he pulled her into his arms: "Thank you for wanting me."

   "Knock knock—"

  Outside the box, Qiao Jiani deliberately lowered her voice: "Sister Yinyin? Cousin? Are you all right? My aunt has asked me several times, and if I don't go back, they will come out to find Sister Yinyin."


  The question made it seem like they were having a private meeting.

  Xu Yin coughed lightly and pushed him: "I should go, you should go back too."

  He Shi not only did not let go of her, but hugged her even tighter.

  Who would be happy to be urged to separate just after establishing a relationship?

   "At least it's the day when the new song is released, so I'm a bit ambitious!" Xu Yin poked his chest.

  He Shi hugged her, his voice was lazy: "I want to lie flat."

  Go back and ask the broker to reduce the notice.

   Qiao Jiani's urging voice became louder: "It's not good, my mother and the others are coming out!"

"I am leaving."

   "Then give me a kiss."


  Xu Yin was helpless and amused, tiptoeing to lightly touch the corner of his lips, and then quickly retreated.

  He Shi touched his lips, followed his girlfriend's fleeing back, and smiled lightly.

   OK! Let me let you go this time, don't try to be so perfunctory next time.

  For the first time, he felt that Lao He's sentence "Come back and take a postgraduate exam" was quite pleasant to his ears.

  However, after careful consideration, when his professional knowledge dangling in half a bottle of water reaches the postgraduate entrance examination standard, there is a high probability that his girlfriend will have graduated from graduate school.

  After thinking about it this way, I’d better forget about it. Over the past two years, I’ve been calling and investing more, and I’ll be behind the scenes later, so I can post with her every day after I turn behind the scenes.


  Jiang Zhaoyu was announcing in the field when he learned that the two were together, and when the day was over, he was tired from not closing his eyes for two days, and rushed back overnight, calling He Shi to the bar where the two invested together at the beginning of the year.

   "Are you serious about my sister?"

   "If I'm not serious, I will chase her?"


   What the hell, he treats him like a brother, and asks him to take care of his sister when he can't get away, that's how the co-author takes care of her? They all took people to their nests.

  Jiang Zhaoyu gritted his teeth: "How long has it been? Don't be friends with me, but also to get close to her?"

   "You're thinking too much." He Shi laughed, "I know her after you, do you still remember the time I worked with you and went to your restaurant to eat grilled fish?"

  That was two years ago, Jiang Zhaoyu certainly remembered that the relationship between him and his sister had just improved at that time.

  He Shi played with the wine glass in his hand, the tenderness in his eyes poured out, without any concealment: "You can understand it as love at first sight."


   What the fuck...

  Jiang Zhaoyu couldn't answer for a while.

After a long time, he glared at his friend depressedly: "Since she agreed, we must treat her well and dare to do something wrong to her. Our brotherhood will come to an end. Although I am not her elder brother by blood, but so For many years, I have treated her like my own sister."

  Even during the years when she rejected him, hated him, and disliked him, he still thought so. Father Xu is his biological father, and Yin Yin is his biological sister for life.

  He looked at He Shi seriously and spoke clearly: "If one day, there is some conflict between you two that becomes irreversible, even if it is her fault first, don't blame me for not helping the relative."

   He Shi raised his glass and touched him: "There won't be that day, uncle."


   Minutes aroused the desire to beat him up.


   On the day of the official announcement of the relationship, He Shi's manager was ready for a tough public relations battle, but he didn't expect it to go beyond his imagination...

  How should I put it, it’s a bit sandy.

  In short, the homepage of his artist's social platform has left a lot of blessings, but more of them are strings of "hahahahaha"...

  [After Brother Shi was saved by a woman, did he decide to make a promise with his body hahahahaha...]

  [Brother Shi, what do you call each other in private? Auntie? Hahahahahaha...]

  [Brother Shi, we call her Mrs. Shi, you call her Auntie, what should you call us? Hahahahahaha...]

  He Shi's manager was all sweating for his artist, and his death was not so embarrassing.

  The client himself has long been immune.

  Whether it’s my sister or my aunt, they are all his people anyway, so you can say whatever you like.

  In a good mood, I replied to several fans’ comments:

  [It’s all in private, of course I call her dear, daughter-in-law, wife, baby...]

  [You have elder brothers before you have sister-in-law. Want to call her sister instead? Then don't you have to call me brother-in-law? ]


  Brother Shi has a girlfriend, has he completely let himself go?

  Brother Shi, I didn't expect you to be like this!

  (end of this chapter)

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