The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 859: Black and red top class scheming stepsister (45)

  Chapter 859 Black and red top-notch scheming stepsister (45)

  [Sister, do you sell your saffron? I'll buy! ]

A knowledgeable fan commented that the saffron planted by Xu Yin has pure red stigmata, thick and long filaments, and it is grown under their noses. It is definitely not produced by chemical fertilizers. The quality is super-grade, and it is many times better than the saffron on the market. .

  When one person says to buy it, many people want it.

  Xu Yin's private messages were filled with fan comments again.

  How could she have time to browse the backstage at this time, she was busy in the courtyard during the day, and went to the store to help Dad Xu in the evening.

Dad Xu was recognized by fans as the owner of Xu’s Restaurant because he often came to the backyard to feed the birds, and when he thought of the hot search in the past, he suddenly realized—no wonder He Shi would go to a small street restaurant like Xu’s Restaurant to eat. It turned out that it was Jiang Zhaoyu’s home Yes, the friendship between him and Jiang Zhaoyu became known to the public after the broadcast of "Sound Into My Ears".

  Jiang Zhaoyu also gained a lot of fans who really like his music because of this show.

  The business of the Xu family restaurant has thus reached another level.

   Fans of He Shi and Jiang Zhaoyu came to the store in small groups to support them, just to meet their idols by chance.

   What's more, the facade of Xu's restaurant is so beautiful, it has become a well-known check-in spot for Internet celebrities from far and near.

  The Emerald Hutong outside the third ring road has thus become the most popular restaurant street in the capital. There is no need to wait for the food festival, and there are people coming and going on weekdays, and the business is booming.

  The other shops in the Hutong all know that they are thanks to Xu's restaurant. Although they envy Dad Xu's business, they are not jealous. Without him, their business would not be as good as it is now.

  Only the small restaurant next door to Xu's Restaurant had to close its doors and quit the lease because of the lackluster business long before the program "Sound Into My Ears" aired.

  Xu Yin took out a sum of money from the advertising fee and asked Father Xu to sell the store. After the opening, Xu's restaurant will have three storefronts.

  The proprietress who quit the lease, opened a shop in another place and still didn’t make much money. Seeing that the business in Feicui Hutong is so good now, she regrets so much that her intestines are green.

   But even if she wanted to return to Emerald Hutong, there was no storefront for her to rent.

  The prices of facades in other locations have recently increased. Where can I rent them at the original price?

  When Xu Yin arrived at the restaurant, it was not time for the evening market to open, but the store was already full, and the line waiting for a seat at the door had passed the canteen.

  The proprietress of the commissary is smiling, because the customers who are waiting for a seat are thirsty or addicted to cigarettes, so they will spend more or less at her house, and her business has improved a lot because of this.

She was eating melon seeds and chatting with these customers waiting for a seat at the door. When she saw Xu Yin coming, she greeted her from afar: "Yin Yin, come to the store to help your dad? I haven't seen you for a while. I heard from your dad that you are going to take the postgraduate entrance examination. , study is hard, huh?"

  Before Xu Yin could speak, the waiting team became commotion:

   "Is she Jiang Zhaoyu's younger sister?"

   "Damn it! It looks beautiful up close, no less than some celebrities."

   "Sister! Sister, I'm your fan! Can you be more flexible and let us eat your food in advance!"

   "You are dreaming! Which of us is not a fan?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   She didn't come to the store to help out for half a semester, and she really didn't expect this scene.

   The customers are too enthusiastic, and she can't stand it.

  Finally, Dad Xu rescued her: "Yinyin, this order is a bit far away, and the rider can't get it, so you can deliver it. After delivery, go home. It's rare to have a rest. Just rest at home, and the store is busy."

  Xu Yin looked down at the sticky note on the packing box, the address Dad Xu asked her to deliver was Jiang Zhaoyu's studio.


   It seems that her brother is also greedy for food at home.

