The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 863: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (49)

  Chapter 863 Black and red top-class scheming stepsister (49)

  The two parties were sitting in He Shi's nanny car, and followed the police car to the police station to take notes.

  He Shi was still checking whether Xu Yin was stained with sulfuric acid.

   "If you get on it, you must say it."

   "Really not."

  Xiaolu was driving, passing through the rush of traffic, his hand on the steering wheel was still trembling:

   "Brother Shi, I was scared to death just now. If Sister Yin hadn't reacted quickly and led you away, the consequences would have been disastrous."

  Paused for a moment, then boasted again: "Sister Yin was really sassy just now!"

  He Shi glanced at Xiaolu: "Why are you pretending to be tender? If I remember correctly, you are twenty-four this year. Why? Thinking that I am still a very tender little fresh meat, everyone calls me sister?"


  Xiaolu laughed a few times and didn't say anything more, slandering in her heart: If I call her sister-in-law, you must stop saying that.

  At this time, Xu Yin's cell phone rang, and she took it out of her coat pocket to look, "It's my brother."

   He Shi twitched the corner of his mouth, he must have seen the trending search and asked after him.

   Sure enough, the phone was connected. Jiang Zhaoyu first asked his sister if she was all right, and after making sure that she was all right, he asked, "Why are you with He Shi? He went to look for you?"

   He Shi cleared his throat aside; "Brother Yu..."

   "Why are you still here?"


  Xu Yin hurriedly said: "Brother, the police want us to make a record."

   "Then don't go with him, he has a lot of fans, and if there is any movement, he will be on the trending search, and it will be very noisy."

   Congratulations: "..."

  Brother, you are not talking about martial arts.

  Jiang Zhaoyu asked which police station, but Xu Yin didn't say.

  Traffic singers showed up at the police station one after another... The hot search list is probably going to be taken over by today's events.

  Although it is not much different from contracting—

Throwing sulfuric acid in public places is a vicious incident with great social harm, especially when it involves He Shi, a traffic star with 50 million fans, if there is another Jiang Zhaoyu who has been making announcements recently, she is afraid of being blocked by fans who come to hear the news Can't get out at the police station all night.

   Arriving at the police station, He Shi put on his mask and hat, and he didn't forget to put on a set for Xu Yin as well.

  He had several spare baseball caps in his car, and he picked the one with the smallest circumference and put it on her head, which was still a bit too big.

  Black mask, black hat, just like a young couple.

  Before getting out of the car, he looked back at her, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth under the mask.

  The police officers from the criminal investigation team came to take notes for them, and they also needed copies of their ID cards.

  He Shi's wallet was in the car, he called Xiaolu, Xiaolu brought it in for him, and asked cautiously:

   "Brother, we are the victim, so we still need to keep the case?"

  The police officer who received them laughed: "Don't worry, there is no record, it's just for the record."

   Xiaolu felt relieved, took out his ID card from his wallet, and handed it to the police officer.

  The police officer looked down, his eyes slightly surprised: "He Shijin? Aren't you He Shi?"

  He Shi responded, "He Shi is my stage name."

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Completely stunned.

  He Shi is his stage name?

  Real name is He Shijin?

  Teasing my sister to play!

  However, many entanglements in my heart disappeared at this moment.

  That night, Xu Yin’s live broadcast room was like spending money to buy fans. As soon as it was refreshed, the number of fans reached a new level.

   Some claimed to be cool because of her neat sweeping legs, some claimed to be He Shi's mother fans, under the banner of showing He Shixiang his girlfriend, but the comments in the comment area were:

  [What does Brother Shi call you? Aunt or sister? ]

   Similarly, He Shi's personal homepage was also hacked by fans. In just one night, there were over 100,000 comments, all of which were—

  [Brother Shi, how does it feel to be protected by my aunt? ]

  [Brother Shi, our aunt has learned martial arts? ]

  [Brother Shi, does Mama He know that you stole her little sister? ]


  Jiang Zhaoyu’s side is relatively better, but there are also many fans deliberately teasing him:

  [Brother Yu, what did Brother Shi call you in private? Hahahahahahaha...]

  These fans have completely ruined the term "auntie".

   So much so that several parties felt hot eyes when they saw the word "little aunt".

  He mother Jiang Yunru scolded her son on the phone:

   "You said that you are such a big boy, but you still want a little girl to protect you. Isn't it shameful? Don't think that Yinyin is my little sister. If you count her as your elder, she has the obligation to take care of you? It's a good idea!"

   Congratulations: "..."

   Headache frowned: "Mom, when did I want her to protect me?"

   "Didn't I see the video?"

  Jiang Yunru forwarded the video sent by sister-in-law to the group to her son.

   "Look! Isn't it embarrassing?"

  He Shi only glanced at it, then looked away, and wiped his face deeply.

   It can’t be said that this video is a spoof by netizens. It only captures a few seconds of her hugging him to avoid the acid attack and kicking the criminal, and she even named it "Women Save the Beauty".

   "Fortunately, Yinyin is fine, otherwise, peeling off all the skin on your body and planting it in her would not be enough to appease me!"

  Jiang Yunru scolded her son and felt much more comfortable. She hung up the phone and sent a voice message to Xu Yin. The elegant voice was so gentle that water dripped out:

   "Yinyin, are you free this weekend? Tingting found a good place to drink tea and enjoy the maple leaves. I'll take you there."

  Professor He, leaning on the head of the bed, paddling the pad to correct students' homework: "..."

   It is said that women change their faces like turning the pages of a book, which is true.

   When Xu Yin received the tea invitation from sister Ru, she was just painting it.

  She fell asleep, and when she woke up, she heard the ding sound of the system. The number of fans in the live broadcast room increased by hundreds of thousands every day, and now it has risen to more than 10 million. The achievement of a million praises has been achieved!

  The system rewarded her with 2% progress points.

  Although it is not a full reward, it is not bad.

   At least much, much earlier than her planned time.

After completing the extra task, Jiang Zhaoyu has basically got rid of the black and red top-tier persona. Through the program "Sound Into My Ears", more fans have seen his musical talent, and more fans have truly fallen in love with him and believed in him The road of music will go farther and farther and widen.

   For the rest of her life, she has nothing to worry about, and enjoying life naturally is the best plan.

   "Sure, sister, see you on the weekend!"

   In the blink of an eye, it was Saturday, and Jiang Yunru drove her to the Xiaoshan teahouse that He Siting had booked in advance to drink tea in the breeze.

  The teahouse is located halfway up the mountain, and as far as the eye can see, there are red leaves like fire.

  He Siting's daughter also came. When she saw Xu Yin, she rushed to sit beside her: "Sister Yin Yin, you are my aunt and mother's little sister, so do I have to call you aunt?"


  Jiang Yunru and the others laughed.

  I'm afraid this stalk will be hard to pass.

  Drinking tea halfway, Qiao Jiani said that she needed to go to the bathroom, so she took Xu Yin to go with her.

  He Siting scolded her with a smile: "Why do you need Yinyin to accompany you when you go to the toilet? You can't go by yourself?"

  Qiao Jiani is confident: "Girls always go to the bathroom together."

  Xu Yin said with a smile: "I just want to go out to see the mountain scenery, let's go together."

  Out of the box, Qiao Jiani took her arm and turned around, walking through a maple leaf corridor.

   "Sister, the scenery here is the most beautiful, I'm going to use the toilet, you can wait for me here."


  Just as Qiao Jiani left, the antique box door behind her creaked open.

  Turning his head, he looked into Jin He Shi's smiling eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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