The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 865: The top-notch scheming step-sister in black and red (end of this article)

  As soon as Xu Yin graduated from university, He Shi put on an engagement ring.

  The engagement banquet was not made public.

The official announcement is lively enough. Xu Yin always feels that marriage is a good marriage between two surnames. There is no need to announce it to the world. enough.

  Besides, engagement is a big deal, so what about getting married in the future?

  He Shi, who really wanted to show his intentions, hugged her and asked for a kiss: "Okay, as long as you like it."

   But even so, some photos still leaked out.

After all, I didn't ask my relatives not to take pictures. Regardless of others, Qiao Jiani took several pictures and posted them in Moments to show off her cousin and cousin's brother. One of them was He Shi holding Xu Yin The moment when the face is imprinted like a treasure like a kiss.

   Well, the whole internet knows again—He Shi's girlfriend has been upgraded to a fiancee.

  After getting engaged, Xu Yin continued to study for a graduate student, and two years later, she was recommended to the school for a Ph.D.

  During her Ph.D. study, she opened a design studio and assisted Professor He to take a few professional courses in undergraduate departments, and became a beautiful assistant lecturer in the mouth of A college students.

  He Shi gradually turned from the front to the back of the scene shortly after the engagement, and established his own music production company.

  But his appearance, height, noble demeanor, and of course, more importantly, his popularity has never diminished, which made many directors in the film and television circle throw olive branches.

  In order to promote his company, He Shi accepted a few movie scripts that he was interested in but did not conflict with his music career. I hope his company's music can be used for the opening, ending and theme songs.

  At first, people in the industry were not optimistic about He Shi's filming. He is good-looking and photogenic, so what? Making a movie is not like singing. The acting is too bad, but no audience will buy it.

   But unexpectedly, when his debut movie was released, everyone called him "face pain".

  Classic film critics even said such praises as "He Shi is the first person to sing in contemporary domestic entertainment, while You is the number one actor".

  Xu Yin was not very surprised.

   After all, "he" is still a super actor in a small world with online appearance and acting skills, and has won nine famous gold cups. Although there is no memory, these skills have been engraved in his bones presumably.

  Different from He Shi's transformation, Jiang Zhaoyu has always been immersed in the music world, writing constantly, writing an album every year, but the first is high quality.

   He may not sing all these songs by himself. People in the industry line up to ask him to sing, and they can't count the year and month they have been in line, let alone He Shi, a brother-in-law who has half a foot in the capital circle.

  The original words of He Shi: "You just create and leave the rest to me."

  The two of them teamed up to create a storm that swept across the music circle.

Jiang Zhaoyu's net worth is increasing every year, and Xu's father's restaurant business is also booming. The father and father not only paid off the loan on the townhouse in advance, but also bought a 300-square-meter detached house in the villa area where the He family is located. A villa, thinking that when my daughter (sister) gets married in the future, I can be closer to her.

As for this villa, Xu's father said to his son: "This villa is big enough for you to live in no matter how many children you have. It is reserved for you to get married. The townhouse is not for sale. It will be used as a dowry for Yinyin. I will stay in the restaurant for the elderly in the future." ,Good."


  Jiang Zhaoyu, who didn't even have an opposite **** around him, shook his head, maybe he might never get married in this life.

  He insisted not to: "The terraced house will be used as a dowry for Yinyin, and we will live together in this set. When Yinyin and Ah Shi have children, there will always be a few rooms here for my nephew."

Xu Yin watched them pushing back and forth whose name was written on the ownership certificate of the villa, and Asha waved vigorously: "Stop arguing, the one next door seems to have not been sold yet, I'll buy it, we live together in the other one; One will be used as a wedding room for my brother."


   Both father and son turned to look at her: "Where did you get the money?"

  Xu Yin spread her hands: "I haven't spent much of the advertising expenses in the past few years. I have used them for financial management. My fortune is pretty good."


  Forgot that my daughter (sister) even accepted a camera commercial. After a few years, she is already an invisible rich woman.

Jia brand camera, since Xu Yin’s live broadcast, has entered the field of vision of the domestic public. In the second year, it received a national-level purchase order, and the order volume has been rising. Last year, it successfully squeezed into the list of the world’s top ten smart camera brands. Its popularity and The sales volume can be imagined.