   It wasn't until he arrived at her brother's studio and found that He Shi was there, that he realized that it was He Shi who suggested ordering takeaway from her home.

   He Shi hadn't seen her for a long time, at this moment, the emotion buried in his heart surged out like a rising tide, and he almost couldn't hide it.

  Depressing the corners of his eyes that were faintly red from restraint, he looked at her calmly, and asked, "Why did you send it here? How dangerous is the road."

  Jiang Zhaoyu said angrily: "You still order, knowing that the delivery is beyond the range?"

  He Shi smiled helplessly: "I thought Xiao Wu or the new Xiao Fu would give it to me."

  He really didn't expect her to send it, otherwise he wouldn't have dressed so casually.

  Xu Yinpi said: "Thanks to the two elder brothers, the business in the store is no longer divided into low and peak seasons. It is full every day, and Xiao Angkor and the others can't leave."


   "Hey, why are you free to go to the store today? Didn't you say you are preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination?" Jiang Zhaoyu was concerned about his sister's recent situation.

   "Baoyan has come ashore." Xu Yinyan shared the good news with them with a smile.

   "Then we have to celebrate!" He Shi suggested, "Are you free tomorrow? I'll treat you to dinner."

  By lowering his head to eat the grilled fish, the lowered eyelids covered the unknown stars in his eyes.

   "If you want to please, I will please." Jiang Zhaoyu gave He Shi a glance, he is the real brother, okay.

  Turning to his sister, "What would Yinyin want to eat?"

  Xu Yin shook her head: "Forget it, it's inconvenient for you to go out to eat, let's talk about it later."

  The last time I went out to eat, it was a trending search, not to mention now—excluding black fans, her brother is now a top-notch music circle with 30 million fans.

   Seeing that they were almost done eating, Xu Yin got up and was about to go home.

   "I'll see you off." He Shi got up and picked up his coat, "Xiao Lu is waiting below, and I'll take you back along the way."

  Jiang Zhaoyu saw that it was already half past seven, and it was already dark, so he was really worried about letting his sister go back alone, but he still had work at night.

   "Then it will trouble Ah Shi."

  Xu Yin glanced at He Shi, just in time for him to look over, and the eyes of the two were inadvertently glued together.

  Traveling through so many small worlds, and talking about so many relationships with Comrade Xiao Jin, if she still can't see He Shi's intentions, she will be blind to the love experience of these lifetimes.

   But she wasn't sure if he was "he".

  Every time we met before, his name would be revealed to her—

  The person she has a crush on and wants to develop, happens to have the word "Jin" in his name.

  After several lifetimes, the name has become a cheating tool for her to identify whether it is "him".

   But this time... she was a little bit uncertain.

   Feeling, but not sure.

   Can only be given to time, let time prove whether he is "he".

Fortunately, she is very busy. Although Baoyan has landed, there is still a yard full of spices, and the spice fields at Rujie's planting base need to be taken care of. Professor He often has projects called for her to design gardens. Too much leisure to entangle the relationship between children and children.

   In this way, He Shi suffered a lot.

  Like someone for the first time, want to see her, contact her, get close to her, and even write songs that reveal the sourness and humbleness of secret love.

  After listening to his new song, Jiang Zhaoyu had a strange look in his eyes: "Your song..."


He Shi was lazily leaning on the back of the sofa, and the long legs that made countless fans scream as soon as he appeared on the stage were casually placed on the coffee table. The bangs that crossed the eyebrows, the drooping eyelashes, and the shadow of the lower eyelid all exuded abstinence and decadence breath.

   "It feels like it was written by someone who has had a crush on him for many years and hasn't achieved a positive result." Jiang Zhaoyu raised his eyebrows, and looked at his friend jokingly, "Is the prototype your own? Tsk, how miserable!"


  Very well, I won’t even think about calling you “Brother Uncle” when you become one in the future.

  (end of this chapter)

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