The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 860: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (46)

  Chapter 860 Black and red top-class scheming stepsister (46)

"Sister Yinyin, it's my birthday next Wednesday. My sister-in-law insists on celebrating my birthday, saying that it's more lively when I get older, so you come too. No one else, you've seen all my best friends. Don't give gifts, either. I am very happy when people come.”

  On a rainy autumn weekend, Xu Yin was sitting on the lazy sofa reading a book by the floor-to-ceiling windows when she received a call from Jiang Yunru.


  If my sister celebrates her birthday, then she will definitely go to celebrate.

  Although Sister Ru said that no gifts are allowed, there is no reason to come to celebrate a birthday with empty hands.

  She rummaged through the system warehouse and prepared a set of epiphyllum-scented fragrance sets.

  Wednesday morning, she received a message from the counselor in the class group, saying that students who do not participate in the internship need to go to her office to fill out a form as soon as possible to facilitate school statistics.

  Now that I have returned to school, I simply went to the library to read a book for a while, and planned to take a taxi directly from school to Rujie’s house in the evening.

  At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Yunru called and said that she would come to pick up cakes near University A later, and she would pick her up when the time came.

  Xu Yin didn't refuse.

   At 4:30 in the evening, the pure black Volkswagen Phaeton stopped at the position that Rujie said. She stepped forward quickly, and after getting closer, she realized that it was not Rujie who was driving, but...

   "...Uh, Professor He?"

  Xu Yin was stunned. Did she find the wrong car?

"Hahaha!" Jiang Yunru was sitting in the back row holding a big cake, delighted by her expression, "I was betting with Lao He just now, what expression would you have when you saw the two of us appearing together. It seems that I won! Get in the car! Silly boy! The rain is wet on your shoulders!"


  Xu Yin quickly put away her umbrella and got into the car while digesting what sister Ru said.

  The car started slowly and drove away from University A through the rain curtain.

  Zhao Mingxuan, who was hiding from the rain at the opposite bus stop, narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene.

   Isn’t this He Junru’s car? That undergraduate student who snatched his project got into He Junru's car?

   If these two people are not tricky, he will eat **** and swallow the keyboard!

  Zhao Mingxuan stared at the distant figure of the car, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

  Before he was worried that he would not be able to graduate, so he dared not complain about his mentor. Now that he has graduated, he has some grudges, and it is time to take revenge.

  That night, a very convincing post appeared in the gossip exchange area of ​​the campus forum:

  #Professor surnamed He of the Design Institute and some unspeakable things about a certain undergraduate girl#

  Everything is described with nose and eyes.

  Who doesn’t like to read this kind of gossip?

   Not long after, the melon-eating student who was caught fish in class, you said "fuck" and I said "true or fake", and they were sent to the headlines of the forum, with a bright red "explosive" buoy.

   The good-natured people didn't get enough melons, so they moved this post to other social platforms, and now they have more followers.

  People are always sensitive to this kind of thing, especially since the person involved is a postgraduate tutor and undergraduate student of a 985 university. Can you not be shocked?

  [It is said that this girl was admitted to this professor's graduate school. Could it be that the graduate school is also tricky? ]

  [This is our academy's top student, she doesn't look like that kind of person. ]

[ah? The flower of the School of Food Science? Isn't that Xu Xueba who is a double major in design and has won several scholarships? I heard that before the police report that the media spread rumors about her, she was almost stripped of her scholarship. It was Professor He who came forward to intercede for her. ]

[Oh my God! There is such a thing? Ask for a strict investigation! ]

  [Must be strictly investigated! Return the students a level playing field! ]

  [With just a photo and a few paragraphs of text, the person involved has been labeled as a ghost and a monster. What era are we going back to? ]

  [Let the bullet fly for a while, maybe it will reverse. ]

  In short, some people believe it, and some people don't.

  The moment before this topic became a trending topic, Xu Yin was still celebrating Sister Ru's birthday at He's house.

  Professor He and his brother-in-law went to the side hall to drink tea and chat after dinner, and several ladies gathered around the dining table to continue tasting fine wines.

   After eating the birthday banquet, sharing the cake, and being dragged by sister Ru's best friend to taste two kinds of imported fruit wine, Xu Yin's fair cheeks were stained a little blush.

  Jiang Yunru pulled her over with a smile and looked at her a few times: "If you don't know how to drink, don't drink so much, you will have a headache in a while. You guys really like to drink, and you even bring the little girl to drink."

   "It's our fault. The conversation got exciting. I'm so happy. I didn't expect her to get drunk after a drink."

   "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I'll take her home later." He Siting said.

   "Mom, aunt, cousin is back!"

  He Siting's daughter Qiao Jiani ran in happily and said.

  Heshi dressed in black, braved the cold and drizzle of late autumn, and rushed home before the end of the birthday party.

  The moment he entered the door, his eyes fell on Xu Yin.

   "Happy birthday, Mom."

   "Ouch, our big star is here!" He Siting joked, "You just came after we finished eating? Are you leaving soon?"

   "Well, let's come and see my parents, and I'll leave later."

  He presented a gift he personally selected, and was pushed by Jiang Yunru to sit down at the dining table: "Even if you leave, you should eat something. It seems that your complexion is not very good. Have you been turning day and night upside down recently, and your meals are not regular?"

  The place where He Shi sat down was just to the right of Xu Yin.

  He tilted his head and glanced at her: "Long time no see."


  Xu Yin was dumbfounded.

  The sworn sister Gan and Professor He are husband and wife, and the stepbrother's friend is sister Ru's son?

   Is it because she knows too few people? After a round, are they all acquaintances?

   "Ashi knows Yinyin?"

  He Siting asked in surprise.

  Jiang Yunru gave his son a meaningful look, then turned to his sister-in-law and said, "Yinyin's elder brother is friends with Ah Shi."


  He Siting seemed to understand, and met Jiang Yunru's eyes.

  The sisters-in-law hid aside and bit their ears, sneaking glances at the two young men from time to time, then turned their heads to snicker.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  It's so obvious, is it still called biting your ears? Why don't you just say it louder so my sister can listen too?

He Shi picked out a few edible things, took a few mouthfuls to fill his hungry stomach, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and asked Xu Yin, "Are you going home or going to school? I happen to be leaving too. Alright, I'll see you off on the way."

  You haven’t decided on your home or school, so you just say drop in?

   Such an obvious hint, except for Qiao Jiani, who just entered junior high school, who could not understand it?

   No, He Siting immediately continued: "Oh, I just remembered that I have to go to Grandma Jiani's place. Ah Shi, it would be great if you could send Yinyin back, so I won't have to take a detour."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  You can arrange it a little more clearly.

  He Shi let out a low laugh from the corner of his mouth, stood up first, and accepted Jiang Yunru's birthday return gift for her: "Let's go, while the rain is light now."

   "Be careful on the road." Jiang Yunru sent them to the door, and told her son, "Be sure to send her to the place, and don't leave people halfway."

  He Shi felt that his mother was here to tear down the stage, and said speechlessly, "When did I do such an unreliable thing?"

   "There is no best, in short, we must send people safely."


  He Shi held an umbrella to protect Xu Yin and got into the car.

  As soon as Xiaolu was ordered to drive, Xiaolu exclaimed: "Brother Shi is not good! Someone is Heihe Professor!"

  (end of this chapter)

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