  If it is said that the Jia family gave Xu Yin the advertising fee in the first year because it was convenient for Uncle Jia to see his precious birds, then in the follow-up, it was because of her ability to carry goods.

   Without her live broadcast, I am afraid that the domestic market has not yet been opened, let alone the cooperation with national units.

   This win-win result saved enough money for Xu Yin to buy a villa.

  The family spent their savings, bought two villas together, and became neighbors in the same community as the He family.

  After He Shi found out, in order to buy more time for the two of them to live together, he bought a 500-square-meter top-level flat-floor near A University, that is, near Xu Yin's studio, as their wedding room.

   "We usually live here in the future, and go to the villa to accompany my parents on holidays. What do you think?"

  Of course Xu Yin has no objection.

   When moving, He Shi saw the log-colored vinyl record player, he raised his eyebrows: "Brother Yu sent you off?"


   "I remember I gave this to brother Yu. The clerk said that one is the same. Could it be that he lied to me?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  It turned out that the fate of this life was formed so early.


  The wedding of the two was held in the year Xu Yin graduated from graduate school.

Considering that the engagement was not a big deal, when they got married, Jiang Yunru directly rented an island and brought relatives and friends of the two families there, including friends in He Shi and Jiang Zhaoyu's circle. Holding a grand wedding can be regarded as a successful end to He Shiguan's announced love affair.

  He Junru and his wife only have such a son, and they are quite satisfied with Xu Yin, the daughter-in-law. The bride price is very generous, and they have everything they should have.

In addition, Jiang Yunru also gave Xu Yin a flower field that has been paid for a one-time lease of 30 years. It is not far from her planting base. For this reason, she spent a lot of time communicating with the contractors and replacing them, and finally put together a long-lasting The 99 mu is enough for Xu Yin to grow her favorite spice plants.

   This flower field was delivered to Xu Yin's heart, and it was more in line with her wishes than any other betrothal or congratulatory gift.

  With this flower field, after marriage, she still lived as fulfillingly as she did in college—when she was not taking classes, she would either go to the studio to draw design drawings, or go to the flower fields in the suburbs of Beijing.

  The nearly 100 acres of spices planted do not need to bother to find customers—

  Customers who like her design style and need spice plants in the project, order directly from her;

  Jiang Yunru's chain flower store has opened a special counter for spice plants. Except for long-term customers and old customers, passers-by will be attracted by the elegant and unique fragrance, and then buy a pot.

   In addition, a batch of dried spices should be left for Dad Xu's restaurant.

  The spices she grows are beautiful and fragrant when fresh, and have a long-lasting flowering period. When dried, they are full of particles and rich in fragrance. Over time, they have become the benchmark in the spice industry.

  Other flower shops saw that after Jiang Yunru's flower shop introduced spice potted plants, business was getting better every day, and they also bought a batch of spice potted plants, but obviously, customers didn't buy it.

  How can the spices grown from the seeds soaked in the spiritual mist be comparable to ordinary spices?

  Xu’s restaurant is the same. With the spices provided by Xu Yin, the grilled fish and stewed vegetables are full of aroma. When passing by, I want to go in and eat it. People even reported that they used inappropriate ingredients.

  But after inspection, it was found that it was the quality of the spices. All of a sudden, a number of restaurant owners came to ask Dad Xu where they got the spices, and when they learned that his daughter had grown them himself, it was hard to express their envy and jealousy.

  In short, the spices grown in the 99-acre flower field are not only not worrying about sales, but sometimes the supply of the public greening design projects in the community is in short supply.

  Perhaps because of the same city, there seems to be no big difference before and after marriage.

  When Xu Yin is not busy, she tries to go back to the villa every weekend to accompany Xu's father, and also spares time to chat and have a meal with her parents-in-law.

  The courtyard landscape of the villa was designed by herself, and a double-story bird house was also installed.

   But the bird house is currently empty, no birds live in it.

  Jinsi and Huahua are old enough to die, but their children still choose the bird house in the courtyard of the row house, and refuse to go anywhere.

  Xu Yin had to visit them every few days to replenish the trough, change the water, and tinker with the spices in the garden. The live broadcast is still on 24 hours a day.

  Fans in the live broadcast room witnessed that Jinsi and Huahua each became mothers, and gave birth to a litter of little Jinsi and Xiaohuahua, starting a new round of racial continuity and taking over the baton of life inheritance...

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